Two days to be rocked by a carriage.

The carriage that carried us was out through the woods and out into a place where we could see a bright blue lake.


"Never seen a lake this big."


Me and the demons who leak their admiration for the size of the lake.

The lake is wide enough to see the opposite shore far away but still be mistaken for the sea.

Ahead of the carriage, there is a city facing the lake, with houses lined up in staircases as if along the slopes of the mountains.

"Don't feel like a foreign port town."

It's another stylish city unlike the kingdom of Firgen.

I'm excited to watch the city while I pack my bags.

"Oh, I just got home"

"Mother, I don't know what to say"

The sisters over here, on the other hand, look like the end of the world.

Honestly, it's been at this rate all morning, so you can go through now.

We'll be there soon.


Reply to Grandpa's voice.

The carriage seems to stay around the outskirts of the city, so you're likely to be able to see the city on foot.

Reefa is offering Nia a a black coat.

"Sister, yes this"

"Don't I have to wear it?"

"Anyway, I don't want to be taken for granted."

"Um, indeed. I'm sorry about the trouble, too."

Reefa is brave in her position, so she also wears a coat to hide her head ears, just like Nea.

And I wear a mask to hide my face because I'm a squire, too.



When they call me by my name, I look back, and they grab my head and take off my mask.

Suddenly, Reefa takes my mask and outrages me.

"Hey, do what!"

"This is our dialogue!? What were you going to do in my hometown!? Rather than bring this!?"

"Wow, I didn't realize I was in my luggage either..."

"Eh, I always carried it with me..."

Reefers don't pull on my words. [M]

Let it sneak in your nostalgia and move wearing this when you have to fight hiding who you are.

Behavior with a little childhood longing, but doesn't seem to understand.

"Reefa, you should burn it right away! It must be a curse mask, it! Shit, it's not decent...!"

"... may be so"

"Leave the fire to me"

"Whoa, wait. Let's discuss it first."

Stops as the Schiff, who is always supposed to be an ally, sees the lighted fire close to the mask on the tip of his tail.

At the end of his persuasion he managed to escape incineration disposal, but was banned from wearing it itself in the first place.

"Kite doesn't have to disguise herself in the first place because she's plain eyed if she's normal."

"When it's time to shine. I am."

"Sister, how can you dent kite...?"

You're going to be physically golden with physical strengthening.

You can also blind yourself with Pure Demon Flash.

——— Ha!? If you wear a mask with pure demon flash, it looks like it...!?

"... I'll try it later"

"I don't know what it is, but why do I get chills"

Schiff on his knees shivers his body.

You arrived at your destination while you were doing so. The carriage stops.

In a little while, my grandfather opens the carriage door.

"We're here. This is the port town of Zieg Eria.

"Yes, let's go."


"Here we go..."

I get out of the carriage thanking my grandfather.

The view of the lake from what could be termed a dedicated parking lot for carriages was much more spectacular than what we had seen in the windows.

Is this the home of Zieg Eria, Reefa and Nia?

"You haven't changed."


Looks like we both have some thoughts.

In the meantime, check the length of your stay in this city while getting out the luggage you were loading on the carriage side with your grandfather.

"We're going to stay here for a week or so, but are you going back to the Kingdom of Hendil?"

"No, we're staying at the inn over here, and you don't have to worry about me. The state will pay for your accommodation."

"Okay. Nice to see you back."

We got our bags back together, we broke up with our grandfather and moved on to the compartment where the building was lined up.

"Oops, before that..."

"Kite, what's wrong?"

Open the bag on your shoulder and remove the rectangular box.

Be prepared to remove any dents or tears from the box at any time.

"Hey, what's that..."

"Hendill's Treats"

"No, why!?"

Whatever they say......

I tilt my neck as I closed my bag and restocked my luggage.

"Unlike you, I only go in a way that disturbs me, and I need to fold some sweets."

"Are you common sense or insane!? Will you stop acting conflicted from the odd earlier!?"

I've been told something awfully unreasonable.

In the meantime, the box with the sweets was safe, so let's keep going.

There are quite a few people in the streets lined with white-toned European-style buildings that look busy inside.

I wonder if there's any fishing around to see the fish for sale?

"... Something's busy"

"Was there someone like this?"

Seeing someone on the road, Riefa and Nia look around, as bewildered.

"Was it different before?"

"Ugh, yeah, at least until before I was summoned as a brave man..."

I guess that means there was some kind of change while Reefa was gone.

But if such a town is to flourish in the last six months...

