Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 803 Number Of Casualties

On the west side of the Dinglong Mountains, a black figure rushed out of the cave defense line.

The weather is good, the wind is sunny, and the sky is clear!

Above the Yaoyao sky, the blue mother star exudes a charming brilliance.

An elusive dream, for the current Xue Xing human beings, it is indeed true.

Ye Qiong rode Deng Dian all the way to the outside of the northern stone city wall.

The scene in front of me is much better than the purgatory realm three days ago, but it looks a little scary now, some Magical Beasts and the stumps of madmen and carrion beasts that have not been cleaned up in time, has solidified to the ground.

Some of them are the remains of warriors. Although it has been three days, it is not so easy for the clansmen to clean up the huge beast tide. The large-sized Magical Beasts, Death, a few hours later, in the low temperature It will be completely frozen.

Frozen Banger's hard corpse is too much trouble to dismember.

The priority of clearing the battlefield is the remains and short limbs of the soldiers.

It is worth mentioning that there is no need to worry about confusing the stumps and broken arms of the soldiers with those of the madman. The difference between the two is quite big.

The skin of a madman is different from that of a normal person. While there are more hairs, the blood on the amputated arm is pale yellow, as are the blood vessels inside, so it can be distinguished at a glance.

Therefore, the stumps of the madman that were not cleaned up in time were fused with the red ice crystals on the ground, and they looked a little scary.

When Ye Qiong rode Danny over from the cave defense line, he saw some scavengers gathered on the road.

It's just an ordinary scavenger, not the Thunder Crazy King who came back from the extreme cold of the North. There is no sense of that kind of community. At most, a dozen of them gather together and sway in some areas on the edge of the mountains. on.

Those scavengers who smelled the bloody smell of the northern stone city wall gathered towards this side, so some warriors cleaned up the scavengers that occasionally rushed over.

After three days of rest, many warriors have fully recovered at this time, and the reality does not allow them to continue to rest in the central tribe.

With the physical quality of the soldiers, as long as they did not suffer internal injuries or serious trauma, three days would be enough to recover.

Ye Qiong and Duan's figure soon entered the field of vision of the clansmen who were cleaning the battlefield...

Ye Qiong rode Danny on the northern stone city wall for a while, and then let Danny jump over from the northern stone city wall. After Ye Qiong fell asleep from the injury, Lei Ting was still at the cave defense line.

When I came here just now, I didn't find the figures of Thunder and Gale Golden Eagles, so Ye Qiong needed to come and take a look.

For the Central Tribe, the existence of the Jinfeng Golden Eagle Group cannot be adapted for a while.

The strange thing is that the central tribe did not find the thunder and their figures, and it seems that they are likely to go back to the waterfall base.

There are still some golden eagles that have been injured. For this kind of untouched flying Magical Beasts, the tribesmen and warriors of the central tribe do not know how to deal with their wounds. They are completely inexperienced. If you force them on them If you sprinkle the hemostatic powder, under the stimulation of severe pain, if you do something to hurt the clan, it will be very troublesome!

This possibility is still very large.

On the side of the cave defense line, within the wall space, Qingzhi, who was holding Tang Ying's arm, seemed to smell something, so she slowly opened her own eyes, and Tang Ying also woke up with a slight movement.

Seeing the transparent liquid flowing from the corners of Qingzhi's mouth, Tang Ying couldn't help but smiled slightly, and raised her right hand to help Qingzhi wipe it.

After the two got up, they subconsciously looked towards the place where Ye Qiong was lying in front of them together. All they saw was an empty carpet. Ye Qiong, who was lying on it, has disappeared.

The two looked at each other for a while, Qingzhi looked left and right curiously, and muttered, "Hey... people, where did you go?"

Next to the wall not far from the carpet, there was a wooden hanger, and in front of it was the animal skin coat that Ye Qiong was wearing. It has been cleaned by Tang Ying, and it is gone now. You can see it. Going to the hanger to get some palm-sized beasts, I really like this stuff...

"It should be up and out, let's go and look outside." Tang Ying saw that the animal skin coat on the hanger was gone, and knew that Ye Qiong had gone out by herself.

With the cave defense line guarded by the soldiers, there is naturally no danger, so the two have nothing to worry about.

Holding hands, they came to the defensive line. After the soldiers explained, the two realized that Ye Qiong had already rode back to the central tribe.

Since Ye Qiong had already gone back, the two of them naturally had nothing to do in the cave defense line. Tang Ying asked the soldiers to lead out two snowy demon wolves. The gate of the stone city wall on the east side of the central tribe galloped away!

Ye Qiong, who returned to the central tribe, first rode around for a while, and then went to see Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong was still lying on the bed at the moment. This time, his injuries were a bit serious. In addition to being stabbed by a mutant madman on his stomach, he also had several deep or shallow wounds on his arms and back.

It is estimated that if you don't lie in bed for a while, you won't be able to get up.

After coming out from Ye Tianlong's side, Ye Qiong's mood became a little heavy.

The attack launched by the Thunder Madman King this time caused too much damage to the tribe.

The number of casualties that have been counted has exceeded three digits...

That is, thousands of people!

This number of sacrificed soldiers really made Ye Qiong feel a little panic in his heart.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the beast tide and the mad crowd were firmly resisted by the soldiers on and outside the northern stone city wall. None of the Magical Beasts who rushed to the stone city wall were able to climb over the stone city wall and enter. within the tribe.

Therefore, in this casualty number, there are no clansmen, and it can be regarded as comforting the spirit of the soldiers in the sky.

As for the wounded soldiers, those with minor injuries continued to recover, those with serious injuries survived, and they were out of danger, and those who did not survive were counted in the casualty figures.

For the Ye Qiong tribe, a force of this size was already a bit of a bruise. It would take a while to recover its vitality.

If there is any benefit, in fact, there is, that is...

In this winter, the tribe no longer has to worry about food issues. The Golden Eagle Group of Blasts at the waterfall base has plenty of food to spend the rest of the long winter.

After continuing to look at Dakui and Guoguo with Danny, they came to the hot spring.

Ran Ran's situation was better than that of Dakui and Guoguo. He had almost recovered by now. When Ye Qiong rode over in a daze, he saw a family of four enjoying themselves from afar.

It is rare that Yaoyao and Rou Rou can get close to the army.

At noon two days later, on the northern stone city wall, a soldier on duty on the arrow tower saw a group of black figures in the northwest direction...

Human figure!

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