The sight of my hometown being trampled and vandalized by a giant monster.

The sight of a partner held hostage stabbed with a sword and spit out blood as it was.

Everything I swore to protect, the sight of being trampled and ravaged unconstitutionally - I still remember.

"Look, there's more and more demons coming?"

"... ugh!"

The demon king's army executive I'm dealing with right now, Pregas.

I don't know if he's a man or a woman. He's a fox beast who looked like him, and I can see a caged hand in both his arms that's good at it.

- He's the resentful enemy who put a giant beast on my hometown, and the one who caused my squire to suffer wounds that still can't be healed.

I'm driven by the thought of my bowels boiling back just to see this guy.


But still, it's the anger here that makes you forget me, and that's what he thinks.

What I need to do now is stop the Demon King's army executives who are here and deal with the demons and soldiers who follow them.

To that end, the other brave men left a minimum of their power on the spot to rescue the institutions and the people of the city.

On this occasion are two sets of principals: Hurt on Hekil and Frey and Diel.

And Saila entrusted me with this occasion, Io the squire.

They were thoroughly grounded on this occasion, letting their respective abilities be harnessed.

"What kind of demons and our soldiers are in there, and you're manipulating a corner of the battle... is it also a desire for ruin?"

Indeed, I was the one who deliberately instructed you to divide your power.

This one will be at a disadvantage depending on the circumstances.

"You don't understand. You are."

"... what?"

"You saved my life, didn't you?"

Deliver the demon coming towards you in front of you and stab your sword on the floor.

Soil magic that commands iron.

He manipulates the cutting-edge of the sword with his own magic that can produce and manipulate minerals with magic, generating many swords from under the floor, and stabbing and piercing the demons.

I throw it into pregas when I take my hand off the sword and create it with magic to pinch the knife-shaped iron in my fingers.


Attacks not previously carried out.

Pregas, who devoured the face of the sudden attack, plays the knife with a caged hand that he is hastily putting on both arms.

"Are you doing well enough to seal off the black adventurer?"

"... ugh."

I don't know what these guys are thinking, but they raided this St. Real where the braves are gathering.

If you think calmly, it means you've come to a place where powerful people from all over the country come together.

"Temehe can't beat a brave man other than me," he said.

"... you can always slap a big mouth like that at the habit of losing to me?"

"Oh, I lost to Temehe. I don't know what you're going to say about the result... at a time when you're proud of me, you know the bottom!!"

Once again, it produces iron with magic, and begins the sword of a soldier attacking it as it takes the form of a sword.

Honestly, I stayed rotten until I got here.

I couldn't protect my hometown, I couldn't protect my partner, I was just driven to blame and I was even about to abandon myself, but here I saw the same brave man as me.

Any mighty opponent--even daring to challenge a black adventurer, I saw a boy and a girl.

"We are brave men. Wherever you are, you carry a mission to protect the people. So there is no room for war on small things like Temehe!!"

I kicked the belly of a soldier in the Demon King's Army, and I head towards Pregas, who is setting aside a bystander behind me.

He comes out with a sharp knee kick as he takes the sword with his caged hand.


Turn it into the shape of a shield and prevent it.

To the guy who opens his eyes in amazement, he sticks out his left arm - slamming an iron spear branched into three.


"What's the matter! Where was the light mouth just now?!?"

I'll take the iron spear with a distressed look and cut him into a pregas that goes back.

It's also a return of interest, but it also means apprenticing him.

He turns the grin that has looked down on previous people into anger.

"You tell me...! Then I'll..."

"Oh, that's a great gap."

Moments, intense shock waves beat against the side of the pregas as it shivered the air.

I don't think of him as a guy who can be blown straight up and slapped against the wall without even raising his voice, and I see the shock wave emitting.

There was Frey, one of the brave men with Nico's smile.

Next to her, a long-sleeved man called Diel, a squire, has a convulsing grin.

"That's my Lord! You can't strike me by accident or in the wind of a brave man! It's only elegant!!"

