1 Chapter 1: The Kidnappers

Shakira was on her way out of the Wimbley Stadium with her bodyguards, out of a sudden her bodyguards dropped on the ground one by one, and four? no..,. five men except for the driver of the getaway vehicle came after her and carried her to the getaway vehicle like a sack of potatoes.

SHAKIRA: eeekkk

hey put me down!!! what are you going to...... one of the men cover her mouth with a cloth that smells like......

Shakira felt like vomiting from the smell, she was about to complain but she feels like the world was spinning and.....


Shakira fainted from the smell of the cloth that the men used to cover her face, it smells like a rotten rat and she can still smell it till now when she awakens.

Shakira look around and found herself in a big bed in the middle of what looks like a warehouse???? She also found the stinky smelly cloth. When she picked it up, she saw that it was a.....

SHAKIRA: Yucked!!! A fucking dirty socks??? eeeeewww how dare them to use smelly dirty socks to cover my mouth? eeeeeew it really stinks. Shakira said as she threw the smelly socks away.

Shakira get up from the bed and started to wander around the warehouse, there is no one else inside the big warehouse. She walked over to a refrigerator casually like she is not being kidnapped, isn't she supposed to be scared or something????

She opens the refrigerator and grab a can of soda inside, she also took a pack of chips and open it like she was the owner of the warehouse and not a kidnap victim, she went back to sit on the bed with the can of soda and chips in her hand. As she settled herself comfortably on the bed with her feet dangling on the edge she started munching on the potato chips when she heard a phone ringing.

ring.... kring..., ... ki... ririring.....

SHAKIRA: oh, my phone!!! Shakira picked up her phone, she found it when she looks around following the sound of the phone ringing.

hello..... Shakira answer the call. It was her manager, Sheila, calling.

SHEILA: Where are you??? Her manager asks. hmmm??? isn't she supposed to worry about her talents???

SHAKIRA: Oh, I'm...... uh???? I don't know... I don't know where this place is, wait a minute I'll ask the kidnappers. Shakira said as she gets off of the bed and walked over to the warehouse close door while her manager, Sheila is patiently..... waiting??? ah, what's wrong with this person???? isn't she supposed to go call for a presscon and have an interview or even panic a little???

Shakira on the other hand, pushed the warehouse door lightly to open it but......

KLANG...... KLANG...... BAM

The warehouse steel door was broken as it created a deafening sound startling the men drinking outside.

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