Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 812 Blizzard Attack


The cold wind howls!

Like a dragon roaring...

Counting from the time the wind direction began to change, in just a few hours, the wind has changed from a gentle breeze at the beginning to a raging cold wind!

The temperature also dropped from a dozen degrees to minus 20 degrees within a few hours. This temperature is still falling, and there are signs that it will go straight to minus 30 degrees in one day.

For humans, minus 20 degrees is actually the limit temperature for normal survival.

If the temperature drops below minus 30 degrees, in terms of the overall civilization of these tribes on the west side of the Dinglong Mountains, it is completely impossible to go out by relying on animal skin coats and linen blankets to keep warm.

Even if they stay in the house, many tribes who do not have coal for heating will freeze to death in this low temperature environment.

Some tribes lacking in materials, within the tribe, can't reach a coat made by the snow wolf.

Those clothes made of ordinary animal skins will have a lot less warmth.

Above the Dinglong Mountains!

The peak of tens of thousands of meters makes all living things disappear. This is a forbidden area for life!

But just under such a restricted area, between the two transverse cracks, there is a large crack canyon that stretches for dozens of miles. Unlike the canyon next to the rock pile base, the width of this canyon is only More than ten meters, but the depth is hundreds of meters!

A big earthquake countless years ago, perhaps when the Dinglong Mountains was still a plain, this fault zone was forcibly torn apart by the earthquake...

Above the fault zone canyon, the terrifying cold wind seems to shred all living beings. It is blowing frantically. Under the canyon, as the depth decreases, the wind force gradually decreases. No one can think of it. Beneath this fault zone, some firelights actually lit up...

Just inside the gap at the bottom of the fault zone, it was burning strangely.

When the wind direction began to change, the three teams that went out of the Rock Pile Base rushed back in the shortest possible time.

When the north wind whistled, all the tribesmen near the west side of the Dinglong Mountains knew that a large-scale snowstorm was coming.

Ye Qiong was in a room mixed with stone and wood at the base of the rubble. The room was leeward to this side. The window was opened with a gap, and it was fixed with a wooden stick.

Ye Qiong looked at the cold wind outside through the gap fixed by the wooden stick.

When the cold wind is mixed with the blizzard, the strong winter wind can be felt with the naked eye.

The snowflakes fluttering in the air seem to be moving in a straight line...


It looked scary, but it sounded even more scary. Intuitively, Ye Qiong told Ye Qiong that the snowstorm this time was bigger than the ice sculpture the year before.

In other words, it can reach the level of a third-level blizzard.

Such a terrifying blizzard, if it is still in the wild now, is no longer suffering, but may be frozen into ice sculptures!


Ye Qiong resisted the idea of ​​rushing back to the central tribe directly with most of the chaotic base.

Now, with the protection of the outer walls of the rock pile base and the stone and wood buildings inside, and the coal stored in summer for heating, the threat to the lives of the people at the rock pile base from the blizzard has been reduced to a point where it can be ignored.

As long as you don't go out, when coal and food are abundant, the cold winter is actually not that scary.

If you can calm down, you will be able to enjoy a kind of unparalleled beauty.

Ye Qiong's state of mind at this moment is very good. On the wooden table in the room, a thick wooden board is placed, and on top of the wooden board, there is a brazier that is slowly burning.

A pot of hot tea is brewed on the brazier...

Seems like a good choice if you can get some coffee.

This kind of environment, if you can install a computer and connect to the Internet, you can't experience it without a thousand dollars a day.

When you think about it, all thoughts will be born.

Ye Qiong was sitting cross-legged on the wooden bed at this moment, watching the cold wind howling outside and the blizzard raging. Instead, he plunged his mind into meditation, and an epiphany feeling that all thoughts were united came spontaneously. .

At this moment, I didn't think about anything deep in my heart, just staring at the slap-sized gap.

Not far from Ye Qiong's room, two boulders were leaning against each other, forming a huge space below.○m???

A huge head directly touched the boulder...

Duan is leaning on the boulder lazily at the moment, and has no intention of sleeping, and his eyes have been staring at the wind and snow in the air, blinking from time to time.

