Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 807: Arrive At The Rock Pile Base

The team of nearly 500 people crossed the valley in a mighty way. Because there was no language barrier between them, after these days of long journeys in the wild, some initial cohesion had been formed in the team.

Ye Qiong rode dumbfounded and walked at the front of the team. After arriving at the Valley, he immediately led the team down.

After passing through the several kilometers-long Valley in front of us, we arrived at our temporary foothold - the rubble base.

In the summer, the warriors of the Ye Qiong tribe gathered a lot of materials and hunted down a lot of monsters, so as to obtain food that would allow the central tribe to survive the winter.

In addition, on the rock pile base, when the soldiers were leaving, they still stored some supplies and food for emergency use.

First, it is for the convenience of the warriors of their own tribe. In case they need to go out to some areas in the north in winter, the rock pile base can be used as a material supply point.

Even if the soldiers of their own tribe can't use them, these materials and food will not be wasted. When the spring begins next year, they can still be used normally before the ice and snow melt.

If you encounter the kind of tribe that lives here in distress, you can also provide some help.

Now these materials and food can come in handy.

Ye Qiong brought back all the tribes that had been attacked by the Thunder Maniac King. There was no shortage of supplies, but in terms of food, they were in desperate need. Think about the guard-level beasts and the size of the king beasts. You can understand how much food the tribes after being attacked by them can leave for humans to eat...

On the rock pile base, the food left over from the summer is now the kind that can save lives.

With a large force, he directly passed through the ice area of ​​the Valley.

Although the weather is sunny, it is still a little difficult for children and the elderly to cross the ice area in the Valley. The ground is too slippery, and if you are not careful, you will fall over. Children are fine, if it is an elderly person, Such a fall in such a low temperature may be dead.

Fortunately, there are not many old people in this line. When it was time to cross the ice area, Ye Qiong arranged for some warriors to let the snowy demon wolf out, and let the old people ride on it directly. The possibility can be basically ruled out. No matter how slippery the ground is, for the snowy demon wolf, it will not fall sideways. It will only stretch its limbs and lie on the ground, and its center of gravity will always be vertically downward.

After the large army passed the valley, they immediately saw the row of trumpet altars.

At the beginning of spring last year, Ye Qiong was the children who were found here. Now, under the altar, he stocked up some supplies and food.

When everyone saw this base, they thought they were resisting the tribe. The reason was that the temporary base of the Ye Qiong tribe was big enough for them. Compared with their small tribe, it was bigger in size. Much bigger.

But inside the empty base, there is no smoke.

The aura of fire does not have any aura of humans or demonic wolves in the snow, so it can be judged that this place has been abandoned for some time. The heavy snow has flooded the base, and only scattered footprints of scavengers can be seen.

On the way over, Ye Qiong explained it to some of the soldiers inside, so under the leadership of the soldiers, the large army moved into the residential area of ​​the Rockhill Base.

After the coal stored in the rubble base was ignited, these displaced humans finally felt the warmth of home for so long.

Now that he has resisted the rock pile base, he is not in a hurry to continue his journey. The supplies and food here are enough for everyone to live for a while. Ye Qiong's current plan is to wait for a Blizzard before moving back to the central tribe.

Ever since Ye Qiong rode out of the central tribe, he hadn't encountered Blizzard, and the weather has been fine. If you look at it in a short time, it's a good thing.

But in the long run, it would be a bit inappropriate to continue moving forward. If you encounter Blizzard in the later itinerary, you will be in trouble.

It's not bad that it can pass in a short time. If it is a Blizzard that lasts ten days and a half months, one can imagine how miserable it will be in the low temperature of minus 20 to 30 degrees in the wild in winter.

After having a shelter from the wind and rain, this team of many tribes began to cultivate feelings while cleaning up the snow in the rock pile base.

After the main force was settled, Ye Qiong had one other thing to do, and that was to go to the basin where there was a fierce scale ferret.

