Lin Yu looked at the guarded eyes of the ancient King Kong tree, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"I'm not your enemy." He smiled brightly, trying to look as harmless as possible.

However, in the eyes of King Kong Ancient Tree, he and Xiao Zi were more terrifying existences than those two Howling Banshees.

It raised its fist and showed Lin Yu a threatening expression of "I'm super fierce".

The mouth kept yelling "tree tree".

Lin Yu blinked, unmoved.

With smiles on their faces, he and Xiao Zi approached the ancient Vajra tree step by step.

The ancient tree suddenly panicked, it waved its fists curled up from the branches, and punched the air one after another.

It seemed to be warning Lin Yu not to get closer.

At the same time, stepping on faster small steps, quickly retreating.

Don t run, Shu Bao. Lin Yu shouted loudly, and at the same time gave Xiao Zi a look.

A gradient purple halo appeared in Xiao Zi's hand, and the air flow rolled over the halo.

It's as if you want to **** your soul into it.

Lin Yu contributed the second believer position of [Fallen Believers] without hesitation.

He had a smile in his eyes, this kind of beast, even if it was selected as an official contract position, it would not be a loss.

Although he doesn't have a free contract slot now, he has the magical skill of [Fallen Believer].

Otherwise, he can only consider [swallowing] the tree treasure.

Seeing Xiao Zi's sudden throw of skills, King Kong Ancient Tree became very wary.

Can't help but want to escape.

However, the aperture had already reached above it, and it immediately covered its body.

It seems that hypnotic thoughts are invading its sea of ​​consciousness.

It fainted a few times, shook its head, and gritted its teeth to resist.

Treants will never be slaves!

At this moment, its tenacious will was fully displayed.

Obviously not a spiritual pet beast, but it also temporarily resisted the suppression of the purple light circle.

"This resistance is much stronger than that of the little bat. Is this an ancient pet beast with five-star aptitude?"

This also made Lin Yu more interested in it.

The stronger it was now, the more thrilling it was for him to conquer.

It seems that something is wrong...

Lin Yu shook his head, he naturally had his own way of dealing with this young beast with a strong sense of justice.

That is to do what you like.

He said solemnly to the ancient Vajra tree: "Come with me, Shu Bao, let us purify this filthy world together."

The ancient tree was obviously taken aback when he heard the words, and its resistance seemed to be a little weaker.

Lin Yu continued to talk endlessly: "I have a dream, and that is to build a perfect world without evil."

"In that world, there are no evil creatures, and all the beasts are happy."

His voice sounds extremely sincere, and his acting skills are even more innocent.

Not to mention this kind of ignorant beast, even Ye Wenqian would probably be taken aback for a while in front of him.

The ancient vajra tree trembled when he heard it, as if it was the first time in its life that it encountered such a bosom friend.

"Tree tree!" It had put down its resistance and raised its fist excitedly.

Lin Yu, on the other hand, looked indifferent to life, and continued to speak passionately: "I have a dream, that is to let the light of justice spread all over the earth, and the holy light be revealed, shining all over the world."

The purple light circle tightened and gradually penetrated into the body of the Vajra Ancient Tree.

The password is correct Lin Yu smiled slightly.

He raised his hands high, and gave it the last dose of bad news.

"Come with me, Shubao, together, let all the evil people in the world feel the pain!"

The Vajra Ancient Tree trembled, as if hearing some kind of holy voice.

It curled up the tree roots, lowered its body slightly, and looked at the human being who poked its soul with admiration.

Its psychological defenses have been completely breached.

Shubao is still too simple Lin Yu sighed, and put down his slightly sore hands.

I have to train and train it well in the future, otherwise I will lose a lot if I am cheated away one day.

The purple light completely entered the body, and the Vajra Ancient Tree also closed its eyes.

It worked!

Lin Yu nodded slightly, and looked at Xiao Zi.

With the joint efforts of his three-inch tongue and Xiao Zi, he successfully obtained a new [believer].

It has to be said that the skill [Fallen Believer] is really invincible.

I am afraid that the world will not be able to find a second pet beast with this kind of skill.

Feeling the sudden change in the ancient King Kong tree, Lin Yu sighed slightly.

Xiao Zi, forever God!

The ancient vajra tree finally opened its eyes, and there seemed to be some kind of black light flashing in its eyes.

A surging momentum bloomed from it, and it seemed to have a bit of ecstasy in its majesty.

Its appearance is the same as before the little bat, and it has also undergone amazing changes.

First is the bark, as if it had undergone some sort of staining.

The whole body changed from golden yellow to black.

It's not pure black, but light black with a strange luster.

The constantly beating bark, like black muscles, reveals a terrifying power.

The branches on both sides of it also became thicker, and strange black lines appeared on it.

A few buds trembled slightly, and then grew rapidly.

In a blink of an eye, a total of four branches appeared on both sides of it.

All of a sudden, it seemed to have six arms.

The ancient tree, which was originally upright and awe-inspiring, suddenly looked extremely evil.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yu's eyes lit up.

"Not bad, not bad, already worthy of my identity."

It's not over yet.

On the chest of the Ancient Vajra the bark was peeling off near where the eyes used to be.

In Lin Yu's weird eyes, it grew four new eyes.

"Treasure Shu turned into a six-eyed King Kong?" He licked his tongue.

【Fallen believer 2/4】

[Name]: Ancient Vajra Tree (variation)

[Attributes]: wood, fighting, dark (new)

[Boundary]: Beginning Realm Nine Layers

[Potential]: six stars

[Skills]: Wood Palm Dang Demon Strike (evolved), Nightmare Bells (evolved), Sin Judgment Light Seal (evolved), Black Heart Hard Armor (evolved), Mantra of Killing Demons (newly added)

Feeling the new information, he grinned from ear to ear.

As expected, in addition to the original attributes, the Vajra Ancient Tree added a dark attribute.

At the same time, the original skills have also evolved.

Its realm was abruptly raised by one level, and it reached the ninth level.

Suddenly became Lin Yu's pet beast with the highest realm.

"I feel like if I play against Ye Tian again, I don't even need to be the main pet..." His expression was a little weird, but also a little teasing.

Unable to restrain himself, he couldn't help pulling Ye Tian out to whip the corpse.

And the potential of the Ancient Vajra Tree has risen to an astonishing six stars.

Too strong Lin Yu grinned.

Am I just creating a new pet beast?

He kept staring at Shubao, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

After being transformed by the fallen forces, the tree treasure, like the little bat, became unrecognizable even to its mother.

With its current appearance, even if it is pulled in front of experts who specialize in the study of ancient Vajra trees, no one will think that it is the same beast.

But Lin Yu is quite satisfied with this.

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