Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 209, of course not

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In fact, through these days, I have a slight change in the view of this horse.

He is still quite serious about his work. It is still good to be in this kind of person.

Although since the last time last time, he did not do anything to the United States, and did not wrap well.

But when he considers, he is always a non-branded heart, I am still hard to have a good sense.

"If there is anything, just say it here.

I said.

He looked at Lu Yuting and said, "I want to talk to you alone.

I secretly think, this guy is not to fight with me? Or think about me? But think about it, even the fight, he is not my opponent, he is shorter than me, and there is a little imposing, two he may not have to play me.

"Row, YA T, then go back first."

I said to Lu Yiting, "I will come back later.

Lu Yanting looked at the scene of our two, it seems to be a little worried, asked, "What do you want to talk?"

"What can the director and a male protagonist, of course, talk about the cooperation of a discussion.

I laughed, "" Teachers "should shoot the Chinese version, the name is" taught ", he is a director, let's talk about cooperation.

Lu Yuting certainly did not believe in me, just said, "Then come back early.


After Lu Yiting entered, Na Ma director said, "There is a grove there, I will see it.

When I mentioned the grove, I remembered that Chen Jizhou's 'grove' to engage in the base, so some time is a bit, say, "There is a chair in front of it, go to it.


We went to the bench, he sat down, but of course I didn't want to sit with him, this is spent on the previous month, two big men sit in a chair, not gentle.

"You sit.

He said.

"No, I want to stand one stop.

I said, "If you just say anything, I don't have much time.

He nodded, said, "Mr. Qin, I am looking for you, I want to talk about my new movie.

"No? You really have to shoot" talker "? Don't find me, I am really no geographic.

I said.

He smiled helplessly, said, "Mr. Qin is very humorous, my movie name is not called" teacher ", wait for me to shoot" teacher ", I will find you again, I have to talk to you today. It is a serious thing.

"Well, you said."

I said.

"I don't know if Meiqi said with you. I really have to shoot new movies immediately, and I want to use her with my protagonist.

But I estimate this matter, you may ... a little opinion, so I only look for you, I hope you ... "


I stopped he continued, "You have to figure out, for this matter, I don't have a little opinion, but it is impossible to let the beauty will play your" tutor ", don't say" teach " Can't do it!

I am this attitude.

When I mentioned this, my emotions were a little excited, but he was very calm, some cigarettes, I also asked me not to smoke, I certainly refused.

He smoked his own, spit out a smoke in the night, then said, "Mr. Qin, I think your attitude is too too extreme for this matter.

"Is it? I don't think it is.

"My movie, although the investment is not large, but it is a long-term co-ordination and brewing, including the idea of ​​the story, the formation of the final script, and the final grinding, spent five years.

So it is my heart, and I believe that it will be fire, and this is a good opportunity for Miqi, it is very likely that she has a big change in life, ranking among life. When the red star is also possible, I think you shouldn't be obstructed, I also talked about it, I saw it. She also liked this road, so I felt that you didn't have reason to stop her dreams.

He calmly, but strongly.

"You are too confident.

I was smneped, said, "First of all, I don't trust you this movie at all, what is brewing, how to grind, now it is a movie, but it's all bad film, this is Not marinate, the longer the time, the better, the movie is not necessary, the "Chongqing Forest" is finished for three months, not like the classic.

He smiled and said, "This is that you don't understand our line," this world has hundreds of thousands of movies every year, naturally there is some genius works, but not all good The works are all, most of them still need to be polished, you raised Wang Jiawei's "Chongqing Forest", but Wang Jiawei also has a "Evil West Poison", like classic, but foot foot is five years ... "

"I discuss it with you is not a movie problem.

I once interrupt him again. "I want to tell you about trust, I don't trust what movie of you, and I don't trust you. This person is sincere and I want to ask the beauty. There is no other person, everyone is a man, who still doesn't know who, what is your true purpose? Do you still use me? So, don't play these bends with me? "

He smiled, "This is two yards, and this is not conflict.

"What are two yards? I think is a code!

"First, I invite her to take my movie, really sincere, because I think that the character is tailored to her, I tell you to tell you, this movie is now, but I have been The lack of defect did not shoot, that is, I am not satisfied with the female protagono selected, so I have entered the stagnation, I took this advertisement until I came here, I saw Meiqi, I just Know that she is the heroine I have been looking for!

He said.

I disdain, "All the directions that I want to hiking are said so.

He has been calm, but after I said this sentence, he suddenly stood up and anger.

I have a fight, thinking that he is in charge of his anger, saying, "Mr. Qin, I know there is a lot of such phenomena in this line, but I am not that kind of person, please don't have evidence Do not export from hurt.

"OK, I don't export hurt, but you don't have it, do you dare to say that you don't have anything else to her?"

I asked.

He laughed, said, "So, I just said, you have made wrong, this is two yards, I invite her to shoot my movie, it is true, it is considered in the perspective of art, and I like her, think Pursue her, it is true, I will go to the normal means to pursue her, will not use the dirty means you said, isn't it? "

"Of course!

I am airway.

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