Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 192 misunderstanding

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We didn't sleep well last night, so, we were all tired, and we were embracing.

I woke up, I woke up by the kiss of the sun and Lu Yuting.

I opened my eyes, seeing her deeply staring at me, the sun passed through the gentleness of her hair, and the golden spot, blinking on the sparkling water, could not help but stay.

She gave me a fascinating kiss, I feel a feeling of separating the reality, I can't help some feelings, this is probably happiness? She saw me sentiment, asked me, "What do you think?"

"I didn't think anything.

I laughed.

"Qin Zheng, I don't want you to sleep with me, I still want to do other women.

Lu Yating took me.

"But I am indeed a woman who wants to think, and I am worried about her.


I pointed to Wang Ayi's granddaughter Jingjing said, "You see, she is moving, I am worried that she will wake up immediately."

Lu Yanting smiled.

However, we are all laughing, because this 'woman' is immediately crying, and it is unable to clean up ... I and Lu Yiting hand for a long time, it can be unachable, Jingjing is ignored at all, still Cry.

"This is how to do?"

Lu Yating is in a hurry, "she must be hungry, do you have any milk powder?"

"No, she will come back later, who knows.

I am panicked.

"She is definitely hungry, have you have any milk bottle here?"

Lu Yuting said.

"I am a yellow flower, where is the bottle?"

"What should I do?"

She is in an emergency.

I looked at her, glanced at her chest, laughed, "I don't want you ..."


Lu Yuting refused, "I can't do it out, no!

"You don't like me very much ..."


Lu Yiting, "She is hungry, you give her a fake.

"Then you are waiting, I will buy milk powder.

I said.

"No, I can't deal with it alone.

Lu Yanting said, "Let's go with her? Maybe she wants to go shopping, I don't cry.

No way, I have to push Jingjing to the supermarket to buy milk powder.

Don't say that Jingjing will be a supermarket, it is really not crying.

"You look, I said she wants to go shopping.

Lu Yuting is very proud.

"It seems that women like to go shopping, this is the genetical decision.

I said.

"That's sure.

Lu Yuting said.

After the supermarket, I found out that it is not a simple thing to buy milk powder.

Too much type, and it seems that the age is also different. We stand in front of a pile of milk powder, don't know which one she is suitable, there is no way, I have to help the salesperson.

"What milk powder before?"

She asked me.

"This ... I don't know."

I said.

"Don't know your mother?"

She asked.

Lu Yanting was angry, "I don't know, I am not her mother.

The salesman touched us with a strange gaze, and whispered to several salesmen, I guess she must treat us as stealing children.

I just selected two barrels of some milk powder, and I bought a bottle and was ready to leave.

"Why is it so anxious?"

Lu Yuting asked.

"You didn't look at her eyes, the quasi-to treat us as stealing children, no longer, she will call it again.

I said.


Lu Yuting said.

Just prepared, suddenly a female police officer is in front of it, "Stand!

I glance, look up, Liu Ziwen? Lu Yanting didn't know Liu Ziwen, and he was so surprised. "She really said that it is too fast?"

"You can pull it down, our police's police will have so fast.

I said.

"There is no more you come again."

Liu Ziwen said, "Okay, you are a small child, no wonder me, the child has it.

I have been misunderstood in the second time, "" You misunderstand, this is not my child.

Liu Ziwen looked at Lu Yiting, and it seems to understand what it happened. Plan to summon the dragon? "

I ... Lu Yiting is probably not to, say, "Qin Zheng, no introduction, who is this female police officer?"

Liu Ziwen said, "I am her girlfriend.

I ... Lu Yating looked at me, "Qin Zheng, what is going on?"

"Oh, I said Liu police officer, you don't have trouble, I still have something, don't tell you, go first.

Saying that I will pull Lu Yiting.

"Qin Zheng, what should I do if my dad is?"

Liu Ziwen said, "Can he wait for your son-in-law?"

I glance, "he ... what did you say?"

"Say what?"

Liu Ziwen asked.

It seems that her dad does not tell her.

"Okay, I really have something, let's talk about it.

I said that I didn't help but say that Lu Yuting was pushed to Jingjing.

After the supermarket, I spent the force of Nine Niu Erhu finally explained to Lu Yuting clearly and Liu Ziwen.

"How do you do this so much Qin Zheng?"

Lu Yanting said, "How do I feel that everyone is a little bit of woman seems to have a relationship with you? You say so many women, are you tired?"

"Serve the people, how can you tell me?"

I laughed.

"Isn't it tired?"

Lu Yanting threw the two barrels of milk powder and other things in my hand, "I am exhausted by you!

... After going back, we rushed to Jingjing milk powder, Lu Yuting held her and feed her.

I sat next to read the book and saw Lu Yating, I found that she was really like a mother, maybe, the child can inspire all women's motherhood.

She looked up at me, asked, "Qin Zheng, what do you think?"

"I don't want to think.

I said.

"Do you know what I am thinking?"

Lu Yuting asked me.

"I know.

I said.

"Don't tell you.

Lu Yiting laughed.

Jing Jing cried again, I and Lu Yanting fed to eat milk, and finally got her.

I lost my sofa, "I can exhaust me ..."

I was saying, I came outside the door.

"Hey, finally here!"

I have a long breath, there is a feeling of liberation.


Lu Yuting asked.

"It is definitely her grandmother Wang Auntie, our savior is coming!

I said, I have to open the door, "What are you doing? Hurry up and give her a child!

I hurried to open the door, Lu Yuting hit the child.

Open the door, I am stupid, not Wang Ayi, is Liu Ayi, my mother!

I widened my eyes, stared at me, staring at Lu Yuting and her hands, Zhang Da, "Qin Zheng, you ... Do you live with mother?"

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