Think that far and look at the products lined up in the outdoor store - find a doll full of handmade feel.

In other stores, a flag with a certain heading.

I still notice why this town is flourishing when I see something appealing to a certain person lined up there.

"--I see"

In the meantime, stay away from the Reefers and approach the dewstore.

Take what you're looking for and do the accounting.

"This, please"

"Oh, is that a souvenir?"


I bought it without a problem and stopped and gave it to Reefa waiting for me.

Reefa was leaning her neck towards my sudden behavior, but she gave it to me. When I realized that, I stopped my body from moving.


In Reefa's hand, there was a doll.

It's also a doll that imitates what she looks like, a brave man out of this town.

"Kite, I, of course, can"

"Don't worry, it'll be your house soon"

"I can't stand this disgrace..."

He shook his neck to the side with a message and tearful eyes, but I think that's true from me.

Because it's the birthplace of the brave.

Anyone with a commercial soul would try to make it in the interests of the town.

"... the good bugs"

But only Nea stares at the people in town with her eyes sharp.

... As for the mental state, Reefa and Nea are both at stake.

In the meantime, let's break through this brave souvenir zone early and head over to their parents' house that it's out of town.

Dozens of climbing the slopes in the form of going through town.

I finally got out of town and found that building where nature had overflowed.

A two-story house at the end of a mountain road.

Saw a house with a chimney like the one in the fairy tale, Reefa narrows her eyes nostalgic.

"Only here, it hasn't changed. Go, kite."


In the meantime, prepare the confectionery fold and head home.

Then someone comes out the door before you arrive at home.


It was a brunette woman in her thirties who came out.

Reefa, who sees a woman with a similar face to Reefa and Nea, drops her luggage and runs out on the spot.


"Huh!? Reefa!"

The woman who saw the reefa running waving also runs out.

An inspiring reunion of the family.

Having decided that we should keep a quiet eye on the situation without weird evil pushes here, I pick up the package that Reefa dropped and stop.

"A little -"


But women never slow down.

On the contrary, he shakes his raised arm up like a sickle, accelerating further.

towards Reefa, who sensed something and tried to escape the scene -,

"Send me about contacting you!! You stupid girl!!"


"" Yeah, yeah!? "

- I fed Lariat a hell of a momentum.

On the grassy ground! and the beaten reefa doesn't get up with her white eyes peeled off.

"Oh, that Reefa in one blow!?"

"You're fainting!?"

Me and Schiff.

Nea tries to escape the scene with a face distorted by bee terror.

You sensed that, the woman throws a rope that she took out of nowhere at an alarming rate of reaction.

"Nia! You've been back here a lot!!"

"Yes, no!?"

Cowboy, nice to meet you. The rope twisted like a snake, trying to escape. Nea wrapped around, attracted to a woman like a single fish of cuttlefish.

"Wow, I'm stuck, aren't I?"

"My mother can tell when I'm smaller! Now get your ass out of here!! It's a punishment!!"

"Hey, no, Kate, there's you too, hey!? -"

I turn right back because it's just not good.

There are powerful people out there who have exceeded expectations, and it involves Nea's dignity, so I immediately try to block my ears with both hands -,

"Yeah? And you?"

- I hear voices from behind before that.

Looking back, listening to the sound of Nea being dropped to the ground, a woman stood far enough away to reach.

Me and the demons tremble in fear at her standing behind me without a sound.


"Nice to meet you. Are you with these daughters?"

If you misrespond, you die.

So intuitive but take the confectionery fold out of the back and give it away.

"Nice to meet you, I am your daughter's squire! My name is Arihara Kite!! It's boring though! Go ahead!!"

"Oh, thank you very much for this. My name is Sheena Urgal. As you can see, this is Reefa and Nia's mother."

Even though you are exposed to extreme tension, you can accept the confectionery fold I gave you.

They really have a decent modus operandi, but I can't say four or five in this situation.

More importantly, it's too scary at a time when you can see Reefa still fainting behind you and Nia crying.

"... Hmm"

"Hey, what?"

stiffness, is seen as being observed.

"I can't believe my daughter, who is ashamed to let me go anywhere, would bring such a good person..."


"... you haven't been fooled, have you?"

I don't trust my daughter.

Slightly pulling. Looking at me, she grinned. Ms. Sheena takes on Reefa and Nea in a way she's used to.

"Come on, go inside. Mr. Kite."

"... Yes"

All I can do is snort at Sheena for inviting me into the house in a good mood.

When I got here, I finally got to know how horrible Reefa and Nia were talking about their “mother."

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