Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 810 Slap

As Ye Qiong walked slowly into the cave, the light gradually dimmed.

Ye Qiong has raised his perception to the Ultimate. His eyes, ears, nose, and nose are now very sensitive, putting his body in an instinctive state of tension.

Under this kind of environment, a suitable sense of tension can stimulate the brain to secrete some hormones, so that when human beings encounter emergencies, they can respond in time and at the fastest speed.

In this secret realm, it is very dangerous for two kinds of people, one is claustrophobic, and the other is delusional.

When the former arrives in this space, they will feel a feeling that life is worse than death.

As for the latter, in a dark environment, it is easy to scare oneself to death directly because of one's own fantasy...

As for tension, too much or too little is not good.

Ye Qiong walked deep into the cave while playing with the bone crystal dagger in his hand.

The brightness of the surrounding environment continued to decrease, and when the visibility was only about 20 meters, Ye Qiong stopped.

If you continue to go inside, you must use the fire stick, otherwise, if something suddenly pops out a few meters away, the brain will not have much time to react.

Just when Ye Qiong was thinking about whether to turn around and leave right now.

In the air, a faint smell of blood mixed with that stinky smell, which was caught by Ye Qiong's keen sense of smell.


In the dark cave, this bloody smell means crisis, Ye Qiong instinctively took a few steps back.


At this moment, deep inside the cave, there was finally a movement, and waves of energy waves emerged from the depths of the cave in the form of sounds!


When the first energy wave reached Ye Qiong's ears, Ye Qiong immediately felt a slight dizziness!

This feeling……

It is not the kind of cry of Warcraft at all, but a vibration similar to a mechanical iris, which triggers a shock wave with energy!

Ye Qiong narrowed his eyes and stared at the depths of the cave.

In addition to a few bursts of sound waves, Ye Qiong also felt some familiar aura.

"Da da... da da da..."

The sound of a rushing attack came from far to near, Ye Qiong didn't hesitate, immediately retracted the bone crystal dagger, and tore off the bone crystal longbow behind him.

At this time, Ye Qiong still believed in the power of the Bone Crystal Longbow!

The sound of running would be amplified a lot in the cave. Ye Qiong took out an iron arrow, put it on the bone crystal longbow, and aimed at the depths of the cave.

At this moment, as long as Ye Qiong let go, no matter what was inside, as long as it was an organic creature, then it must be hard to resist this arrow.

And the power of this arrow, the monster of the king level, must be weighed.

Judging from the diameter of this hole, it is clear that the guard-level monster is already its limit.

When Ye Qiong heard the low roar from inside the cave, he shot out with an arrow!


At this time, you don't need to worry about what's in it, let's talk about it first.

After an arrow, Ye Qiong immediately turned around and rushed towards the hole.

There is still a lot of movement inside. If you don't run now, it will be really difficult to run later. Although the space inside the cave is still very large for humans, it is still very difficult to run in large monsters or food. Under the impact of the rotten beast, it seemed a little crowded.

After losing the initiative on the ground, if Ye Qiong wanted to use strength later, he might only have the cave walls on the sides and above.

"Aw! Aww..."

The cry of the carrion beast!

The arrow that Ye Qiong fired just now was quickly responded to.

Ye Qiong heard the screams of the carrion beast behind him, and his body had already rushed to the entrance of the cave. He turned around and shot an arrow again. The black iron arrow disappeared into the cave in an instant.

"Om! Tack... roar!"

With the strange energy waves coming from the cave, the frightened carrion beasts seemed to be driven out by those energy waves.

In the darkness, with the appearance of the first figure, a string of carrion beasts dashed out of the darkness.

On the corners of the mouths of these carrion beasts, some fresh blood can be seen!

It's still liquid, not the kind that solidifies...

It looked as if he had just eaten.

After Ye Qiong rushed to the entrance of the cave, he turned back and continued to shoot an arrow. After exiting the entrance, he turned around abruptly and ran along the stone path towards the cliff. Now Ye Qiong had to rush up as fast as possible.

