Beasts Are Boundless

828 What Is The Connection

The west side of Dinglong Mountains!

In the past in the cold winter, a very deserted open area became lively as the gray-white giant beast rolled down from the peak of the Dinglong Mountains.

The two lord-level monsters continued to fight, and there were no more monsters and carrion beasts in the surrounding area, within a range of about ten kilometers.

It seems that there is only the corpse of the gray-white giant beast that is several hundred meters long. It is a very astonishingly huge body. The two lord-level monsters with a height of more than 30 meters at the edge are a little small. stand up.

However, on the ground in the area around this gray-white giant beast, there are still some corpses of demon beasts and carrion beasts, some of which are relatively complete, and some that cannot be looked directly at, and are crushed into patties.

The comparison between the demon beasts and the carrion beasts on the ground showed how huge this gray-white behemoth was, and how terrifying the two lord-level demon beasts with a height of more than 30 meters beside it.

If there is a human figure, if you can make a comparison in it, you can feel the illusion of a monster coming more intuitively.


A black arrow shadow shot out from the back of the gray-white giant beast.

If you don't look carefully, you can't really see the monsters in the surrounding area at this moment.

The black arrows went straight to the chest of Lord Leyline Rong!

Not long ago, the lord forest ancient ape finally gave his strength once, and a paw directly grabbed the chest of the lord Dimairong. Although it did not cause much damage to the lord, the sharp-eyed Ye Qiong finally saw the opportunity. !

This claw went down, and the lord's leyline melted into a special area on his chest, and was directly buckled by it...

The blue-blue liquid flowed out after a while, becoming the only bleeding spot on Lord Leyline Rong's chest.

After seeing the blue-blue liquid, Ye Qiong immediately reacted, crouching on the gray-white giant beast, and locked the arrow at the wound area.

The bone crystal arrow in his hand, what kind of power can be exerted, you will know the answer immediately.

Now the lord Di Mairong is not far from Ye Qiong, about 80 meters away, considering the size and height of the lord Di Mairong, the distance between the two bodies is actually very close.

When it turned around, Ye Qiong could only feel its big pie face, right in front of him!

At the same time of being ugly, there is also a very terrifying sense of oppression, which is the visual impact of that kind of giant beast, which can make people feel like they are like ants.



This arrow, Ye Qiong did not have any reservations and used all his strength.

With the improvement of Ye Qiong's own strength, his arm strength is also increasing quietly. If Ye Qiong's own ordinary iron arrows are shot with a bone crystal longbow, the power is similar to that shot by ordinary archers in the tribe. In comparison, it has already reached the Qidan force faintly!

However, the Bone Crystal Longbow has not been pulled to the limit...

If the iron arrows are replaced by bone crystal arrows, the shooting speed will be slower, but the overall power will be much greater.

The penetrating power of the bone crystal arrow is very terrifying. Ye Qiong used the bone crystal longbow to shoot the bone crystal arrow. Taken together, the power has even surpassed that of the giant crossbow!

Has a very terrifying lethality!

The five bone crystal arrows that belonged to Ye Qiong's trump card were exactly what Ye Qiong could use to easily kill the king's mid-level monsters last winter. If he encounters that King Peak Earthline Rong again now, he will definitely not be as embarrassed as that time, and bet half his life to kill him.

The bone crystal arrow, after passing a slightly curved arc in the air, if a navigation device is installed, it will directly and steadily hit the injured place on the chest of the lord Leyline Rong!


"Gu... quack quack!!"

After the arrow hit, the effect seemed to be good, even a little beyond Ye Qiong's expectations.

The angle at which the bone crystal arrow entered was about 60 degrees from its chest. The entire bone crystal arrow went directly in more than half, and only a small part of the arrow tail remained outside.

Lord Leimairong suddenly felt a pain in his chest, but the bone crystal arrow was too small for it, so it didn't notice it when it flew over quickly from the air just now.

After roaring a few times, the lord Limairong jumped straight up, jumped back, opened some distance from the lord forest ancient ape, and then lowered his head and looked at his chest.

I soon saw the little black dot slipping into the wound. Although it didn't look big, if it was inserted through the wound, it would cause a stinging pain as the lord's muscles moved.


I really wanted to snap the black dot out of my chest, but after trying it, I found that I couldn't seem to do it.

At least not in a short period of time, even if its palm is relatively flexible compared to many monsters on the ground, but because it is too large, such delicate work will take time.

The lord forest ancient ape will naturally not give it any chance to draw arrows. The distance of several tens of meters, for the lord forest ancient ape, is a matter of a few steps.

After slamming on all fours and landing on the ground, the lord forest ancient ape came directly to the front of the lord Di Mairong, raised his big hand, and called towards the big cake face of the lord Di Mairong.

Following the gaze of Lord Leyline Rong, it also saw the arrow that hit Lord Leyline Rong's chest.

Intellectually, the lord forest ancient ape was much higher than the lord's leyline, and it immediately realized that the thing that showed a small section was the tail of the human arrow!


Are there humans?

This time, it was his turn to be a little confused, but he didn't have time to think about anything else at the moment.

After so many years of fighting, the two sides have a deep understanding of each other, and both want to kill each other, but as long as one party wants to run, the other party has nothing to do.

While fighting with the lord Leyline Rong, the attention of the lord forest ancient ape also shifted to a part of the surrounding area, trying to find the human figure who shot the arrow and accurately hit the injured part of the lord Leyline Rong's chest.

Even with the wisdom and experience of its lord-level beast, it is still shocked by the power and accuracy of this arrow.

What made it even more shocking was the black arrow made by humans, which seemed to have a familiar feeling.

as if...

There is no connection with it. Within such a distance, the lord Leimai Rong felt the unusualness of the arrow.

The lord Leimai Rong is very uncomfortable now. It is estimated that it can't imagine in a dream that the arrows of humans can actually cause it any threat...

The place where the bone crystal arrow hit is on the right side, so every time it raised its right arm to resist the attack of the lord forest ancient ape, it felt a tingling pain in the chest, and the speed of reaction and the range of motion were all different. has dropped a lot.

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