Seeing that the crowd became more orderly, Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

He quickly walked over to Ye Wenqian, looked at Sister Yu and said seriously: "Ms. Ye, leave this to me, please go to the principal's office and release Principal Ouyang first, he is in trouble."

Ye Wenqian was taken aback for a moment, and although she didn't understand what was going on, she still nodded.

"However, are you okay?" she said softly.

"A man can't say no."

"Fuck you, when is it..."

Ye Wenqian groaned coquettishly, turned around abruptly, jumped onto the forbidden stone of star curse, and went straight to the principal's office.

This is an expression of absolute trust.

Lin Yu turned his head quietly, his expression a little complicated.

Although he didn't know why the invasion of another dimension came so suddenly, Ancheng High School was one of the places where he stayed the longest after all.

Rays of light flickered one after another, and all the beasts were summoned by Lin Yu.

"Start killing, don't show mercy."

The beasts raised their heads one by one, their eyes filled with determination.

Even the original tinder who had just joined the group seemed to understand Lin Yu s mood.

They felt that their blood was boiling all of a sudden. It wasn't long after they broke through, and they had long been looking forward to a hearty battle to experience a brand new power.

"Niu Niu, go and watch Zhang Yuze and the others." Lin Yu instructed.

The few of them are holding up a group at this time, fighting against seven or eight beasts in the initial habitat.

With their strength, the ordinary initial stage cannot threaten their lives, as long as there are no opponents who crush the realm.

But in this chaotic battle, anything can happen, and Lin Yu didn't want to find out that one of his little friends had fallen.

Sure enough, the next moment, a ferocious scarecrow with disheveled hair suddenly jumped out of the shadows and rushed towards Qiu Jiajia's back.


Feeling the terrifying and suffocating aura, several people reacted quickly and released their skills towards it with all their strength.

But it could only be knocked back, but it didn't cause any damage.

The scarecrow smiled evilly, his body suddenly expanded two or three times, and wisps of black mist spread.

"Boom", a scorching flame came from afar, and the scarecrow, who was extremely arrogant a second ago, turned into ashes in a blink of an eye.

A gust of wind blew up the ashes, and Zhang Yuze and the others remained stunned.

Until Lin Yu blinked at them.


Suddenly there was a loud noise like thunder in the sky, and everyone raised their heads involuntarily.

In the sky, a huge beast like an ancient clock swayed out of the dimensional crack.

It looks rusty and rusty, and it looks like it has gone through endless years.

The strange thing is that there are more than a dozen bloodshot eyes on Qi Zhong's body, and those eyes are all made of flesh and blood.

The metal body and the eyeballs that seem to grow directly on the surface constitute an extremely infiltrating scene.


It swayed gently, and the ecstasy-like bells rang through the sky instantly, and countless whispers came from all directions at the same time.

The whole world seemed to have been reduced to a ghost town.

Everyone's face suddenly turned extremely pale, and even the teachers felt an extra pressure on their bodies.

There is no doubt that this is a pet beast of the Extreme Transformation Realm, and it has reached the peak of the Extreme Transformation Realm.

Many teachers with high-level beast master cultivation levels looked awe-inspiring.

Even if they are in the same realm, their strengths can be divided into grades.

And that "monster" has extraordinary aptitude at first glance, coupled with a spiritual power cultivation level that can be called the extreme limit, it is a super powerful enemy descended from the sky.

"No, we must get rid of it quickly!"

They knew very well in their hearts that if this strange clock continued to ring, the mental state of those students would soon be on the verge of the limit, and then they would face abnormalities.

"Whoosh", two figures jumped out quickly, they were the head teachers of the two top classes in the third year of high school.

This man and a woman, the man has a thick beard under the chin, and the woman is wearing a cheongsam, both of them are in the late stage of senior beast masters.

They called their pet beasts and rushed straight into the sky.

The male teacher was riding on a huge panda beast, which had a sturdy body nearly three meters high.

What's even cooler is that there are countless ducts on its back, which are emitting raging flames, flying up with its heavy body.

Along the way, it glared at the strange clock together with the owner on its back.

This turned out to be a biochemically modified mechanical beast that was half mechanical and half biological.

And another female teacher stood on a flute that had become huge, and in the melodious melody, she was rushing forward like a heroine.

Seeing the two top teachers attacking together, the boys and girls below felt a lot more at ease.

