The ruins inhabited by Orochi.

We had come to a place where I had been summoned to this world, a place of many memories that had been kidnapped and nearly imprisoned by Meliá.

It's like home to Yulan, too, so he faces out of his chest pocket and looks around the ruins.

"Hey! Orochie!"

"You call that a sense of friendship!?"

When I scream out loud, three big heads emerge from the ruins with the vibration that you,

Three-necked serpent, Orochi.

It was originally a dangerous warcraft, but now it's a great warcraft that doesn't attack people unless you do harm here.


Chisato looks up at Orochi, who approached me with a trembling voice.

Such a big snake.

If you're a normal girl, you can't be scared.

"Or cute!"


Chisato shines his eyes with unprecedented tension.

I was tasting the girl UMA loves...! Orochi is also a dick for Chisato...!

I introduce Orochi to Sole, who reminds me of Mr. Serra without a heart, while pulling with the demons of use.

"Er, this girl is the Orochi."

"Kite, you're the one who tried to bite you to death!"


"Sorry, no offense to Chisato..."

Al, who looks tired, speaks that way to the head in the middle of Orochi, who is cramping the edge of his mouth.

In the meantime, while stroking Orochi's lower jaw, he travels to a place with stones that are just about to sit.

"How did you get along with this girl?"

Chisato, with his hips down on the stone, asks me that.

Speaking of which, I didn't talk much about Meliá, so why don't I explain it lightly because it's a good opportunity?

"Originally Orochi was like a servant of a god beast sleeping underground."

"Is that Meliá the god beast?"

"Right. Perhaps Orochi is like a hiding place, and Merliah has been hiding so that her presence would not be distracted."

No, is hiding different?

Because for Meliá, humans are not a threat or anything.

Nor was her presence known because Orochi's dwelling in the superficial layers never allowed humans to enter the depths where Meliá lived.

"How did Meliá come into contact with you, Kate?"

"Hey, they grabbed me."


"Well, you let me go at the end of the day. Not to say it's not a bad god beast, but it's a pure god beast. ——— Isn't that right, Merliah?"



I see Merriam looking at this one through Yulan's sight from earlier.

Yulan, with a hazy look on his face as he immediately returned to me, looks around without knowing the situation.

Laughing at Chisato, who is flashing, with Yulan like that on his hands.

"This is how you come to see me worried."

"It's a surveillance mistake...?"

"If humans get used to it, they'll be fine with everything."

"My eyes aren't laughing!?"

In fact, when Kruckleiser attacked me, he helped me, though he looked like a little snake.

... Well, the question is why were you there then... maybe that won't tell me.

I hope you come to see me normally, but I suspect a little that maybe Melia is doing something in the shadows.

"Orochi, what happened while I was gone?"

"Guh, guh"

When Orochi squeals, Schiff nods and translates.

"They didn't say anything about it. Lord Serra's here, but he's gone home as he pleases."

"As Tamer, maybe I should learn how to behave..."

"As far as I'm concerned, it's time for you to know Tamer other than Lord Sella..."

I don't really see Tamer.

Well, it doesn't change that Sella is a respectable Tamer.

"Hey, kite, you. Who's Serra?"

"I'm Tamer, a respected senior."

"Oh, I'd love to see you."

I thought it might cause a strange chemical reaction, but don't you dare say it to me.

I was able to confirm Orochi's condition, and should we move to the next location?

"Bye, Orochi. I'll be back."


Put your hands on Orochi's lower jaw.

It's a situation I didn't even imagine given the first time I was attacked, and I'll be on the spot later.

The lake's next.

"Kite, what are you going to do in the lake? No way fishing!? Magic trout for dinner this evening!?"

He looks up at me like Schiff is happy.

The fact that his tail is also standing on top shows that he is happy.

"No, I was going to fish too, but I have another purpose"


He said, "Enjoy the rest of it."

The lake is just outside the city a little far from the ruins.

