The ship, wrapped in something like a transparent membrane, was losing balance and about to fall diagonally.

But still, without falling to earth, on the contrary, supplies falling from ships have also risen to the sky to float in space.

"It's easy if you just break it, but then I'll drop it here."

Mr. Will, who shrugged so, floats up looking up at the sky.

After glancing straight at us, Mr. Will ascended to the same height as the ship at an unusual speed.

"... Physical strengthening!"

Enhance your eyesight and see Mr. Will in the sky.

Reefa is vegan and has good vision, so she looks up at the sky to eat in - but Chisato and Saila, who are nearby, are diligently narrowing their eyes.

"Uh, Kate, do you see you and Reefa? I, Will, look just about the size of a bean grain."

When me and Reefa nod, Chisato talks to Saila, who is narrowing her eyes.

"What about Sarah?"

"I'm vegan and I have good eyes, so I can see."

"Other than me, sight Masai-like...!?"

I keep an eye on Mr. Will's movements as I twitch inside to see what that surprise looks like.

He unwrapped the membrane that was wrapping the ship as he let the robe wind.

"I solved that...!?"

"What!? What's going on...!?"

"Kite, the turret is being directed at Mr. Will."

"It's reckless not to run away here."

"On purpose!?"

You confirmed Mr. Will's appearance, and all the turrets of the ship floating in the sky are directed at Mr. Will.

In addition to the magic bullets we've been dropping in the city, the big cannons mounted on the hull? Light gathers in the cannon cannon.

Still immobile from the spot, he sees a massive amount of magic bullets and rays of unlikely magic encapsulated.

"Mr. Will!?"

I call his name by accident.

But all the magic bullets are erased just because Mr. Will turned his hand lightly, and even the rays are inhibited by the invisible walls that have arisen in front of him, disappearing.

——— ———

His mouth squeals something, reaching for the sheath he's been holding - hands on the pattern.

The sword that was then pulled out with slow motion is some kind of unchanging sword of dull color.


Every time something like black magic is wrapped around it, the space around the sword itself distorts.

Where the force was condensed and contained to the point where it wrapped thinly around the blade, he waved it gently to the side.

That's just how it works.

That's all that should have worked, but even the clouds that were shaking the sky and blocking the sun's rays erased them.

"Hey... you're lying, right?"

The giant ship that existed at the end of Mr. Will's gaze had been severed in two.

He pushed it out of the city as he manipulated it with his fingertips, trapping the ship again with a membrane-like phenomenon trying to fall to the ground, scattering the wreckage.

"I knew you didn't even mean it in defense..."

"... yeah"

He was really helpful in the fight against us.

More than despair in that fact, I take pleasure in reaffirming the strength of the person we should be targeting.

The back you should be aiming for is far away.

Naturally, too.

Mr. Will went on to drill for a long time to reach that power.

Then it's not about the sweet spot that I still have power and the sun is shallow and I despair of the difference in power from him.

"Wow, black adventurer...!"

I see Mr. Will's magic once now, whining like that.

I knew what his magic was like in his previous training.

"Mr. Will's magic is the magic of manipulating something to do with gravity... okay?"


Pinpoint attack utilizing gravity, both invisible walls and invisible shockwaves.

When we think of floating in the sky as a gravity-manipulated application, Tsuji fits.

Powerful magic, but stronger than anything else is its user, Mr. Will.

"But that was before the power of magic. The power of Lord Will himself is unusual. That's the black adventurer... there's something awesome to see with these eyes..."

Nodding at Schiff's whining.

The demons also continued to be dealt with by the soldiers of St. Real, so we also saw an end to this commotion.

"All right, we're out of shelling from the top, and I'll clean it up before the soldiers get hurt."

"Hmm? Chisato?"


Returning the water she was turning in defense of an empty shell to the ground, she pours it straight into the ground to slip.

The water swallows demons to avoid the soldiers.

"I knew it was magic on a hell of a scale, Chisato..."

"The demons will be washed away while you look at them."

Chisato quickly swept away the demons around him.

It's still an amazing amount of magic, and I sat on the spot thinking about swallowing things, finally trying to take a breath -,

"... eh"

I am struck by a terrible chill.