In summer, Ye Qiong stayed in the basin for a long time, and was very interested in the cliff fault zone next to the basin!

Intuition tells Ye Qiong that there are many secrets hidden there, and there must be some connection with the Red Flame Leopard tribe.

After all, in the Scarlet Flame Leopard Tribe, there are also ferrets, which are guard-level monsters...

Just a coincidence?

Ye Qiong doesn't think so!

Whether it is the yellow-eyed warriors of the Red Flame Leopard Tribe or the guards of the Lie Lin Weasel, it is something Ye Qiong has to figure out.

This tribe's biggest enemy at present, Ye Qiong still relies on the Naning tribe to understand their cognition, but it is a pity that although these two tribes have been fighting for thousands of years, due to the reason of Theo century, So they don't know much about each other.

What Ye Qiong can infer now is that those ferrets are related to the basin here. Under that cliff, there may be some secrets related to the Red Flame Leopard tribe.

As for those yellow-eyed warriors, there is not much information at present. The records of the Naning tribe about them are that they are very powerful!

The more yellow rings in the pupil, the stronger the strength...

Ye Qiong has also personally experienced the strength of the yellow-eyed fighters. The yellow-eyed fighters in just one ring have shown very powerful strength.


Ye Qiong has always had a bold idea, that is, the Red Flame Leopard Tribe, it is very possible


It has something to do with the century-old madman king thousands of years ago!

From those yellow-eyed warriors, Ye Qiong felt the breath of some madman kings...

But for now, it's just an inference, and a conclusion cannot be drawn yet. This conclusion will give Ye Qiong a reference, that is, conquest or destruction!

After settling down the main force, Ye Qiong gathered all the snow wolves and warriors together.

For a while now, new people will join from time to time, so I haven't had time to count the specific number of people in the team.

Now that it has stabilized, Ye Qiong needs a number.

The first is the number of demon wolves in the snow and the number of capable personnel, which is related to the safety factor of the team and the ability to deal with emergencies.

Secondly, it is the overall number of personnel, women, the elderly and children.

After all the personnel were counted, it was the amount of supplies and food, plus the ones left in the altar, Ye Qiong needed to know how long the rock pile base could last under extreme conditions.

With a new mission, the eyes of the warriors who lost their tribes are no longer completely dead, and they have more verve and luster.

Counting the population, supplies and food, the workload is still a bit large, but don't worry, after letting the soldiers disperse, Ye Qiong immediately rode a dull U-turn and rushed towards the basin!

After letting Dian Dian Sa Yazi run for about half an hour, Ye Qiong saw a small base on top of a peak.

If the rock pile base is really in a desperate situation, there are actually some supplies and food there.

It was not deliberately left, but the animal bones and animal skins that were not easy to handle at that time were left there. In the winter of Xue Xing, those things can save lives.

Those animal bones belonged to what the warriors ate in the summer, so naturally they were not suitable for deliberately bringing back to the central tribe. The exterior had been gnawed clean, but the marrow inside was still there. Even if it was rotten and deteriorated, it still belonged to organic matter. There is no problem with taking a few puffs after cooking to save your life.

As for those animal skins, the main reason for not taking them away is that there are too many, and they are basically ferrets.

As far as the quality of the meat is concerned, the taste of Lie Lin Weasel meat is very good, delicate and tender, and it feels a little fishy after cooking, but the animal skin of Lie Lin Weasel is not very friendly, too stiff, not suitable for clothes, and snow demons. Compared with a wolf, a soft-bodied monster, it belongs to the sky and the ground.

Therefore, the skins of the ferrets were basically thrown at the small peak base here. If it is really under extreme conditions, it can be eaten when it is pulled out. It doesn't matter if it has teeth or not.

I walked around the Xiaogaofeng base and found nothing out of the ordinary. There were not many carrion beasts here. The heavy snow had buried most of the base. Those animal bones and skins needed to be thrown out before they came out.