I don't know what I'm thinking about in my head.

Central tribe!

It has been a month since Ye Qiong and Dian Du left. With the efforts of the soldiers and clansmen, the northern stone city wall has been cleaned up.

At this moment, there is not even a trace of red, and under the blizzard, only an endless expanse remains.

Rows of lights were lit up on the stone city walls, and the soldiers above the city walls were still on duty under the blizzard.

Within the central tribe, there is isolation from the city wall, and the overall wind force is smaller, but it is still a little difficult for the clansmen to walk in it normally.

In the Pyramid residential area, there are still ample supplies and food. In the mixed stone and wood building area outside, in each room, there are also supplies and food that can make the family spend a few months. In the face of this kind of The blizzard, the tribesmen and warriors can do, is to wait patiently for it to pass.

In addition to this, there is actually nothing else to do. Facing this kind of power of nature, the power of a single human being, or the power of a human race, seems so insignificant.

Ye Tianlong's injury is much better now, and he can walk on the ground, but it will take some time for the distance to return to the combat level. After that, he will take a good rest, and there will be no sequelae.

Just in time for the blizzard, Ye Tianlong brought together the core leaders of the tribe and the Elder, and held an emergency meeting.

The blizzard this time was blowing from the Dinglong Mountains in the northwest. The wind has been very strong now. With years of experience, the elders have judged that the scale of this blizzard will be very large, even some It may be like the winter of the previous year, under the ice sculpture!

Therefore, the tribe must take some emergency measures to arrange the details of various matters to the individual tribe. Tribal East, cave defense line!

Rongling also suffered some minor injuries in the last battle with the Thunder Crazy King, but Rongling's performance that day was still very brave. With the blessing of the bone crystal long sword, Rongling killed two of them by himself. A mutant madman and a guardian beast.

As for the number of ordinary madmen and low-level demon beasts who died under the bone crystal sword, it was impossible to count that day.

In terms of personal strength alone, as the supreme commander of the Qiongqi team and several other battalions, Rongling ranks in the top five even in terms of the tribe's current population base.

If you need to find a reference, it is Qinglie. Rongling, who has a bone crystal long sword, is similar in strength to Qinglie.

If Qinglie could have a bone crystal weapon of the same quality in his hands, then Rongling would be weaker.

Among the tribes, Rong Ling, as Ye Qiong's enlightened martial artist, was only after Ye Tianlong and Ye Tianling in terms of status.

That's why Ye Tianlong decided to hand over the Bone Crystal Sword to Rong Ling at that time.

However, with the continuous development and expansion of the tribe at this time, after Yang Dingtian and Liang Yi joined the tribe, the quality of the middle and high-level tribes has also improved.

At this moment, the tribe needs some weapons that can symbolize power and strength.

The storage of bone crystals was already too large, Kuang Baichi was waiting for Ye Qiong to ask what weapon he wanted. As for the extra ones, they could be reserved for the top warriors in the tribe.

Ever since he made the Bone Crystal Longbow and Bone Crystal Bracers for Ye Qiong, Kuang Baichi had accumulated the Bone Crystals for so long, and the things he had created were the five Bone Crystal Arrows he gave Ye Qiong last time.

According to the weight, the bone crystal consumed by two bone crystal arrows is similar to that of a bone crystal long sword.

Rongling's minor injuries have fully recovered. At this moment, he is taking several high-level soldiers from the defense line of the cave to walk on the defense line. Because it is close to the Dinglong Mountains, the wind on the side of the cave defense line is relatively speaking. , much smaller.

Inside the cave, more than a dozen second-level eyeless monsters came out, and before they reached the defense line city wall, they were shot into hedgehogs by the archers inside the wall...

Canyon Base!

After Kuang Baili brought the soldiers back, he never returned to the central tribe. The blizzard hit the canyon base, and the wind became more and more terrifying.

Perhaps because of the canyon, the strength of the air convection has been increased. Now Kuang Baili and the soldiers are completely unable to go out. They can only stay in the canyon base and do some manual work like making arrows.

