Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 822 Shock

The Magical Beasts and Carrion Beasts who reunited continued to start a gluttonous feast, biting frantically against the gray-white giant beasts on the ground.

The bright red blood seeped under the snow. When this gray-white beast started to fall from the air, it didn't last for a short time, but the body was still warm when it first touched the ground.

The friction between the skin and the air will make the temperature of the skin very high, but the distance can be burned, it is still far away, even on the snow star, objects in the atmosphere, free fall, will not reach the level that can make The rate at which the surface burns.

With the gravitational effect of the center of the earth, when such a gray-white behemoth in the sky falls, when the friction and gravitational force are equal, it will fall down at a constant speed. Only the foreign objects have their initial speed. It has already reached a very large Mach, in order to achieve the kind of burning.

When this gray-white behemoth fell in the air, in fact...

Not quite Death yet!

The real cause of death is the collision with the ground, and there is no pain. This is also their fate. When the body loses its ability to float in the sky and reaches a critical point, it is when the body falls.

Warm corpses, auspicious for Magical Beasts and scavengers.

After the two lord-level Magical Beasts gradually moved away, Ye Qiong jumped directly onto a boulder and looked at the gray-white behemoth.

With the Magical Beasts of the same level that can contain the lord Leyline Rong, Ye Qiong really wanted to go to the gray-white behemoth to take a look.

A long time has passed, and the large army has already left a certain distance at this moment. Fortunately, judging from the battle scene of two lord-level Magical Beasts, there is a high probability that they will not move there.

You don't need to worry about them for the time being, but Ye Qiong can't just spend it here all the time. Since he decided to take a look at the gray-white giant beast, he still needs to hurry up.

In addition, Ye Qiong is also very curious, what the hell did that lord, Dimaine Rong, pull out from the head of the gray-white behemoth!

A lord-level Magical Beasts, something that must be pulled out by hand, must not be ordinary.

So Ye Qiong also wanted to check it out. There was no specific record of the gray-white giant beast in the tribe.

There are only some simple information, such as the meat is fresh and tender, the bones are ground into powder, and the soup is boiled for the elderly to drink, which can soothe the nerves and the like.

Probably also the ancestor of the Ye Qiong tribe in the past, and encountered the remains of a gray-white giant beast.

As for what can be pulled out of this thing's head, the tribe has nothing to record.

The Naning tribe may have, but Ye Qiong didn't have the time to ask about these things. After returning to the waterfall base, he can take the time to ask. Since it is rare to encounter a fresh gray-white giant beast at this time, he still has to seize the opportunity. , check it out.

Dumbly inside the stone crevice, he looked at Ye Qiong on the boulder, and at the two lord-level Magical Beasts that had already hit the foot of the Dinglong Mountains. own waist pole straightened up...

After the huge head emerged from the boulder, the vision suddenly widened a lot!

After Ye Qiong felt the movement behind him, he looked back at Duan, and glanced at Duan angrily. Then he jumped up and jumped down, looking at the person who had just rushed over to Duan. an area.

That bag of jerky at the peak of the king's peak can't be wasted. It has to be memorized and dug out later. If such a good thing is eaten by a scavenger, it will be a waste. .

The meat of the king's peak Magical Beasts belongs to the limit of energy-level food that humans can enjoy on Xuexing, and the meat of Magical Beasts at the lord level cannot be eaten...

On this point, the tribe has detailed records, that thing will die if you eat it!

The human body can't handle it at all!

Much stronger than poison...

As for the quality of the lord-level Magical Beasts, why they can't be eaten, there is no record. In short, the ancestors have used actual actions, that is, own life, and have personally tested it. Taking this boulder area as a reference, Ye Qiong will bury it. The big pit where the king's peak terrestrial veins melted into jerky was remembered in his mind. ..

"Damn! Don't look at it... let's go!"

After remembering an approximate location, Ye Qiong waved at Duan Dian...

Duan immediately turned his head. From the look in his eyes, Ye Qiong could see that this guy wasn't enjoying himself. It seemed that the battle between the two lord-level Magical Beasts could inspire him to fight in the future. generally.

Ye Qiong didn't know if it inspired him, but what Ye Qiong knew was that if it dragged on like this, it would be dark.

The battle between the two lord-level Magical Beasts will not end in a short period of time. Ye Qiong Ting Qingzhi and Qinglie said that after they were thrown into the water channel, the two of them worked directly at the waterfall base for two days. night!

Think about it...

I feel very tired. For the lord-level Magical Beasts, two days may be very short, but for humans, let alone fighting, just standing there watching them fight, they can't bear it.

So it was obviously unrealistic to wait for the two of them to disperse after the fight. Ye Qiong had to rush back to the big army as soon as possible to avoid any accident.

The Magical Beasts and scavengers in the nearby area have become more and more numerous because of the drop of the gray-white giant beast. Although they are all gathered here at the moment, for the large army not far from here, Still a big threat.

Dawn stretched out his two huge bear paws and slammed a few times on the boulder!


He was learning the general way of punching the lord forest ancient ape.


The hard boulder erupted with a roar, and the snow on it was photographed a lot, but the boulder itself did not move, and did not give any substantial response to the two dumb palms.

After venting his own desire to fight, he took a leap and came to Ye Qiong, supported Ye Qiong, and began to run towards the position of the gray-white giant beast.

Behind him, there was a white snow mist.

Like a long white dragon!

At this moment, Ye Qiong did not let Duodao retain his speed, and dashed all the way to the gray-white giant beast.

If you finish reading it early, you still have to stay away from this place of right and wrong!

Two lord-level Magical Beasts are fighting, and it is better for humans to stay away.

Not to mention rubbing and touching, that is, when they bombard each other, the sonic boom produced by them, if the distance is close, can directly shock humans with poorer physiques into internal injuries!

If you are unhappy, let's talk, and ordinary high rank Magical Beasts can be directly stunned.

When Ye Qiong rode dumbfounded to the gray-white behemoth, he finally felt what it meant to be big!

What is shocking...

When he was in the Dinglong Mountains, Ye Qiong saw the big shell base of the Naning tribe for the first time, but he didn't even come to this gray-white giant beast and was shocked!

It was so shocking that Ye Qiong's scalp felt numb and goosebumps appeared.

At the moment, Ye Qiong is still riding on Duan's head. If he walks and runs from the ground, he will feel a more shocking visual impact!

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