Seeing the enthusiastic expressions of Qiu Jiajia and Wang He, Lin Yu smiled.

"Let me think about it."

The "Collection Book of the Devouring God", since he was given an egg during the college entrance examination, has never responded.

His preliminary judgment should be that each realm can only be drawn once.

"I can only figure out a way for the other beast."

That being said, he wasn't particularly worried, as he already had no shortage of connections.

Whether it's Wang He, Qiu Jiajia, or An Yuan, they can choose pets at any time.

It is not impossible for him to pay for it himself.

"Theoretically, I have the talent of [Swallowing], and the requirements for contracted beasts are not so high..." he secretly said in his heart.

No matter what beast he contracts, he is confident in cultivating it to the top.

"Look again, if you want to find something interesting."

"By the way, it seems that there will be another meteor shower in a few days!" Qiu Jiajia blinked suddenly.

A pair of bright and moving eyes looked at Lin Yu.

"We men are not interested in that kind of thing." Gao Yang waved his hand.

"If you have time to watch that thing, why not play a few more games and practice."

Zhang Yuze on the side lowered his head slightly, as if recalling the details of the battle just now.

"Meteor shower?"

Lin Yu frowned.

If I remember correctly, it seems that I have been here several times recently, right?

Although he didn't go to the scene, he could still see the news that popped up on his phone.

But this happens too often...

For no reason, his heart skipped a beat.

Is it really just a coincidence? Could there be something behind this?


After returning home and sitting down on the sofa, Lin Yu opened the mobile phone forum.

Search for "meteor shower" directly.

Sure enough, a lot of posts popped up, and many people were discussing them.

It seems that the news has been reported again. This meteor shower will come in three days. The officials asked people nearby to pay attention to safety and evacuate in advance.

[Initial k]: "What are you doing, this has come three times, but no one is allowed to see it once?"

[Dandelion's Promise]: "Yes, I still want to take advantage of the meteor shower and make a wish in the past."

Many people in the forum expressed regret.

Lin Yu has also heard about this.

Every time there was a meteor shower, the Beast Masters Association would send people to guard the place to keep people away.

[Say good night, please]: "Maybe it's because we are afraid that we will be affected. Rocks falling from high altitudes are also very lethal."

Some try to explain, but others promote conspiracy theories.

[Cute little stutterer]: "Is there something else wrong with it? It's just a meteor shower. Why are you not allowed to get close?"

Of course, more people scoffed at this statement.

"There may indeed be a problem with this wave..." For some reason, Lin Yu suddenly felt a little uneasy.

There is always a feeling that the storm is coming.

"Is it because I'm too sensitive..." He touched his nose, and his heart moved, "Why don't you sneak a look at the scene?"

As soon as he said it, he immediately started to look up the address where the meteor shower came.

【Wu Ma Forest】.

It is not far from where he lives, and it is also in the east of the city.

Lin Yu's eyes quickly flicked across the map.


He saw the Cuiyun Farm that he had been to before and experienced the bug swarm event there.

There was also Dicha Mountain, where he had experienced earlier, where he met the Howling Banshee.

And the address [Wu Ma Forest] that came this time happened to be in the middle of these two places.

"Is this a coincidence......"


Three days later, Wuma Forest.

Lin Yu was wearing a black tights, a pair of sunglasses, and a peaked cap on his head.

Feel the strange eyes around.

He was standing on a hill at this time, driven by curiosity, he sneaked over to see this seemingly unusual meteor shower.

For some reason, he always had a feeling in his heart.

If you don't come this time, you will miss something very important.

Looking at the situation at the scene, it was obvious that he was not the only one who thought so.

Many men and women around, all looking furtive, stopped on the top of the hill and watched.

Although the official website does not allow access to the core area, it does not seriously say that it will block the entire area of ​​several kilometers.

They predicted that there would be many people stationed in the core area, so they all came to this hill with the best view, trying to take a look.

"What are you looking at, isn't everyone here to watch the meteor shower?"

Facing all kinds of strange eyes, Lin Yu finally couldn't bear it anymore, and muttered.