Look up at the other side of the sky.

The sky, which was covered in clouds, was erased by Mr. Will, and now I can only see the blue sky

I don't see anything.

But I'm definitely looking at this one... it's getting closer...!


"Cu? Cu!"

Stand up and turn the lime into a form of sword.


"Or, Mr. Kite? What's wrong?"

"The enemy is gone...?"

I desperately try to stay calm as I listen to the confused voices of the Shifs.

I don't know what this chill is. [M]

But we have to get everyone out of here anyway...!

Chisato, get everyone out of here.

"Well, why?"

"I'm the one being seen!! Quickly -"

Something like light appears in the sky ahead of me.

That goes toward Mr. Will, who floats in the sky at an unusual rate.


Sole wrapped in golden light and Mr. Will's magic bumps into each other, shivering the sky.

Moments, a roaring roar sounds and the space at the point where Mr. Will and something glowing collide is greatly distorted.

Along with that, a shock wave strikes enough to reach us on the ground.

Everybody, get down!


We all lay down on the spot in the voice of Chisato.

Looking up at the sky with his hands on the ground, Sole, who flew behind him so that he could play against each other with Mr. Will in the sky, falls to where we are with that momentum.

"Over here, come...!"

"Kite, that's... that's not..."


Light plugs in from overhead.

Not the sun.

It's full of overflowing thunder, creature.


"God, the beast"

The sole that appeared before him was a giant bird that emitted a golden light.

From the wings there is an electric shock, illuminating the surroundings where the light is just dazzling.

The sharp calf, the giant body, and the magnificent figure were reminiscent of the great eagle, whose divine beast - without even squealing - looked down at me silently.

"Oh, god beast...? How could you be here...!?"

"What is this reality? Could it be you're dreaming?"

"That sounds like I'm dreaming too... haha, it can't be..."

Saila, Shra, Jean are upset, but we've had contact with the Divine Beast, and we set up our weapons nervously.


The Great Eagle god beast still unresponsive.

It is not known whether it has been observed or determined.

But the god beast in front of me is not like the god beast I've ever met...!

At that time, the figure of the Great Eagle scratches off with the electric shock.

——— Not good.


Strengthen your body with all your magic and consolidate your defenses with Lime and Yulan.

In the next moment, an impact runs on my arm and shoulder resting on my neck.

The sound of crushing arms and shoulders echoes on my head.

Still, I managed to take the attack, but the shock blows me back and slaps me to the ground.

"Gah, guh...!"

"Kite! Damn, why now and God Beast...!"

Stay conscious even though you are bored by pain in your right arm.

I manage to get up with my arms on the ground, but notice that Lyme and Yulan have passed out due to the impact of an earlier attack.

Schiff seems safe, but he can't stand the next attack.


"I'll draw! Kite in the meantime!!"

Hand control Mr. Sarah pointing the magic cylinder at the Divine Beast in a hurried manner.

No, you can't.

If I attack this guy in front of me right now, he'll be seen as the target of an attack except me...!

I'm the only one who's after this god beast.

"Don't come, Reefa! Get everyone out of here now!"

"Hey, why are you saying that!? Let's run away together!!"

He manages to stand up while holding down his immobile right arm, staring at the divine beast that appeared in front of him.


He opened his eyes slightly to my appearance as he rose full of creativity.

There is a slight emotion in his eyes.

It's like you miss something, and then you see me, that kind of gaze.


Are you about to make your next attack. God Beast tries to move his wings.

I rushed over here and pressed the shifs against Reefa and threw them toward Chisato.

"Kite, what!?"


"Mr. Kite!"

He squeezes his last magic while listening to his companions, activates physical enhancement, and stands firmly on both feet while relative to the Divine Beast.

I don't know what the purpose is.

Maybe he came to kill me with the power of a pure demon.

There are as many possibilities as there are -,

"Don't think they'll just kill you...!"

- I will never give in.

Light fills from the wings of the divine beast.

Electric shock rings.

Hearing my name calling out to the Reefers, I ate my teeth to prepare for the next shock.

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