I was told by Mr. Lion that the next place to go would be Reefa's home, but I can't get there right away.

Because it's only been three days since I got back from St. Real, and first of all, Master Jessica hasn't given me formal permission.

... Well, you're supposed to be persuading me to get proper permission because I'm talking about Mr. Lion, but for now, I wanted to send you a routine as a normal adventurer.

"So Nea would like to join us as a volunteer for the city."


Next to Nea, who washes dishes, I smile and say that.

After dinner, I saw her clean up the dishes I used for my meal and decided to help

"Oh, no?"

"Nea, let's do good deeds. A social studies tour. Do good for what you've done wrong."

"Wait, don't roll it up!? I'm glad you normally helped, but you're going to impose more ordeal on me!?"

I don't know how many times I've seen it since I've been here. Even with a cloudy face, I won't stop washing my plate. Nea.

From her hand like that, a silver tentacle-stretched lime receives the plate and gives it to me.

"Thanks, Lime"

"Cu, cu!"

Wipe the droplets with a beautiful cloth towel in your hand.

Yulan is also adding a cloth towel to his mouth, wiping his plate just like me while cleverly supporting it with his tail.

"All right, Hakuro. Sif."



Put on black gloves and put your hands on a plate lined with water droplets.

The wind dries the plates from the palms wrapped in thin sawdust and flames.

"... All right"

When I make sure the plate is completely dry, I notice Nia looking up at me with her jito eyes.

"I don't think you're the only one left."

"You're not. It makes sense what you do."

"I wonder. I'm just being used..."

He doesn't seem to like being helped, but I think he's doing it well.

I put the dry cupboard back on the shelf, and I look back at her.

"Yes, that's it. Well done."

"Eh heh, that's different!? I almost got deluded!!"

Is the spirit being pulled on the flesh, Nea, that makes you react like a child?

I go into the dining room with Nea thinking that even if this one doesn't mean it, there will be an interesting reaction back.

In the dining room seats, Lyla and Reefa sit, and they seem to be bickering.

"Well, you've got quite a request from the Alliance."

"Yeah. I'm new to taking it too, so I'm kind of hoping"

Apparently we're just talking about a guild request.

I think I'm looking at a copy of the requisition I got today, and should we mix it up with the conversation?

It's over.

"Good day."


"Work more."

"Work my sister!?"

Nea sits next to Lyla with a painful scratch.

I take a copy of the requisition while sitting in an empty seat, too.

"In the meantime, why don't you explain the request from the Alliance? Normally, you must be fifteen years of age or older to become an Alliance Adventurer, and only an Adventurer can receive a regular request."

"Well, then I can't."

Blah, and I smile and shake my neck sideways at Nea, who brightens her face.

"The request to be recruited from this guild is a bit special. The client is the guild itself, so the request is a little loose."

Instead, the reward is small, and the content of the request is hard inside for that reason.

Same goes for the park cleaning we had before.

That is something that should be done by a large number of people, but no one has ever received it before because of that low reward.

"Even the demon Yulan got it, and you'll be fine."

"... no, I don't want to"

Poop, and Nea turning that way.

Well, I knew I'd be dealing with this, so I'll turn my attention to Reefa.

"Well, self-depravity like my sister. I knew I couldn't do it."

"... what?"

"I'll do it, but I can't do it with my sister. Because it's a gorilla. Oh, is she a monkey now? Hmm?"

"~ ~ ~!"

I think there's a limit to stirring it up.

Nia is trembling with her face turning bright red.

Lyla looking at her like that sideways and whining "cute" little.

Reefa turns to me when she's about to explode. [M]

"Kite, my sister doesn't seem to do it. Unfortunately, all 30 gambling walnuts seem to be mine."

This guy's been asking for 30 walnuts.

Then Nia, shuddered with a mess, stares at Reefa.

"Hey, hey! I'm telling you, you're the one who's self-depraved!"

"So you're gonna do it?"

"I'll do it! I will teach you that there is no better sister than my sister!"

All right, you took the word.

Well, then, which request will you take?

"Um, I say more people take it, but smaller requests are buried in houses."

"Well, it pays less. I can't help but prioritize requests that can be done sooner."

"What about Lila?"

"Me? I didn't get another request. Oh, but if you're on your way, I can help."

So the number of participants is me, the demons, Reefa and Nea?

There's a lot of people, and it seems okay to take requests there.

"Well, let's make it this"


"Park on the other side of the place you cleaned before"

"Mmm, this place looks amazing too"

I went through it once, but I remember it was pretty amazing here too.

He wants it to be as clean as possible because it is also near the tourist places of the Kingdom of Hendil.

"Oh, but Reefa and Kate, shouldn't you hide your face?"

"Oh yeah?"

"'Cause unlike before, you're brave men and their squire now, aren't you? If we make a little noise, we might not be able to ask for it."

... I see, it makes sense.

So we need to disguise ourselves?

"We're drooling cultivators in Chimidoro."


Speaking of which, they had such aliases...!!

I was totally driving it to the other side of my memory, but if I didn't disguise it, including that.

"Huh, do you want to go buy a mask tomorrow? Don't get a little excited......!"

"I usually wear a hood. No."

"Wouldn't it be nice if Kate had some hooded clothes too...?"

Anything else you need?

It doesn't make sense to just hide your face when it comes to disguising.

"Ha, my jacket was almost torn at St. Real...! I have to go buy it tomorrow...!"

I've been torn at St. Real, so I have to buy it when I can.

It would be a destination store. There would be some available.

So let's also buy clothes for disguise and go get a request in the afternoon.

"Reefa, is this what you do sometimes?"

"Yeah, when it comes to your favorite clothes, you're an asshole."


Anyway, I've decided what to do.

Finish your shopping tomorrow morning and go get your request this afternoon.

It's been a long time.

Fine, I'm looking forward to it.

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