Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 796 The Direction Of The Thunder Madman King

When a team on the ground was chased by the flying monster bow in the air, they wanted to avoid the beasts in the air.

All you have to do is find a place to hide.

For example, in a dense forest, or in some steep and narrow mountains, or in a cave!

The Thunder Crazy King, before he became a madman, also lived on the west side of the Dinglong Mountains, that is, the area around the Ye Qiong tribe.

So I am very familiar with the terrain of this area.

The Thunder Madman King's eyes are now on the peak of the Dinglong Mountains.

As if thinking of something, the anxiety on the face of the Thunder Madman King is even greater, but in this anxiety, there are also some feelings of expectation and entanglement.

He seems to be weighing the pros and cons, thinking about where to escape with the current situation...

To escape!



A slender black shadow galloped towards the Thunder Madman King.

As the Thunder flew up, the Thunder Madman King had already entered his range, Ye Qiong directly shot one of the only two bone crystal arrows at the Thunder Madman King!

The Thunder Madman King, who had already discovered Ye Qiong and Lei Ting, was ready now. After feeling the killing intent behind him, he turned half of his body around, raised his broad sword, and stabbed his bones once again. The crystal arrows were blocked elsewhere.

There was the last bone crystal longbow left behind, Ye Qiong did not continue to draw it out, but started to draw out the iron arrows behind his back one by one, knocking out the thunderbolt madman king on the ground. , as a moving target.

This is air superiority!

Compared with the two, the Thunder Madman King on the ground has no power to fight back now. As long as Ye Qiong controls Thunder and maintains a certain height in the air, the Thunder Madman King will not be able to launch a counterattack in the next life.

After shooting five arrows, finally one arrow hit the back shoulder blade of the Thunder Madman King!

The Thunder Madman King felt the stinging pain on his shoulders and the injuries he had left from the battle with Ye Qiong just now.

Then he slapped the remaining king carrion-eater on the forehead with a slap, and the king carrion-eater suddenly turned around and started running towards the Dinglong Mountains.

After glancing at the peak of the Dinglong Mountains, the thunder and lightning madman king's eyes fell directly on an area...

The area of ​​the cave defense line.

Now the Thunder Madman King is staring at the location of the cave!

He seems to know that there is a cave over there!

Perhaps, long ago, when the Ye Qiong tribe was not stationed here, he knew about it, and he might even have lived there for a while.

After all, this guy wants to become a madman king, not counting the human time before him. He has lived on Xue Xing as a madman for at least ten years!

So knowing that there is a cave over there is actually not a strange thing.

Ye Qiong immediately realized where this guy wanted to go after seeing the Thunder Madman King change direction.

He may not know yet...

Inside the cave, an eyeless monster appeared!

Maybe he knew it, but the current situation, for him, if he didn't avoid the attacks of those flying beasts in the air in time, he would explain it here today.

There is no rock mass under the ground or above the ground, the beast tide and the mad crowd he led will die under the claws of those flying beasts in the air sooner or later!

If you can enter the cave in his impression, then there is still a chance! After the decision was made, the Thunder Madman King let the remaining king carrion-eaters run at the fastest speed. While running, he pulled the reins back and forth in his hands, so that the king carrion-eaters could move in that irregular motion. Come dodge Ye Qiong's shot in the air.

The current location of the Thunder Madman King is about ten kilometers away from the cave, and it is closer to the coal mine base.

From the current point of view, this has been the beast tide and the mad crowd, and it will soon cross the coal mine base.

The king's carrion-eating beast also let out a loud roar, and the beast tide behind him immediately followed.

After this battle, Ye Qiong also discovered one thing, that is...

King-level scavengers can control the beast tide. Their rank seems to be higher than normal king beasts, and they can also control them.

If it is an ordinary beast, and wants to control the beast of the king's initial strength, then their own strength must be at least two ranks higher than the initial king beast, that is, they must reach the king's Late Stage or above!

If this conversion is made, it also means that the scavenger beasts of the early stage of the king, let alone their own strength, have the ability to summon the beast tide, which is comparable to the monster of the late stage of the king! ..

As for their own true strength, they can be judged by the fact that they can gain some upper hand in the battle with Thunderbolt, and they have the strength of the King Middle Stage.

A strange species that came from the extreme cold of the North...

As for the extremely cold land in the north, there are probably many more powerful carrion beasts than the king carrion beast, and even some mutant beasts!

As far as the environment is concerned, the degree of coldness there is much higher than that of the Dinglong Mountains. Even in summer, most areas are frozen. Where do you want to survive? Food It's a nightmare challenge.

There are records in the tribe about the extremely cold places in the north, but there are not many, just sporadic things. For example, in winter, there are no seas in the extremely cold places in the north and the periphery, only ice layers!

Iron arrows were shot down from the air by Ye Qiong.

The Thunder Crazy King galloping towards the cave above the ground still belongs to Ye Qiong's living target.

Now Ye Qiong and Lei Ting's positions have come to the front area of ​​the golden eagle group, and the golden eagles behind Lei Ting followed closely, repeating the movements of flying up and falling to clean up the fleeing eagles. Beast tide and crazy crowd.

In the distance, the soldiers who stayed behind at the coal mine base immediately hid in the underground coal mine when they saw the beast tide and mad crowd swept in.

The dozen or so warriors are too small compared to the beast hordes and the mad crowd rushing in. What they can do is to quickly close the underground entrance on the side of the coal mine base. Just trouble.

Above the coal mine base, there are no buildings and no defense lines, so the beast tide and the mad crowd just pass by.

Soon, under the leadership of the Thunder Crazy King, they came to the coal mine base. Some monsters were accidentally squeezed into the hole and jumped up.

After the beast swarm and the mad crowd passed, the soldiers opened the doors of several entrances, cleaned up a few injured beasts that fell, and then climbed out.

What I can see at this moment is the warriors chased by my own tribe in two waves.

The soldiers of the canyon base led by Kuang Beili, and the soldiers of the southern timber base led by Qinglie and the forest ancient ape.

Those galloping golden eagles in the air are still relatively unfamiliar to the soldiers of the coal mine base.

They had also been mining at the coal mine base last summer, so they had never seen Thunder.

From the offensive and chasing actions of those Golden Eagles, it can be seen that they are on the side of their own tribe.

The fact that Patriarch had subdued a golden eagle with a gust of wind, the soldiers at the coal mine still knew, but what they didn't know was that such a large group appeared.


The thunder and lightning madman king, who rushed in front of the beast tide and the mad crowd, has already rode the king carrion beast and came to the defense line of the cave!

The soldiers of the cave defense line, and entered the bunkers of the defense line.

Five giant crossbows!

Has entered a state of waiting...

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