
"Clap clap..."

The big tail dozens of meters long, one after another, was drawn on the lord forest ancient ape.

The dull thumping sound makes people feel a little scalp numb!

I don't know how many times the lord forest ancient ape has suffered.

Even if it is scraping, the skin hidden under its gray-brown hair at this moment is probably red and swollen.

One can imagine how painful it is, the Lord-level Warcraft still has pain nerves!

If the lord forest ancient ape could speak, he would definitely swear at it.

The big tail that is tens of meters long is really painful to be pulled on the body!

Fortunately, it is not a machete that is dozens of meters long...


The lord forest ancient ape stretched out his right hand, grabbed one of the lord's tail, and then began to tear it up violently. While tearing, he lowered his head and began to bite.

You can't just let yourself hurt!

Although the other tusk hasn't grown in yet, the other teeth are still there!

This bite was accompanied by the tearing of the two arms, and the lord Leyline Rong immediately howled.


The sip of the lord forest ancient ape immediately made the lord Leyline Rong enter the rampant mode.

The remaining three large tails tens of meters long continued to slap on the body of the lord forest ancient ape.

One was aimed specifically at the head of the lord forest ancient ape, so that the lord forest ancient ape had to drag the tail inside the mouth and start shaking his head.

If this scene is in a nightclub, the spotlight will shine, and there will be some explosive music. It must be very hilarious!

Ye Qiong was lying on top of the gray-white behemoth, in a state of watching a play, but while watching a play, he was always looking for opportunities...

After watching for a while, Ye Qiong half-squatted, then took off the quiver behind him, and took out all the iron arrows inside.

After a gentle roll, Ye Qiong came to Dawdy's side, stuffed all the drawn iron arrows into the large backpack on Dawn's body, and then took out the three bone crystal arrows inside.

Iron arrows are probably of little use to that lord, Leimai Rong. Even with bone crystal arrows, Ye Qiong can't really break the opponent's defense now.

Just look for the weakness of that lord, Diminrong, and after you find an opportunity, try it and you'll know.

What Ye Qiong has to admit is that he has the element of gambling. In terms of the strength of the lord Dimai Rong, after the bone crystal arrow is shot, if the kills are not reduced, it is likely that he will not be able to return.

After it runs away, there is no possibility of recovering the bone crystal arrow.

After thinking about it, Ye Qiong took out ten ordinary iron arrows, and together with the three bone crystal arrows, they stuffed them into the quiver. Swing, tied on the back.

Continue to roll, return to the original position, continue to stare at the two lord-level monsters and start watching.

The battle continues...


When the sound of a broken bone sounded, Ye Qiong saw that the lord's tail was directly cut into two pieces by the lord's forest ancient ape.

The tail was broken into two sections, and the section that was torn off was more than ten meters long. The lord forest ancient ape did not throw away the torn tail, but directly carried it in his hand as a weapon.

The ten-meter-long lord's leyline melted into his tail, and it was now held in the hands of the lord forest ancient ape, like a big whip.

Next, the lord forest ancient ape was naturally not polite and began to fight back.

That is...

smoke it!


A fierce whip slammed directly on the forehead of the lord Di Mairong, and then was thrown up and smashed down again.

The feeling of being beaten by his own tail is probably not very pleasant.

The big face of the lord Dimairong is very uncomfortable at the moment, and it is still very ugly. It can only be said that it is even more ugly now. Those black and disgusting big pimples on his face were directly blown up a few times and continued to flow out. blue-blue liquid.

The newly grown tail was broken again by the lord forest ancient ape, and the lord's leyline melted and gasped, and he screamed.

Although he has lost a tail, it does not seem to have a big impact on the combat power of the lord Dimai Rong, but it completely stimulates its fierceness.

The remaining three tails also accelerated the speed of the whipping, but they honestly stopped attacking the head of the lord forest ancient ape, and turned into the back and lower body.

In addition, its own two big hands slammed on the lord forest ancient ape, and suddenly the lord landline fusion, which had entered the dominant position in a short period of time, fell into a passive situation once again!

Ye Qiong saw in his eyes that he was in a hurry and there was nothing he could do about it. At this moment, the lord Diminrong, although he had already entered his range, was still a little far away, and it was difficult to aim.

If he couldn't hit the key point of the lord's leyline, for Ye Qiong, it would be a waste of both the opportunity to shoot and the arrow.

So what Ye Qiong has to do now is to maintain his patience.

That lord forest ancient ape, at this moment, and the lord of the earth are connected with you and me, and they are slamming each other.

The big tail that was more than ten meters long, which was separated from the lord's body, now gained greater power in the hands of the lord's forest ancient ape, and the knots on it were all torn apart. All were dyed blue.

The large army formed by the distressed tribe is here!

The team is advancing in the direction designated by Ye Qiong...

But what made everyone uneasy at this moment was that they felt the roaring sound and the sound of giant beasts fighting in the distance.

The roar of the lord-level beast can be heard clearly within a radius of dozens of kilometers.

The trembling human beings can do now, is to speed up their pace as quickly as possible, and only when they return to the embrace of the tribe can their hearts be at peace. M..

Although human tribes, in the eyes of lord-level beasts, they are no different from paper ones.

There was silence in the team, and the vitality that was finally restored at the rock pile base was directly forcibly pressed down by two lord-level monsters.

The child hid in the arms of the adults, and the adults and the warriors clenched their weapons. Only those old people had rare indifference and tranquility in their eyes. For them, death was not a terrible thing...

Even the Demonic Wolf of the Snow Region in the team, his eyes were full of fear, he lowered his head subconsciously and lowered his body a little.


After a violent blow, the big tail that was more than ten meters long in the hands of the lord forest ancient ape was directly cut off by it!

It broke into two tails again, and was directly thrown out by the lord forest ancient ape. The part in the hand was too short to be used any more.

The position where it threw the docked tail was just not far from Ye Qiong's side.

In the hands of the lord Leyline Rong, he was carrying a whip-like tail. For humans, it was not a small thing. After landing, a gust of wind caused the hair of the gray-white behemoth in front of Ye Qiong to tremble. .

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