Otherwise, if the number of carrion beasts in the cave is relatively large, it will not be very fun.

One-on-one, even a king-level monster. Ye Qiong has the strength to despise it, but if it is one-to-many, fighting in such a narrow area, especially with large beasts, is obviously very unfavorable to Ye Qiong!

So we must rush to the top as soon as possible.

After turning right from the entrance of the cave, Ye Qiong dashed all the way to where Dian Dian was.

When Ye Qiong looked back again, he immediately saw a few carrion beasts rushing ahead.

Compared with the carrion beasts on the Dinglong Mountains, these carrion beasts are indeed much larger.

There is a great possibility that they are the ones who got separated from the Thunder Madman King.

As for why they ran to the cliffs on this side of the basin, it is unknown.

Ye Qiong turned his head and looked at the carrion beast that was about two meters in size in front of his eyes. One of his feet was unstable. After being bumped by the carrion beast behind him, his body was directly facing the cliff. It flew out, and then began to fall rapidly in a free fall posture!

Followed by the second and third, two of them had two iron arrows stuck in their chests.

The scavengers that escaped from the cave in a panic, after sacrificing the first few, followed a scavenger to the right and came to the stone road, and started chasing Ye Qiong. come up.

When seeing the human figure on the stone road, the carrion beasts rushing in front were also obviously stunned.

It is impossible for them to imagine that there are humans in such a place!

Ye Qiong rushed in front, thinking about what the scavengers were going crazy. Since he had the courage to get in, why did he run out in a hurry.

When the explosion sounded in front, I didn't see any panic among those carrion beasts, but now it's actually messy.

So what caused them to panic should not be the sound of the explosion in the cave, but the shock wave that erupted from the rapid vibration of the mechanical iris.

That energy shock wave made Ye Qiong intuitively feel an invisible energy body passing through his body. This is still an unknown distance. If it is near the explosion of those shock waves, it is very likely that the body will be directly shocked into internal injuries!

If the power is bigger, it can directly shock the object into molecular form.

On the cliff, feel

On the stone path, Ye Qiong immediately saw a big head.

Dian Dian looked at Ye Qiong suspiciously. He must have felt the shock wave just now, and then looked at the carrion beasts behind Ye Qiong. He was immediately ready for battle.

The sturdy bear paws and nails more than ten centimeters long, like daggers, stretched out from the gap at the tip of the palm!

Very powerful Haki!

"Hoohoo! Hoho..."

The sharp claws had already stretched out, and next, he stretched his neck and roared a few times at the carrion beasts behind Ye Qiong!

The carrion beasts on the stone road immediately felt the pressure of the king-level demon beasts.

The speed of the rush was reduced a lot immediately. If it wasn't for the terrifying shock wave that erupted in the cave just now, they might have stopped and turned back right now.

After weighing it up, these carrion beasts didn't seem to want to turn around and run back, but continued to follow behind Ye Qiong, rushing towards the cliff, which was the entrance of the stone road where they were dazed!



In southern Tibet!

In a Ten Thousand Years ice area, a strange energy wave suddenly erupted from the mountain!


And within the basin where Ye Qiong is located, it is generated at the same time!

Hundreds of kilometers away, in a temple isolated from the world, an old monk sat cross-legged, with a string of Buddha beads in his hand, and chanted notes that sounded very ancient and mysterious.

It doesn't sound like a language.

The direction the old monk was facing was exactly a hundred kilometers away, beneath the ice of Ten Thousand Years, where a strange energy erupted.

After this strange energy wave erupted, the singing stopped abruptly, and the old monk's slightly narrowed eyes suddenly opened suddenly!


Ye Qiong looked at Dumb, who was poking his head from a height, and then turned to look at the carrion beasts on the stone path, making his speed a little slower.

Running to a high place on this kind of stone road will consume a lot of physical strength, even terrifying.

If you don't believe me, you can try to climb a few floors to see. Ye Qiong's body has already warmed up. When he rode in front of him, his frozen hair and eyebrows have completely melted and become fine of water droplets.

