Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 819 Four Tails

From the highest peak of the Dinglong Mountains, a huge figure suddenly appeared.

A forest ancient ape with a height of more than 30 meters jumped down from it and began to run along the icy area at the top of the peak.

With a height of more than 30 meters, that is, the height of a dozen floors, if a human at this height falls, it will be gone.

Ye Qiong and Dian Dian saw that figure for the first time!

With such a long distance, the lord-level forest ancient ape looked about the same size as Simba.

When you get close, you can feel the shock of their size.

Seeing the lord forest ancient ape, Ye Qiong's face became even more astonished.


In fact, it was Ye Qiong's first time to see the full picture of the lord forest ancient ape!

The last time I was at the waterfall base was at night. Although the night was brighter in summer, it was so far apart.

Ye Qiong only saw a general outline, and knew that the guy was a lord-level forest ancient ape, and that was what Qing Zhi and Qing Lie told him later.

He was chased by the lord Lei Rong to the bottom of the pool, Ye Qiong really didn't have much time to look back to see what the lord forest ancient ape looked like.

In fact, if the lord forest ancient ape jumped directly from the waterfall more than 500 meters high at that time, and grabbed the tail of the lord Dimairong in time, Ye Qiong might have been directly swallowed by it.

If it was really counted, the lord forest ancient ape who came from the top of the Dinglong Mountains over the mountains and mountains could be considered a life-saving grace for Ye Qiong.

When Ye Qiong saw the lord forest ancient ape, Ye Qiong knew its target, it must be that the lord's veins melted.

It has been so long since the battle at the waterfall base, when both of them were injured, I don't know how they are recovering now.

Or maybe...

The lord forest ancient ape also sensed the gray-white giant beast that fell from the sky.

The tribe did not record that the gray-white beasts in the air would attract lord-level Magical Beasts.

The lord of the earth's veins melted, and every time he jumped, he could jump directly into the air at an altitude of 200 meters.

It was almost the same as when Ye Qiong was flying on a thunderbolt.

So when facing the lord-level Magical Beasts, flying at low altitude is not necessarily safe, or it may be directly pulled down by a jump.

also finally...

The Magical Beasts and the scavengers that were gnawing around the gray-white giants felt the movement and the ground shaking.

The height of the lord Di Mairong is also more than 30 meters. If you compare it with the lord forest ancient ape, it is a little shorter than the lord forest ancient ape.

The height of the lord forest ancient ape was over thirty-five meters, approaching forty meters.

And the height of this lord Di Mairong is about thirty-five meters, but in terms of weight, it is heavier, with a wider body and four tails!

At that time, it was torn off by the forest ancient ape, and it has regrown. This can be distinguished from the color. It is slightly more immature, and the gray-white folds on it are much smaller.

It stands to reason that this thing does not eat anything, and the broken tail can grow back, which is also a very magical time. It is certain that its body must be able to absorb a special kind of special energy.

An energy that can be transformed into matter in a disguised form.

The mutual transformation between energy and matter is also a very worthwhile exploration in itself. As a measure of the energy level of matter, mass has a special meaning.

The Magical Beasts and scavengers in the surrounding area have also discovered the lord Landline Rong who jumped down from the Dinglong Mountains!

Even if I lend them a few more courage, I guess they won't dare to go forward.

There is life in the past and there is no life to eat...

But it's still very unwilling to let them disperse and leave like this.

Therefore, in the area more than ten kilometers away from the gray-white giant beast, some Magical Beasts and carrion beasts gathered, a little meaning to pick up the leak.

They can let the lord-level Magical Beasts enjoy it first. If you look at the body shape, you know that the guy will definitely not be able to eat it. The remaining flesh, even the internal organs, is very delicious.

In this winter when materials and food are scarce, the cakes pulled by the gray-white giant beasts are all delicacies worth chasing for carrion beasts.

Not to mention those guts!

Seeing that the lord Leyline Rong came to the gray-white giant beast!

The Magical Beasts and the scavengers surrounding the gray-white giant beasts have now dispersed, and there are still some stunned scavengers on the ground.

Compared with the lord Leyline Rong, their body size is like an elephant and a mouse.

The lord Leyline Rong didn't even look at the ground, and the few carrion beasts he accidentally stepped on turned into paste...

They are just dreaming, and the body is directly integrated with the ice layer.


It was peaceful, and there was no pain.

Lord Leyline Rong wandered around the gray-white giant beast.

Although it usually moves forward mainly by jumping, it still has feet, and all four limbs can land on the ground, and can crawl slowly on the ground.

When crawling, the four tails at the back were straight up and dashed straight to the sky.

Ye Qiong is very curious why it has four tails!

In Ye Qiong's impression, there seem to be not many species with many tails...

There are not many in reality, but there are quite a lot of records in Shanhaijing, at least a dozen kinds, almost all of them fly in the sky and run on the ground. The most famous one should be the fox.

That is the fox!

The legendary nine demon foxes, the beasts in Qingqiu Mountain, have nine tails behind their buttocks. According to legend, the sound they make is that of a baby. They feed on humans and prefer to eat men. If they eat their meat, they will not eat. Will be affected by miasma.

There are actually quite a few such legends. Even in the Ye Qiong tribe, some old people like to tell some ancient legends to their children. This kind of word of mouth is quite valuable for research, but for the current Ye Qiong For tribes, it doesn't make much sense.

Still need to find a way to completely solve the problem of food and clothing.

Letting the tribe survive in the extreme environment on Xue Xing is currently Ye Qiong's most important task, and only if the tribe can survive on Xue Xing normally, will they have a chance to develop.

After the lord Leyline Rong Leyline Rong circled around the gray-white giant beast, it stopped in front of the gray-white giant beast's head.

After a while, he stretched out his two front claws and began to scratch on the head of the gray-white behemoth!

If you look closely, you will find that there is a crack on the head of the gray-white behemoth, which seems to be split open when it collides with the ground. .

After hitting the ground for the first time, it still rolled down from under the peak, so the body at this moment is already a bit terrible...

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