Hearing this, those people turned their heads resentfully.

The corner of Lin Yu's mouth twitched slightly, he knew that his dress was a bit strange.

But it wasn't just a disguise that caused her head to twitch when she went out.

He had other plans, so he could only say that these ignorant mortals didn't understand.


I don't know who yelled, Lin Yu cheered up, and looked up at the sky.

On the horizon, a dull luster first shone, and then the entire atmosphere seemed to be crushed down.

This was followed by the sound of tearing the air.

"My God, what is that?!"

Soon, a shocking scene appeared.

The stars all over the sky gradually enlarged in the field of vision as they approached.

Meteors shining with dark green light pierced the sky with tail flames.

"Why is this color so strange..."

Some people who originally wanted to make a wish stopped involuntarily and stared blankly at the sky.

Lin Yu's eyelids also began to twitch.

With amazing eyesight, he could see that the meteors piercing through the sky at high speed were actually stones, and above, there was a dark green flame burning blazingly.

It looks very strange.

"Is this a meteor shower?"

At this moment, he had a stomach full of things that he couldn't spit out.

This meteor shower is completely different from what I imagined.

Looking around, many people took out their phones one after another, trying to take pictures of this unusual scene.

"Will this be the case in the previous few times?" Lin Yu touched his chin and guessed in his heart.

It is estimated that it is close to ten.

As for why I didn't see any photos of the scene on the Internet...

It's very simple, most likely it was deleted by the network administrator...

He shook his head and took a few steps forward.

As the "meteor shower" approached, a hot feeling came to my heart.

But unlike the hot feeling encountered in the [Volcano Field], this time it seems to come from the sultry heat of the soul.

There is definitely something wrong with this meteor shower Lin Yu even heard his heartbeat beating.

Everything was fleeting, and with the whistling of the dark green tail flame, this strange meteor shower had disappeared from everyone's sight.


He lifted his eyes to look down the valley below.

"It's gone?" The people around seemed to be still in the shock just now, their faces were full of unsatisfactory expressions.

Others felt that it was too weird and couldn't help wiping their sweat.

For a while, the scene fell into silence.

"Let's go, let's go home."

It seemed that the silence was a little frightening. Someone hurriedly broke the weird atmosphere and left quickly as if escaping.

This sentence also made more people wake up from a dream, scrambling to go down the mountain, as if they were afraid that something would chase them later.

There are also a few bold ones, like Lin Yu, who looked into the distance a few times.

Finally, he left unwillingly.

In the valley below, people from the association are stationed, and it is said that the military is also involved.

In this case, it is clear that there is no way to go down and investigate carefully.

For a while, the crowd almost dispersed, and the hilltop completely restored its former tranquility.

Only Lin Yu was still standing there.

It's over... His mouth squirms slightly, and that's ready for action.

After looking again, he was sure that there was no one there, so he gently jumped towards the valley.

Moves nimbly through the jungle like an ape.

Green wind gushes out from his feet non-stop, relieving the resistance caused by his fast walking.

Along the way, his heart started beating again.

He was a little excited to be about to reveal this unknown and strange phenomenon.

As he got closer, he already felt a rush of heat.

"Step", he stopped at an intersection.

In front, stood four or five men in military uniforms, looking around in full force.

"It's from the military!"

Lin Yu was startled, and quickly hid behind a big tree.

"Who is it!" However, there was a stern shout in an instant, followed by gazes like iron shackles.

Is the feeling so keen Lin Yu frowned.

The breath of that group of people didn't look weak, and all of them were above the level of intermediate beast masters.

The strongest one seems to have reached the peak of the middle class.

"I've seen you, I'll count to three, if you don't come out, we're going to attack." The serious and emotionless voice continued.

Lin Yu had already heard dense footsteps.

Obviously, they were already preparing to surround them, and he knew that these military people would definitely do what they said.

After thinking for a while, he decided to come out first.

However, before showing up, he took off his sunglasses, otherwise he would look too sneaky.

"Who are you?" The leader raised his brows and looked at Lin Yu.

"A student who just passed by." Lin Yu shrugged.