After slowing down a bit, Ye Qiong pulled out an iron arrow and continued to turn and shoot at the carrion beast on the stone path behind.

The first goal is naturally the one that rushes in the front!

The arrow traveled in the air with a trajectory parallel to the stone road, and hit the center of the eyebrows of the carrion beast with a body size of about 2.5 meters!


Iron arrows collided with high-density bones, and the sound that erupted, although the volume was not loud, was particularly terrifying.

Yep, the creepy kind...

Even a guard-level beast was hit by Ye Qiong in the middle of the forehead, and he was killed on the spot.

The carrion-eating beast flexed its feet, and under the action of inertial force, its body continued to roll on the stone road.

The three-meter-five-wide stone path is a bit crowded for a scavenger that is two-meter-five in height.

However, there are still two or even three of the carrion beasts in the back.

In the case of no external force, it is quite stable to run.

While dashing upward, Ye Qiong turned back and fired an arrow every few dozen meters, so that the carrion beasts behind him could keep a relatively safe distance from him.

Ye Qiong didn't want to fight closely with those carrion beasts on the stone road, and it was easy to accidentally fall down.

So the best way is to let the opponent's speed decrease along with the speed of your own.

After rushing to the end of the carrion beast at the front, the carrion beast at the back was immediately blocked in half.

After a while, it became a springboard for the carrion beasts behind. If the number of carrion beasts in the back is large enough, it won't be long before they will be directly trampled into flesh.

Ye Qiong continued to run up, and the distance from the carrion beasts behind him gradually widened.

When Ye Qiong rushed all the way to the top of the cliff, he had the skill and perspective to see the whole picture of the stone road.

The stone path extended downwards, about 300 meters away, which was the entrance of the cave Ye Qiong had just arrived at. On the stone path, it was possible to continue down.

From the entrance of the cave to the cliff at this moment, there are densely packed carrion beasts, and there are no less than a hundred of them!

Up to now, there are still carrion beasts drilling out from the hole.

Ye Qiong looked at the scene in front of him and was a little puzzled.

I can't figure out why so many scavengers gather on the cliffs of this basin in winter?

In the past, Ye Qiong always felt that the carrion beasts in the cave were following the Thunder Madman King and ran over from the extremely cold land in the north. After all, there were so many.

But this idea is now about to be overturned. Judging from the current number and size of these carrion beasts, there are many more than when Ye Qiong was chasing the Thunder Maniac on the peak of the Dinglong Mountains.

If it was a carrion beast that had been separated from the Thunder Madman King, it would be impossible to reach this scale in number.

So now there is a possibility that the scavenger army of the Thunder Madman King got it from here.

Ye Qiong remembered correctly. When he was leaving the central tribe, he met the soldiers of the Bingpine tribe. They said it very clearly. When the thunder and lightning madmen came out of the extreme cold in the north, the team was very small, so Except for the king-level scavenger, there seem to be not many ordinary scavengers...

With such a calculation, the probability of the thunderbolt madman getting the scavenger from here is still very high!

Ye Qiong's curiosity about this place has increased a lot. In summer, the place where the ferrets gather, and in winter, the ferrets disappear, and these scavengers appear strangely again.

The first time I came here in winter, so everything was unknown to Ye Qiong.

He has already climbed to the top of the cliff, so now Ye Qiong is safe.

Although above the stone road, the number of carrion beasts that rushed out was very large, and their size was very scary compared to humans.

But in Ye Qiong's eyes, there is really no danger. A scavenger of this strength is not in Ye Qiong's turn to do it by himself. He can shoot them all to the cliff by blocking the entrance on the stone road. go down.

Without waiting for Ye Qiong's instructions, Dian Dian had already come to the entrance of the stone passage, he stood upright, and the two huge bear paws swayed gently in the air a few times.

As the first carrion beast jumped up from the stone path, the dumb palm moved, as if playing tennis, and the carrion beasts that came up flew out one by one...

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