Continuing up from the small peak base, Ye Qiong rode directly to the top of the peak... The team of nearly 500 people crossed the Valley mightily, because there was no language barrier between them, so After these days of long-distance trekking in the wild, some initial cohesion has been formed in the team. Ye Qiong rode dumbfounded and walked at the front of the team. After arriving at the Valley, he immediately led the team down.

After passing through the several kilometers-long Valley in front of us, we arrived at our temporary foothold - the rubble base.

In the summer, the warriors of the Ye Qiong tribe gathered a lot of materials and hunted down a lot of monsters, so as to obtain food that would allow the central tribe to survive the winter.

In addition, on the rock pile base, when the soldiers were leaving, they still stored some supplies and food for emergency use.

First, it is for the convenience of the warriors of their own tribe. In case they need to go out to some areas in the north in winter, the rock pile base can be used as a material supply point.

Even if the soldiers of their own tribe can't use them, these materials and food will not be wasted. When the spring begins next year, they can still be used normally before the ice and snow melt.

If you encounter the kind of tribe that lives here in distress, you can also provide some help.

Now these materials and food can come in handy.

Ye Qiong brought back all the tribes that had been attacked by the Thunder Maniac King. There was no shortage of supplies, but in terms of food, they were in desperate need. Think about the guard-level beasts and the size of the king beasts. You can understand how much food the tribes after being attacked by them can leave for humans to eat...

On the rock pile base, the food left over from the summer is now the kind that can save lives.

With a large force, he directly passed through the ice area of ​​the Valley.

Although the weather is sunny, it is still a little difficult for children and the elderly to cross the ice area in the Valley. The ground is too slippery, and if you are not careful, you will fall over. Children are fine, if it is an elderly person, Such a fall in such a low temperature may be dead.

Fortunately, there are not many old people in this line. When it was time to cross the ice area, Ye Qiong arranged for some warriors to let the snowy demon wolf out, and let the old people ride on it directly. The possibility can be basically ruled out. No matter how slippery the ground is, for the snowy demon wolf, it will not fall sideways. It will only stretch its limbs and lie on the ground, and its center of gravity will always be vertically downward.

After the large army passed the valley, they immediately saw the row of trumpet altars.

At the beginning of spring last year, Ye Qiong was the children who were found here. Now, under the altar, he stocked up some supplies and food.

When everyone saw this base, they thought they were resisting the tribe. The reason was that the temporary base of the Ye Qiong tribe was big enough for them. Compared with their small tribe, it was bigger in size. Much bigger.

But inside the empty base, there is no smoke.

The aura of fire does not have any aura of humans or demonic wolves in the snow, so it can be judged that this place has been abandoned for some time. The heavy snow has flooded the base, and only scattered footprints of scavengers can be seen.

On the way over, Ye Qiong explained it to some of the soldiers inside, so under the leadership of the soldiers, the large army moved into the residential area of ​​the Rockhill Base.

After the coal stored in the rubble base was ignited, these displaced humans finally felt the warmth of home for so long.

Now that he has resisted the rock pile base, he is not in a hurry to continue his journey. The supplies and food here are enough for everyone to live for a while. Ye Qiong's current plan is to wait for a Blizzard before moving back to the central tribe.

Ever since Ye Qiong rode out of the central tribe, he hadn't encountered Blizzard, and the weather has been fine. If you look at it in a short time, it's a good thing.

But in the long run, it would be a bit inappropriate to continue moving forward. If you encounter Blizzard in the later itinerary, you will be in trouble.

It's not bad that it can pass in a short time. If it is a Blizzard that lasts ten days and a half months, one can imagine how miserable it will be in the low temperature of minus 20 to 30 degrees in the wild in winter.

After having a shelter from the wind and rain, this team of many tribes began to cultivate feelings while cleaning up the snow in the rock pile base.

After the main force was settled, Ye Qiong had one other thing to do, and that was to go to the basin where there was a fierce scale ferret.

