To be honest, Reefa's squire thought that those chosen by the Queen of the Kingdom of Hendil would be appreciated.

Anyway, the time when that child was summoned as a brave man was a horse when the demon power within himself was about to ravage just because he was willing to fight.

After Nea ran off and disappeared, it was a brave summons, so I panicked.

Because I didn't know if Reefa in that state could properly act as a brave man.

Like Nea, I was so... worried that it wouldn't hurt people, or that it would leave an unhealing wound in that kid's heart.

But that ended in concern.

There appeared to him a man who would follow him formally.

His squire's name is Alihara Kite.

He is a boy who has now come to this house with his two daughters.

Of course, I knew beforehand that he had become Reefa's squire.

Rather, the Queen of the Kingdom of Hendil, Lady Jessica, has regularly sent me a sentence in the name of a report.

I really don't know if Reefa will come by any of the sentences, but Dear Jessica's generosity was a real thank you to this one.

At that time, naturally, I was listening to you, Kate.

The boy who became the partner of his daughter chosen as a brave man.

That, in addition to having a strange background of coming from different worlds, he has sedated the power of Reefa with the power of pure demon magic and now has a “good subordination relationship”.

When I saw him like that, I thought my first impression was that he was a boy everywhere.

But the more I talked to him, the better I understood the anomaly of just serving as Reefa's squire.

- If you miss this girl, there's no next time.

That's what my instincts as a mother tell me.

Courtesy is also right.

He answers this story well.

And I am admired by the demons who use me.

This is where it matters.

Tamer is easy to understand good and evil in a way.

Naturally, those who treat the user demon clutteringly and their replacement is intense will not be admired by the user demon.

Rather, so much so that if the Lord finds himself in distress, he may immediately betray him.

But the relationship of trust between him and the demons is so high that the Tamers I've seen are at the top of the list.

At the earliest opportunity, we don't have to confirm that he is a good person.

That's why Reefa shouldn't miss him...... but

"Mom, you got it? Kite's response was a misunderstanding."

The problem is that the person in question has no sense of crisis at all.

Are you sure this girl doesn't understand?

"Yeah, I see you're spoiling the situation."


A little after as much discussion as just now, only two daughters and I are in the living room right now.

At the heart of the conversation, Kate suggested that you care about us, "Is there anything I can do to help you?" and went straight to pay with the demons.


He's an incredible kid.

Will you get me something about this kid, without any misunderstandings or relationships?

I don't even think Nia would mind putting it together.

"I roughly understand that in the conversation I just had. He doesn't even see you as heterosexual."

No, no, no, no, no.

"Yeah, yeah, we're the beauties Mother gave up."

"Listen carefully, silly daughters"

Eagle Reefa and Nia's face swinging their heads vertically at the same time as all this is here.

"" Whoa!? "

Keep talking, screaming and not letting the two of you loose your strength.

His perception of the Reefers is good and companion, bad and pet.

No, the way you say pet doesn't apply, but you'd be right to trust me as a buddy but I haven't even seen it that way.

Kate, you have no problem with this.

Instead, it would be heartfelt at a time when I don't hate these kids who are scattering and still treat me normally.

"Let's take the level of allure of a constant person as 50. The higher you are, the more attractive you are as a person of common sense, and the lower you are, the more unattractive and unattractive you are as a person."

"I'm about seventy."

"Oh, then I'm about ninety."

"You are below zero."

"" You don't even have one!? "

Being unconscious has never been more terrifying.

My powers as a demon may be affecting me, but I'm sorry to hear that.

"Or your mother's education is bad!"

"Oh, yeah! That's it!"

Admittedly, there was something wrong with my education.

But I've never done anything unreasonable to both of you for no reason.

That's all, I can absolutely assure you.

"You and I escaped when we tried to teach you how to cook and when we tried to make you clean, didn't you?"

""... giggle ""

"At the corner, the clothes I made were also immediately soiled and torn, or mixed with snacks I made over time, right?"


"There were a lot of insects that you picked up unplanned, and they bred all over the house."


"Even when it bothered the village, I went to apologize."


"I still have it, what else do you want to do?"

"" Sorry...... "

If you have just enough conscience to apologize.

I don't have it in my roots, but it's not very good to make me forget that.

I get angry when you hurt people or when you do something dangerous.

And that's when I made you worry.

"Looks like you guys need to look back at yourselves a little while you're here."

"What are you...?"

Originally, there is also the option of going out to hard means.

But, Kate, you're usually a good kid, and I don't want you to think that.

"Sermon, I'd like to say, this is your house."

Put your hands on Reefa and Nia's head in front of you.

Nea has been made to look like a child for her previous sins, she is getting smaller but still a familiar figure to me.

"Welcome back, I'd like to say a lot and be angry, but I'm so glad to see you both this way"


"... eh"

Well, and a leafa that brightens his face, and Nea that keeps her mouth shut so she can't wait.

Yes, it's like a miracle to me at a time when both of us are back here together.

Reefa, anyway, was prepared that Nea might never see her again.

But he's right in front of me now.

"Come on, it's time to prepare dinner. What if? Reefa, Kate, I need you."

"Mmm, okay."

I see Nia after dropping off a reefer walking out the door on a small run.

I don't know what to say, but I don't need to talk about it yet.

"Nea, can you help me?"

"... yeah"

I grinned at Nea, who snorted, and put on an apron.

While I'm at it, I'm probably in a situation where my two daughters came back.

But that would be nice, too.

Anyway, I thought I'd never get my family back together again.

"... Now, how should I draw you into our..."

Anyway, he must never let go.

We have a week, but in the meantime we have to earn him a fondness for this place...!

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