"Just passing by..." The other party didn't seem to believe it.

"It's forbidden to approach here, go back quickly." After a pause, he said seriously.

Lin Yu scratched his head, pretending to be nonchalant and said, "What's in it, brother, I seemed to see a meteor shower falling here just now..."

"Don't ask if you don't know." The man said with a sullen face.

Lin Yu knew that these people were most likely to be reckless, and he didn't expect to continue to ask for anything.

After nodding helplessly, he turned and left.

But he didn't give up completely.

Taking advantage of the night and the cover of the jungle, after walking to a place where the soldiers could not see, Lin Yu started to shuttle through the woods again.

He didn't believe that he couldn't find a single loophole.

But soon, reality gave him a blow to the head.

The entire valley was really surrounded and airtight, with a group of people guarding it at intervals without leaving a passage.

"How many people have been sent here..."

While surprised, Lin Yu muttered softly.

Just now he saw people from the military, and he also caught a glimpse of people from the Beast Masters Association in civilian clothes.

And the more the other party paid so much attention, the more itchy he felt.

His intuition told him that there was information that was very important to him, and if he missed it, he might regret it for a long time.

"Little bat, go over to check it out from the air."

Lin Yu thought, since the bottom is not good, then look for a breakthrough from the sky.

After the words fell, the little bat hidden in the backpack poked its head out, nodded and flew out as a black shadow in an instant.

For this first wild adventure after returning, it is very serious.

With a serious expression, it flew farther and farther.

Seeing the figure of the little bat going away, Lin Yu chose a bush to get in, and waited patiently.

A few minutes later, the little bat seemed to have discovered something, and through telepathy, a message came.

"There's blood everywhere, and the corpses of many wild beasts?"

Lin Yu was startled slightly.

Telepathy can only be roughly described, and it is impossible to project a specific picture.

But he could imagine the tragedy just by imagining it.

"Where are those people in there?" He asked quickly.

Whether it was the military or the association, many people were sent in.

"Fighting? With what You didn't see clearly." Lin Yu frowned. "It's good if I didn't find you, just hide it first."

Through the little bat, he also roughly knew something about the situation.

"There is indeed something ominous inside..." He thought for a moment, since he already knew a place with weak surveillance, why not go in there to have a look?

The purple light flickered, and Xiao Zi was directly summoned by him.

After looking at each other, he nodded, and he took Xiao Zi's plain white hand.

The girl flapped the wings on her back, and in the blink of an eye, she flew him up.

Feeling the weightlessness of flying into the air, Lin Yu took a deep breath and pointed in the direction where the little bat disappeared.

"Hurry up, over there!"

Ahead, there is a lot of green light faintly shining through the jungle, which inexplicably brings a feeling of depression.

There is also a sulfur-like smell, which is very pungent.

"Cough cough."

After Lin Yu coughed a few times, he glanced down solemnly.

The jungle, which was supposed to be full of vitality, could no longer see any wild beasts.

"Who did it...huh?"

He keenly noticed that there seemed to be energy fluctuations not far away.

Is there someone fighting in front of it?

"Lean over, be careful." He told Xiao Zi in his heart.

In a clearing among the jungles, several young men in dark green military uniforms were standing solemnly in front of several huge and communicated quickly.

"Report, in the East 27 area, seven flying stones have been found, and four of them have been broken."

One of them was holding a walkie-talkie and reporting fairly quickly.

"Two of the four have been killed, and the rest are all at the first stage of the Transcendent Realm..." one of the tall men said in a deep voice, "But they are too weird, we still have to be careful."

"Xiaoyu, you are injured, first step back and rest for a while." He did not forget to turn his head and remind him.

Behind him was a heroic young woman with mid-length hair, and her beautiful face could not be concealed even in a military uniform.

"I'm fine. Be careful when you're fighting." She squeezed her shoulders, not taking it seriously even if her hands were covered with blood, and said seriously.

In front of them, three men stood in a row. Their tall and straight bodies were like a small wall, which gave her an infinite sense of security.

"There they are again!" one of them whispered.

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