"Hmm, isn't it? Can I praise you more?"

"Oh, more praise, so forget the stupidity two days ago!"

I don't like that.

Smiling at his squire's words, Frey is grabbing the soldier's head and tapping into the shockwave.

... Young kids have something horrible these days...

If I pull honestly, I realize the demon is in there again from over my head.

"Mr. Hekil! Hart, shock over your head!"

"Don't order me, Osama!"

"Got it!"

Hekil and Hart's brothers simultaneously unleash electric shocks upwards, dropping demons one after another.

But Karina, another Demon King's Army executive and brave girl, unleashes mud so that she can thrash them.

"That much dirt will work for me!"

Hekil unleashes the magic of the wind at the same time as the electric shock, bouncing the mud.

But still, the mud released like turbulence does not diminish momentum.

"You can't stop my magic with such a breeze!"

"So what about this?"

As we tried to evade, the gray-haired girl who jumped in front of the mud - Io stabbed the slender sword in his hand into the mud.

Her magic powers pass to the mud, and instantly grown plants take root and stop the mud from moving.

"My magic...!?"

Plants that grow feeding on the magic caged in mud.

Karina groans abominably at Io for letting the colorful flowers bloom out of the mud.

"Your magic, very good"

"The squire...!"

"Yeah, it's a squire style that doesn't go as far as brave in strength. But... if Saila has entrusted me with this, I must live up to her trust."

Avoiding impending mud, she pierces the magical caged sword into the mud.

Then, in an instant, the roots grow on the mud and the flowers bloom.

"I like beautiful things to break. That would be one hobby, but you hate getting your own hands dirty more than anything. ——— The magic of the mud is a reflection of your heart."

"This woman...!!"

You were poked at the drawing star, Karina flies the mud debris as she gets emotional.

I stood in front of her reflexively, slamming the mud debris down with my sword, and she calmly spoke to me, who was behind me.

"Dear Figuro,"

"Uh, hey, what?"

"My magic sucks up magic and blooms. If you gently include it in your mouth, it will restore your magic, albeit minor, so use it."

"Oh, oh."

"Then I'll take care of the mud"

... I don't know who she is these days...!

I used to feel like I was laughing softly when I saw you guys with me, kite, but now it's faceless itself.

Confused, the magic recovers slightly when the flowers that are blooming nearby are picked and gently bitten in the mouth.

"I'm your partner."

"Ichichi no Ippo!! Demons!"

Karina's new demons and soldiers are coming this way.

Only Io's magic can stop Karina, who has a widespread means of attack called mud.

... I don't know if Saila anticipated it and left Io, but if we don't move while she's stuck...!

"Mr. Hekil!"

"You don't have to tell me. I know! Damn, how many demons are gushing up!"

"It's quick to say weak sounds, Hekil"

"Hey, it's not weak!"

Anxiously responding to Hurt's voice, Hekil is relative to the demons coming at him.

If you keep staging demons like this, you won't be able to reach Karina or Pregas.

The other one, some of which looked like executives, is not on this occasion because he has disappeared at some point.

"Keep it up, we'll kick the demons and soldiers and slap the executives!"

Then if you do something about these guys, at least the chain of command of the Demon King's Army soldiers on the ground should be gone.

The demons were a pain in the ass before, huh?



"... what?"

A demon who was hostile to us until earlier is uniformly looking in the same direction.

There must be only a wall of venues ahead, but the demons run out of the scene so they can attract them to something and head outside the venue.

"The demons...!?"

"Oh, why!?"

The demons shake off even the soldiers on their backs with pregas and carina looking baffled approximately.

Soon, I realize that where the demons disappeared from the venue, Io has a look like he noticed something.

"Mr. Kite...... I see, that's what that guy would do.... I have to work hard too."

... well, kite, you brought demons outside with your own magic!

Pretty...... or a very dangerous act, but thanks to his behavior, the situation leaned this way at once.

Then you can't waste his death act.

Once I was in the mood again, I grabbed my sword and headed toward the enemy.

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