In summer, Ye Qiong stayed in the basin for a long time, and was very interested in the cliff fault zone next to the basin!

Intuition tells Ye Qiong that there are many secrets hidden there, and there must be some connection with the Red Flame Leopard tribe.

After all, in the Scarlet Flame Leopard Tribe, there are also ferrets, which are guard-level monsters...

Just a coincidence?

Ye Qiong doesn't think so!

Whether it is the yellow-eyed warriors of the Red Flame Leopard Tribe or the guards of the Lie Lin Weasel, it is something Ye Qiong has to figure out.

This tribe's biggest enemy at present, Ye Qiong still relies on the Naning tribe to understand their cognition, but it is a pity that although these two tribes have been fighting for thousands of years, due to the reason of Theo century, So they don't know much about each other.

What Ye Qiong can infer now is that those ferrets are related to the basin here. Under that cliff, there may be some secrets related to the Red Flame Leopard tribe.

As for those yellow-eyed warriors, there is not much information at present. The records of the Naning tribe about them are that they are very powerful!

The more yellow rings in the pupil, the stronger the strength...

Ye Qiong has also personally experienced the strength of the yellow-eyed fighters. The yellow-eyed fighters in just one ring have shown very powerful strength.


Ye Qiong has always had a bold idea, that is, the Red Flame Leopard Tribe, it is very possible


It has something to do with the century-old madman king thousands of years ago!

From those yellow-eyed warriors, Ye Qiong felt the breath of some madman kings...

But for now, it's just an inference, and a conclusion cannot be drawn yet. This conclusion will give Ye Qiong a reference, that is, conquest or destruction!

After settling down the main force, Ye Qiong gathered all the snow wolves and warriors together.

For a while now, new people will join from time to time, so I haven't had time to count the specific number of people in the team.

Now that it has stabilized, Ye Qiong needs a number.

The first is the number of demon wolves in the snow and the number of capable personnel, which is related to the safety factor of the team and the ability to deal with emergencies.

Secondly, it is the overall number of personnel, women, the elderly and children.

After all the personnel were counted, it was the amount of supplies and food, plus the ones left in the altar, Ye Qiong needed to know how long the rock pile base could last under extreme conditions.

With a new mission, the eyes of the warriors who lost their tribes are no longer completely dead, and they have more verve and luster.

Counting the population, supplies and food, the workload is still a bit large, but don't worry, after letting the soldiers disperse, Ye Qiong immediately rode a dull U-turn and rushed towards the basin!

After letting Dian Dian Sa Yazi run for about half an hour, Ye Qiong saw a small base on top of a peak.

If the rock pile base is really in a desperate situation, there are actually some supplies and food there.

It was not deliberately left, but the animal bones and animal skins that were not easy to handle at that time were left there. In the winter of Xue Xing, those things can save lives.

Those animal bones belonged to what the warriors ate in the summer, so naturally they were not suitable for deliberately bringing back to the central tribe. The exterior had been gnawed clean, but the marrow inside was still there. Even if it was rotten and deteriorated, it still belonged to organic matter. There is no problem with taking a few puffs after cooking to save your life.

As for those animal skins, the main reason for not taking them away is that there are too many, and they are basically ferrets.

As far as the quality of the meat is concerned, the taste of Lie Lin Weasel meat is very good, delicate and tender, and it feels a little fishy after cooking, but the animal skin of Lie Lin Weasel is not very friendly, too stiff, not suitable for clothes, and snow demons. Compared with a wolf, a soft-bodied monster, it belongs to the sky and the ground.

Therefore, the skins of the ferrets were basically thrown at the small peak base here. If it is really under extreme conditions, it can be eaten when it is pulled out. It doesn't matter if it has teeth or not.

I walked around the Xiaogaofeng base and found nothing out of the ordinary. There were not many carrion beasts here. The heavy snow had buried most of the base. Those animal bones and skins needed to be thrown out before they came out.

Continuing up from the small peak base, Ye Qiong rode directly to the top of the peak...

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