Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 200 Work Conflict

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"You ... how do you know?"

I am surprised to ask Lu Yuting.

Is my mother told her? Can't this? "The aunt said that it is so obvious, can I still have?"

Lu Yiting said, "The two is the mouse, that is, what are you and the beauty?"

I got, I thought that my mother refers to the mulberry, and I will consume me and the Meiyi, and Lu Yutheng listened to the clouds of the clouds.

I still have a bit underestimated Lu Yuting.

Since she already knows, I have no sense, and I'm looking at it.

I thought that Lu Yutai listened to it, it could be angry, let me accidentally, she seems to have no too much reaction, and she still has a skilled car, shuttle in the car.

"You're angry?"

I asked carefully, "she drunk yesterday, nothing knowing, fell at the door, then you said that, I let her go back and not realistic, then I said that I was sleeping yesterday.

Lu Yanting had a deep face to see me and laughed.

She didn't say letters, did not say it.

"You don't believe it? My mother can testify.

I said.

"I am letter.

Lu Yiting said, "But I am more curious is another thing.

"what's up?"

I asked.

"Since she is in the middle of the night, should you see the text message I sent to you? Why don't you return me?"

Lu Yuting asked.

I am smile, "I want to be wrong, when you come to text, I have already slept, I saw it in the morning.


Lu Yuting asked me.

"of course it's true.

I said seriously.

"Qin Zheng, although I am willing to believe that you will not happen, but my heart is still very uncomfortable,"

Lu Yiting said, "Don't have this kind of thing?"

"Don't worry, I think, I will never."

I said faintly.

Lu Yating laughed, "I like to see you the way to me, although I don't know if you can do it, but I am still very happy.

... The car arrived in the company's parking lot, Lu Yanting stopped the car, we took the car.

Just got off, I saw that the opposite Chen Jizhou has just stopped the car, sitting in the car and looking at us.

I pretend that I didn't see it, I want to leave, who knows, but he suddenly took the car.

"Yes, Qin Zheng, this is all living together?"

Chen Jizhuang laughed.

I haven't said yet, Lu Yuting said first, "I have no relationship with you, manage your own things, and worry about others.

Chen Jizhou suppressed anger and vinegar, "Lu Yanting said," Lu Yating, I can only say that you are still too young, I don't know how to see people, wait for you to see what it is, I think you will regret it. my words.

"Thank you, grow so big, do you see me regret?"

Lu Yuting said coldly, "You, where is it cool, don't exercise this idle, you will go to the hospital to see it, affect fertility.

This girl is fierce, but it is not lost to the poisonous police officer Liu Ziwen.

Chen Jizhou did not have an urgent ruil in my imagination, just watching me, I smiled toward me, I left.

I said, his recent state is indeed abnormal.

... Today, we first opened a meeting on Zhuzhou projects, discussing about what they shoot advertisements.

When I was running, the advertisements were basically fixed, and the team and director were also set. After signing the contract with the United States, it can be officially filmed.

China said, "Qin Zheng, since this matter has been you are responsible, the shooting thing is handed over to you, you are also familiar with Zhu, you are also familiar, shooting for a few days, you will The shooting team lived there, Zhu always has any requirements, you can always meet him, remember, be sure to comply with Zhu, don't do he, do you know? "

I haven't spoken it yet, Lu Yanting will lane, "Right, this is indeed responsible for me and Qin Zheng, so I will be assured to us, I have a way to get Zhu Chong.

I am a glimpse, this is obvious, Lu Yanting does not want me to go alone, because I have alone, I have a different opportunity to get along with a separate.

In fact, my heart doesn't want Lu Yating to follow it, not to get along with the beauty, but ... I am afraid that I will see me and Lu Yiting will be uncomfortable.

Chen Jizhou said coldly, "Lu Director, is I listen to or you listen to? China always seems to be Qin Zheng.

Lu Yuting said, "Yes, Hua China is Qin Zheng, but this project is I am responsible, the scene is so busy, I am worried about him, I am worried, so I will help him coordinate, there is no problem. ? "

"Isn't it just taking an advertisement, it's not a movie, and then, people have a shooting team, and don't shoot, what is it busy?"

Chen Jizhou said.

"I tell you why he will be busy with someone.

First of all, Party A Zhu is a very autonomous person. Now he has been unauthorized to make a revision several times. When shooting, it will constantly ask for a discussion. This article is enough, Qin Zheng is busy. What's more, the shooting team is also negotiated with Party A, this small team, and plays are definitely Qin Zheng, change you, can you come over? "

Lu Yuting said.

"You said this, I also feel that he is really busy.

Chen Jizhou said, "But I think this matter, willow your eyebrows seem to be better than you? You and Qin Zheng have to go to Zhuzhou. Who is yours so many projects? And say that people will be a copy, I can help a modification of the script , You won't be too big, I think you still stay in the project.

"Take three days, how much can I have?"

Lu Yuting said.

"What do you say?"

Chen Jizhou said, "If there is no big thing in Party A, do you need to supervise your work?"

"No, I don't understand, do you interfere with my work arrangement? What is the relationship with you?"

Lu Yuting airway.

"Then why do you want to interfere with the work of Qin polication? Generally arranged to Qin Zheng's work, he can't do it, he will come out, people don't say anything, maybe people get it, what are you doing? To interfere? What is the relationship with you? "

Chen Jizhou said.

Lu Yiting was obviously broken by Chen Jizhou, stood up. "I know what you want to listen, then I will tell you, because Qin Zheng him is my boyfriend!

I want to be with him, don't you do it? Is this reason not enough? "

Because I and Lu Yating usually hide this relationship in the company, she suddenly said that everyone was shocked, especially Hua.


China's total is angry, "What is your noise?"

Lu Yanting and Chen Jizhou did not say.

"Working things will be based on what I said, Qin Zheng, you can go alone, can you come over?"

China asked me.

This makes me somewhat hard. If I say that I have been busy, I seem to be a bit weak, but I have to talk about it, isn't it to let Lu Yiting can't get? "I just want to say it just now, it may be a bit too busy.

Isn't me, "You also know, Zhu Chuan people, more things.

"Ok, let's go with you.

Hua always said.

"But ..."

Lu Yiting has not said that it is said that he is got back by Hua, "Don't say it, just let it be!

Then Hua always stood up, iron blue face, said to me, "Qin Zheng, you come to my office.

I am a glimpse, bad, obviously this is to talk about me and Lu Yanting.

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