It's not that far in distance, so we'll be at the lake in about half an hour.

The lake is not popular and is surrounded by a quiet atmosphere.

Occasionally on the lake surface, fish are also firm due to small ripples.

"Okay, there's no sign of anyone else."

While giving out the hawk, I breathe in a lot of air to make sure there was no sign of people around me.

Keep your hands in the shape of a barrel, and I will speak out.


"That, Dejab"

One of the purposes of my presence here is to meet Fili.

I would normally see him if I had a water field, but I figured it would be better if I didn't see him, so I came to the lake.

My voice echoes around me.

Chisato, who was next door, is surprised, but laughs bitterly.

"No, no, Kate, you know, God Beast comes out that easy -"


"--- There you are...!?"

Blue dragons flying energetically from the center of the lake to space.

A big dragon about three meters long - Feelyhelt jumps straight into the lake with a big blister and swims straight to the shore where we are.


"Phili, thank you for your help before this"

When I offer my hand, the fili with my jaw narrows my eyes to make me feel good.

I'm glad I had the opportunity to thank you, although it was half way there to see if you would come.

"It's so easy for a god beast, and you're completely innocent, unlike Lion..."

"I knew they liked it, but I didn't know it was this easy to call it..."

While Al and Schiff are surprised, Chisato, slightly suspicious of behavior, approaches me stroking Fili.

"Or, Kate, can I touch Ferrihelt?"

"It's okay, Fili?"

Fili looks up to Chisato in my voice. [M]

After showing a slightly troubled sleigh, Fili slowly offers his head to Chisato.

Apparently, they forgive me.

Chisato putting his hand on the head of the dreaded Fili, when he can pull his hand in from himself in a few seconds or so, he turns to me with such a full smile that he has never seen before.

"I feel like I shook hands with an entertainer...!"

"Fulfill it, can you feel it..."

Which feelings are too special?

Confused, I transform the lime into a fishing rod.

"Well, it's also about seeing Philly, and do we fish magic trout next"


"Hmm, will you put me on my back?"

Across the fili I offered my back, it floats the fluttering surface of the water.

Oh, this can't be -,

"No boat fishing, dragon fishing...!"

"Hey, kite, you"

Unknown tension on Fili's back makes Chisato still sound excited and cold.

"If you use my magic, you don't have to use a fishing pole. Can I take as much as I want? Want to do it?"

"No, I won't"

"Honorable words!? You suddenly lost your tension!?"

I accidentally get a true face.

I shrug my shoulders as I sigh and ride on Fili's back.

"And indeed, your magic would allow you to catch fish from this lake in an instant."


"But I want to fish. Honestly, not to mention dinner."

"You blew it!?"

"Really, kite!?"

There is also the purpose of rewarding Nea, who is working hard to help Mr. Merck today.

But my original purpose is for me to enjoy fishing.

The result is a sumptuous dinner.

"Shiv, on the straw hat!"

"Ugh, um!"

A jumping shiv turns into a different straw hat.

Wearing a shiv, I see Chisato and Al touching Fili's back.

"And now I'm losing sight of the less joy of being able to fish on Fili's back"

"No, you can't!?"

"Honestly, I can't help but want to go fishing for a demon fish I haven't seen yet other than this lake"

"How far are you going!?"

No, it's just not going out of the city.

But I guess this is also the magic of fishing.

Stick the pre-prepared bait to the tip of the needle while gripping the lime transformed into a fishing rod.

Slightly encapsulate the magic of pure demons, ready to go.

"Wow, we're gonna fish!"


Shake the rod and drop the needle on the lake surface.

From here on out we just wait and see...!

"Kate, I wonder if you've been stressed..."

"Rather, I think it would be weirder if you hadn't accumulated... I'm afraid I won't be able to tell by your side."

Listening to Chisato and Al whine, I concentrated my consciousness on the fishing pole in my hand.

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