The same situation as the canyon base is the alpine base, north of the central tribe, and the alpine base.

The ice pine club who came to be a guest in front

The fallen soldiers went back half a month ago.

However, based on the calculation of the distance, they must be still in the wild at the moment. The arrival of this blizzard does not seem to be an issue that they can easily get through.

During the time that the Bingsong tribe was at the high mountain base, Ye Tianling was busy running on both sides, and there were still some small frictions in the days of getting along, but generally there was no trouble.

I know more about the Bingpine tribe. This is the first time the Ye Qiong tribe has come into contact with the tribes in the extreme cold land of the north.

In fact, the two tribes are unlikely to conflict in winter. The journey is too long, and the war is to pay attention to one interest. If you need to pay more for this interest, then the war will naturally be meaningless. .

After the hundreds of soldiers from the Bingsong tribe left, the Gaoshan base returned to normal. Ye Tianling brought the soldiers from Yang Ergan and Qiongqi back to the central tribe, waiting for Ye Qiong to return and Ye Tianling to return. Qiong talked about the situation on the Bingpine tribe.

Under the blizzard, the timber base in the south was completely stagnant. The heavy snow was blown into the dense forest by the storm. The entire dense forest area, within one kilometer of the junction of the plain area, was almost not buried by the heavy snow!

There are only some taller trees with their heads popping out, but in the cold wind, they have always maintained a slanted wind blowing posture.

In the southern timber base, after the warriors experienced the battle with the Thunder Madman King, what they did when they came back was to continue to reinforce the fortifications and the outermost ice wall.

From a high altitude, the city walls of the southern timber base are already taller than the average height of trees in the dense forest, especially the several arrow towers, which can be seen from far away.

Waterfall base!

In the living area of ​​the soldiers below, what all the soldiers did not expect was that after Lei Ting conquered the entire group of Golden Eagles, he did not choose to live in the altar.

Instead, it came to the bottom, above the original arrow tower.

The soldiers were also very happy. They expanded the arrow tower where Lei Ting lived in circles and circles. It was already a giant arrow tower. It looked very big, especially It is the top Thunder's lair, and it is very rich.

Most of the golden eagles inside the altar have become accustomed to the existence of human warriors. Through the most primitive breeding, those warriors who bravely entered the altar to feed the golden eagles have won the favor of many golden eagles.

Under those stacked boulder spaces, it has been covered with hay.

Outside the altar, in the bottom stone caves, leaning in the direction of the waterfall, there is a lot of jerky piled up inside, all prepared for the group of golden eagles inside the altar.

In terms of food, the consumption of this group of golden eagles throughout the winter is still very large...

In the face of the blizzard, the altar played a very good protective role. In the bottom central area, around the giant stone tablet, there was almost no wind.

The next day...

The blizzard officially came, and the pause button was pressed within a radius of thousands of kilometers on the west side of the Dinglong Mountains. Whether it was a human tribe, a beast wave or a mad crowd, they all nested in a relatively safe corner, waiting for the blizzard. the past.

At this time, the only people who can insist on going out are some hungry carrion beasts.

one week later!

The wind has no tendency to decrease at all, and the temperature has dropped to nearly minus forty degrees!○m???

The terrifying low temperature environment has taken away the lives of many humans and monsters.

If there were coal, many people would not have lost their lives.

Twenty days have passed...

The daily scenes seemed to appear in a loop. Because there was no time measuring tool, Ye Qiong used the most primitive method to record the number of days of this snowstorm on the wall in the room of the rock pile base.

The food in the house was almost eaten by Ye Qiong, so Ye Qiong had to make time to go to the small altar on the edge of the canyon in these two days to get some food out.

The soldiers and tribesmen of various tribes in the rock pile base are in similar situation. They stayed in the house allocated by themselves for twenty days. If it is counted from the time they arrived at the rock pile base, it has been more than a month. past.

Now it's time to replenish the house with food.

Inside the rock pile base, there is a defensive wall to resist, and the wind can still be tolerated, but it is more troublesome to get out of the rock pile base and a distance to the small altar in the canyon!

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