Especially the students in those two classes, this will be even more exciting.

Even for them, they hardly have the chance to see their homeroom teacher make a move on weekdays, and the strong aura they will show this time is obviously very proud of everyone.

But who would have thought that the ancient clock didn't even move, but turned all the strange eyes on the two of them.

A strange light appeared in his eyes.

All of a sudden, the entire sky seemed to become a forbidden area.

The two teachers who had just rushed to the sky, before they got close to each other, seemed to be in a quagmire, stagnating.

"what's the situation?!"

The male teacher's eyes widened, and he let his pet beast fly forward with all its strength.

But the flying speed at this moment is as slow as if the deceleration button has been pressed.

The female teacher was not idle either, she manipulated the flute to change the style of music, sending out bursts of sonic attacks, trying to open up a path.

But under the gaze of those weird eyeballs, the normally smooth melody will become intermittent.

Seeing the two aggrieved teachers, the students below couldn't help but thump in their hearts.

The strength of that monster beast seems a bit scary?


Countless strange laughter sounded out of thin air, following the shaking of the ancient clock, one after another.

It obviously has no mouth, but everyone who heard it gushed out the idea that this is its masterpiece.

Those laughs seemed to seep directly from the eyes.

"Crack card wipe", the next moment, the entire sky was suddenly cut into countless pieces like a mirror.

Each area is stained with an indescribably dark color, but it is different in shades and different, as if it is a gradient color.

The most frightening thing is that in the middle of each area, there is a huge phantom eye staring at the two teachers in the air.

Being in the center of strange skills, the two of them felt extremely depressed at this time, even their heartbeats began to be uncontrolled, and their brains became dizzy.

"Boom boom boom..."

Feeling the attack coming, the mechanical panda instantly opened its hands, and blue bamboo leaves flew all over its body, covering the sky and covering the earth, enclosing it and its owner in an airtight manner.

The same is true for the flute on the other side. Amid the high-pitched melody, a pink light shield protects the female teacher.

The two of them used their own methods and used the strongest defensive skills to resist.

The unimaginable coercion continued to spread, and the sky gradually distorted.

Form weird textures.

All the students on the playground felt sick and unbearable, as if motion sickness, accompanied by bouts of anxiety.

They looked at the strange clock beast suspended in the sky with great fear.

Even at such a long distance, the opponent can use the aftermath of their skills to deeply affect them...

Can the two teachers who are the first in the air hold on?

The answer was revealed instantly.

"Whoosh", several sounds like flying arrows pierced the sky, and quickly fell down, directly sinking into the ground.

The two teachers didn't even have time to summon the other beasts, so they were sent flying.

"Teacher Xu!"

"Teacher Fang!"

Many people immediately exclaimed, and their faces became extremely ugly at the same time.

These two teachers are top class teachers. In terms of strength, they are definitely the best among the school's teachers.

Even they only lasted for a moment, so how to deal with this weird beast?

The morale, which had been slightly boosted by the assembly, dropped a little at this time.


With a cold snort, a beautiful figure galloped over.

"Miss Ye, you're back so soon? Where's the principal?"

Lin Yu looked at her in surprise, looking backward.

Ye Wenqian gestured to show that he was on his way here.

Lin Yu nodded, guessing that the other party needs to adjust his state, as long as his life is not in danger.

As soon as Ye Wenqian came over, she swiftly killed a few Transcendent beasts, then raised her head and looked at the "threat" in the sky without showing any weakness.

Right now Ouyang Rui is a little bit late in recovering from his injuries, and before he arrives, she is the only one to make a move.

She could feel that the combat power of this pet beast was quite terrifying, it was definitely the pinch of extreme extremes.

Suddenly, just as her body was about to move, a palm rested on her shoulder.

Turning around suddenly, she softened quickly after realizing that it was Lin Yu.

It doesn't matter, I will take the shot. Lin Yu whispered in her ear.

"You?" Looking at the young man in front of her, Ye Wenqian froze for a moment, and suddenly remembered that the other party was already a senior beast master.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared at him piercingly, and in the end, thousands of words turned into "be careful".

Unknowingly, he has grown up and become a strong man who can stand on his own... Ye Wenqian's mind suddenly became complicated.

