Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 800 Landing

Looking at the king carrion-eating beast whose speed does not drop but increases as the altitude increases...

Ye Qiong, who was riding on Lei Ting's back, knew very well in his heart that he couldn't continue chasing him.

Now his body can't hold it anymore. Compared with the Thunder Crazy King, Ye Qiong's inherent disadvantage in terms of physical fitness is difficult to make up for.

From the fact that the Thunder Maniac King was able to run to the extremely cold land in the north and capture the king carrion-eating beast, it can be seen that this guy's cold resistance ability no longer belongs to the category of human beings.

While the madman's physique has improved, his body's cold resistance has also been greatly improved. As a madman king who has been wandering on Xue Xing for more than ten years, his body's cold resistance is also a bit terrifying.

As the altitude continued to increase, the monsters that followed the Thunder Madman King and the King Carrion Beast finally couldn't hold it anymore, their speed began to drop sharply, and a few stopped directly, it seemed that they had already touched them the limits of your own body.

Now the ones who can keep up with the Thunder Madman King are those mutant madmen riding high-level scavengers.

As for those ordinary madmen riding carrion beasts, the speed has also begun to slow down at this moment. Seeing that they can't keep up, the Thunder Madman King has no intention of slowing down and waiting for them.

The fleeing team evolved into a team and rushed into the clouds above the peak!

When the figure of the Thunder Madman and the mutants disappeared into the mist, Ye Qiong immediately pulled the reins on Thunder's neck. At this moment, Ye Qiong's own breathing had a problem. At the same time as it became rapid, I felt the moisture in my lungs, and it seemed to be a little bit of a sign of freezing.

Under the leadership of Thunder, the golden eagle in the air began to lower its flight height.

As for the beasts and madmen above the peak who have become sluggish, there are only a small number left. It seems that even if there is no attack from the Golden Eagle, they will not be able to last long.

The golden eagle can fly down directly, but for those monsters with half waists in the peak, it will take time for them to go down, and the temperature of the area where they are located seems to have not allowed them to run down.

After realizing the crisis, Ye Qiong resolutely gave up on those demon beasts and madmen, and flew down directly on the thunderbolt with the galloping golden eagle group.

Qinglie and Forest Ancient Ape, who had been chasing in front of them, as well as the warriors catching up with the two bases, and parked in the lower positions, the Demonic Wolf in the Snow Region was not running fast with the human being supported...

Especially when climbing, the speed is even slower, and it is impossible to chase.

The forest ancient ape could continue to pursue, but Qinglie also decisively told Xinka and the others to stop. This kind of peak area is not a place where the forest ancient ape can exert its strength.

The avalanche the year before last reduced the snow on the top of the peak a lot, so the ice layer above was not thick.

After Ye Qiong rode down the Thunder, his face was as frosty, he endured the discomfort in his lungs and returned to the defensive wall on the side of the cave.

On this side of the stone defense line, there are no longer any demon beasts and madmen who can stand!

After the Thunder Crazy King came out of the karst cave riding the monarch scavenger beast, he summoned the beast hordes and mad crowds inside the karst cave and outside the stone defense line behind him.

Still a cannon fodder!

Without those monsters and madmen to attract the attention of the golden eagle, the Thunder Crazy King and the king scavenger would be caught by the golden eagle.

Under the stone defense line, there are full of corpses of monsters and madmen. Compared with the stone city wall in the north of the central tribe, the number of corpses of monsters and madmen here is much less, but it needs to be concentrated, so if it looks like it, give it to someone. A strong visual impact.

The corpses of demon beasts, madmen, and those carrion beasts were next to each other, or stacked together, and the blood that flowed out formed red ice crystals just like the stone wall in the north!

Ye Qiong jumped off Lei Ting's neck and immediately covered his chest. The feeling right now is not very good...

Several soldiers had already rushed out of the wall of the stone defense line, and after they came to Ye Qiong, they wanted to help Ye Qiong into the wall.

Inside the wall with coal heating, it is very warm.

Ye Qiong's appearance at the moment is indeed a bit miserable. His face was pale, but it was a bit like the bloodless face of a madman. You can fully imagine what it would feel like to ride a flying beast and fly at a high altitude in winter...

Even on the ground where the relative temperature is much higher, in winter, ordinary human beings ride on the snow wolf and run on the ground at a speed of dozens of yards. This state is unbearable for normal human beings. too long.

Thunder's flying speed in the air was very fast. In addition, Ye Qiong's body had frozen into ice crystals of blood. The soldiers who rushed out from the wall of the defense line were also startled when they saw Ye Qiong. Jump.

Ye Qiong waved at the soldiers, indicating that he was fine, and he really couldn't enter the wall directly at this moment.

Compared with the outside, the temperature inside is too high. After the temperature difference exceeds a certain value, whether it is a human being or a monster, the body cannot directly adapt to the two environments. If it is not good, it will cause a stress response.

If it's serious, the person will just die...

Ye Qiong looked up at Lei Ting, this guy seemed to be fine!

King-level monsters, their adaptability is really powerful.

Let the soldiers around him go to clean the battlefield. Ye Qiong sat cross-legged on the ground. After his lungs felt better, he got up and moved his body and carefully checked his body. hurt.

The more serious injuries are the right arm and lower abdomen. The right arm was cut by the Thunder Madman King's broad knife. The blood oozing out of the wound at this moment has already solidified with the blood crystals on the animal skin coat. Together, the temperature on the arm is not enough to melt it. Ye Qiong's entire right arm now feels cold, and it needs to be in a room above zero to melt the ice crystals.

As for the injury on the lower abdomen, it belongs to the internal injury. When he was fighting against the Thunder Crazy King on the northern stone city wall, he was kicked twice in the lower abdomen!

Ye Qiong's ability to fight is very strong, even so, after being firmly hit by the Thunder Madman King, Ye Qiong felt that his intestines were about to be kicked out by that guy. ..

After the abnormal feeling in the lungs disappeared, a small team rushed up above the stone defense line city wall.

Qinglie and Qingzhi...

And Xinka and the others who are following behind the two men...

Seeing Ye Qiong sitting cross-legged on the ground, Qingzhi trotted all the way over...


The war is over!

This time, the war with the Thunder Madman is over!

But the finishing touches have only just begun.

The treatment of the wounded and the disposal of the remains of the sacrificed soldiers all require the soldiers to continue.

Fortunately, the clansmen can also participate in these tasks.

Ye Qiong knew very well in his heart that this war with the Thunder Madman King belonged to the tribe's tragic victory!

Sacrificed too many soldiers...

Ye Qiong came from the air riding a Thunderbolt, so he has a very wide field of vision, and can intuitively feel how tragic the battle on the ground was before he came over with the Thunderbolt and the Golden Eagles!

Such a victory is not a victory for the tribe. In a sense, it is a defense and exposure to this crisis.

As for how many crises like this are, no one knows, but Ye Qiong and the warriors know very well in their hearts that it will never be the last time!

With the help of Qingzhi, Ye Qiong walked into the wall of the defense line and looked up at the blue mother star in the sky.

Under the light of the stars, it is still so clear and bright, like a paradise in a dream, exuding vitality...

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