A ball of flames burst, Lin Yu had already soared into the sky riding the newly recalled Molten God Bull, and Xiao Zi flew in front of him.

name】:? ? ?

Attributes: spirit, gold

Boundary]: extreme change

Potential]: five stars

Introduction】:? ? ?

Just as Lin Yu thought, there was no information about the strange clock in the illustrated book. Obviously, this pet beast had never appeared in Yanhuang before.

However, Xiao Zi had already told Lin Yu its name in time.

Crooked-eyed ancient clock], this seems to be a dual-element beast of spirit and gold.

As soon as he came near it, Lin Yu felt the pressure that the two teachers had experienced before.

The invisible blockage like a quagmire gradually slowed down their flying speed.


Xiao Zi snorted coldly, her pretty face was as cold as ice, and she quickly stretched out her slender jade fingers.

A long, evil white blade suddenly emerged from the fingertips.

The cold light fell, and the invisible pressure was instantly cut away, opening up a path.

The weird ancient clock turned around and swayed slightly in place.

The eyeballs all over its body opened wide at this moment, as if it saw something extraordinary.

"Have you seen enough?" Lin Yu said coldly.

Xiao Zi reached forward with her hand, and a blank shadow escaped from her hand.

The next moment, a huge pale hand descended suddenly, rising against the wind.

After using Xiao Zi's Extreme Transformation Realm, the Pale Hand grew to a length of more than ten meters, like a giant's palm.

The palm moved forward, and the wind pressure of death roared up, and the people below looked at this scene with horror.

Before they had time to sigh, the emergency bell rang continuously, and the strange clock seemed to be aware of the danger.

In other words,,,..version. 】

After shaking violently a few times, the sky twisted again.

Pieces of divided areas, phantoms of wide-open eyes descended in the darkness.

It is the trick that was used just now, blinding the horizon].

Lin Yu had already prepared for this.

On the way just now, he asked Xiao Zi to summon the Forbidden God Feather], and at this time, that noble and deep purple feather was firmly held in his hand.

Strands of black and purple spiritual power, like scattered starlight, danced around him.

"Fuck you!" Lin Yu swung forcefully.

A strange purple wind is generated along the trend, seemingly gentle and harmless, but there are mysterious and mysterious rules in it.

The terrifying and treacherous formation gradually melted into nothingness as if he had encountered some natural enemy at this moment.

"Sure enough, as I expected, although its skill is not a domain, it is also a persistent skill."

Under the absolute rules of the Forbidden God Feather], the opponent's ultimate move was directly cleared, and disappeared in an instant.

Even the sky brightened a bit.

It's a pity that the dimensional crack that expanded quite a lot was not moved by it at Lin Yu retracted his gaze regretfully, that thing was completely beyond his ability, and he didn't know what it was How it was formed.

At the same time, the pale hand has already touched the ancient clock with abnormal eyes.

Its body was suddenly dyed a deathly whiteness, and all movements stopped.

The big pale hand turned over, and with a sudden grip, the huge strange clock was already pinched in the palm of his hand.

This astonishing scene made many timid people tremble.

They kept telling themselves in their hearts that this is Lin Yu's pet beast, and this is not an enemy.

Those teachers were also completely shocked. Although they already knew that Lin Yu had advanced combat power, they did not expect it to be so terrifying.

That strange clock pet beast is at the pinnacle of extreme change!

It's even some kind of extremely terrifying mutant species. If it's a one-on-one fight, there are basically few opponents at the same level.

Now it was taken down by Lin Yu like this?

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar fallen angel, complex expressions appeared in their eyes.

"Peng Peng Peng", accompanied by the clenching of the pale hand, the sound of metal collapsing resounded in the sky.

The ancient clock with deformed eyes was pinched as if it had been deformed, and it had already lost its will to fight.

The eyes on that body were "sizzling" corrupted into fly ash by the power of death.

"Whoosh", Xiao Zi has already flown above the ancient clock with abnormal eyes, her right hand is raised high.

The evil light finger blade] suddenly slashed down, and this beast of another dimension, which can be called the overlord of the extreme transformation realm, was cut in half directly.

As it fell, bursts of grievance-like wailing suddenly sounded across the sky, as if expressing its unwillingness.

Xiao Zi's face was calm, and with a light wave of her hand, the invisible momentum spread.

The howling sound seemed to be suddenly choked by the throat, and completely disappeared without a trace.

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