Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 212 you give the happiness

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After the journey of Zhuzhou, he returned to the coast.

When I returned to the city, I suddenly felt that I suddenly turned into this raging waterflow. The life pace suddenly faster, people were somewhat uncomfortable, and I didn't feel enough every day.

After a long time after I came back from Zhuzhou, I didn't have any news.

She didn't take the initiative to contact me, and I didn't actively contact her.

One by the busy work, China is always his grandeur, and has received many small project stabilization companies, but I can't trust the right person for a while, so our workload can only increase, indeed Very busy.

But the main reason, I seem to have no reason to take the initiative to contact her.

Perhaps, the United States is also because of this reason.

I am thinking, if there is no such thing as this shooting, I am afraid that I am afraid that we have no intersection, after all, we have an end, and I have Lu Yating around, she can still What is the initiative to contact me? Of course, most of the time, I am innocent, I have a heavy work during the day, busy, work overtime, and after get off work, Lu Yutong always stays with me.

Lu Yuting gave me a 'reload system' plan to continue to implement, and more than before, she began to learn cooking.

I have tasted the 'evils of beginners' cooking. At the beginning, the dark dishes I did, even dogs couldn't eat.

So I firmly oppose, "YA Ting, I am for you, the smoke is not good for women's skin, so what is dinner is still, let's go out.

"Nothing, I don't care."

Lu Yiting laughed, "The girl is born with beauty, that cigarette does not affect my beauty.

"But let's work so busy, it is very hard, you have to give me a meal, it is too hard.

I said.

"I am not afraid of hard work, as long as you can eat the meals I have, I will take the white fat, it will be.

She insists.

"But ..."

"I know you hurt me, but I am not afraid.

Lu Yiting couldn't help but tell me to eat, "people say that they want to grab a man's heart, you have to grab his stomach first.

Zhang Ailing also said this.

"Don't listen to them,"

I said, "You are a solution, and also grasp the heart and grasp the stomach.

"It's not a saying.

Lu Yuting said, "Let the man fall in love with his own way, it is to grab his stomach. I have seen a book before, and it is a story of a female spy. She is close to the owner to let the owner love her. This method, I want to be close to the man's heart, first close to his kitchen.

"Then the female spy and the kitchen of the Zhuang master successfully?"

I said.

"Can you be serious?"

Lu Yant said, "I tell you, this is so fixed, since then, your dinner has to be me to eat!"


She insisted, I didn't work hard, I had to barely agreed.

But I estimate that the days later, I will definitely can't eat it, it is sure.

However, I didn't think that Lu Yanting made a meal, beyond my expect.

Sometimes, you have to be surprised by the woman's perseverance, just like Lu Daomei, they are really fell in love with a man, and it is amazing.

Lu Yiting has never done it before, and it belongs to the kind of Jin Zhiyu Lee Baibei, but in order to cook me, she has learned from her head, only in just a month, the cooking is comparable to any Advanced Restaurant The chef, at least I can't eat it.

And you can always make a variety of tricks, rarely repeat, and the color fragrance is good.

Sometimes, I sat in the living room to watch TV, I saw that Lu Yuti was busy in the kitchen, and he suddenly remembered the beauty, the back is her.

I know that I am unmthical, so I have diverted a boyfriend to the obligation of the boyfriend.

Lu Yanting, of course, will always be more gentle than me.

I know that that is really happy, the heart can feel the happiness, is quiet, warm flow.

One day I went to the bathroom, suddenly ran out, shouting, "YA Ting, finished!"

A big event!

Lu Yiting was shocked by me, asked, "What's wrong?"

"I am fat!"

Really fat!

I said, "I just found the stomach when I just took the mirror. You see, there are two down!

Lu Yuting was laughter and said, "How do you be so cute, fat is fat.

"More terrible!

I said, "I don't want to become a greasy fat man!

"This is my purpose,"

Lu Yating laughed, "I have been learning the kitchen art, isn't it to feed you fat?"

"It's not selling pigs, is it so fat?

I said, "Or do you want to develop me?"

"how can that be possible,"

Lu Yiting said, "You are fat, that is also fat handsome.

"I don't turn into fat!"

I said, "The words, I have no name.

"What is the relationship with your name?"

"Don't you find it? All fathers, no matter what the name is, but people around you will call him fat.

I said, "Later, you may have forgotten his name.

Lu Yanting laughed, "You said it is also, Chen Jizhou's friends are called fat.

"I don't want to be the same name,"

I said.

"Where is the name?"

"When others are happy, I am a fat man, when others are not happy, I will die.

I said.

"Oh, you can laugh at me.

Lu Yating laughed no heart.

"No, no, I have to go to play."

I said, "I will go to play together on the land tomorrow.

"That line, put me on it.

Lu Yiting laughed.

...... The happiness of Lu Yuting is tangible, it is real.

We are like a normal little couple, weekends will be done to play usually in the room, * Sleeping.

Most of the time, Lu Yanting is not overnight here, but occasionally, when she is not at home, she will stay.

This lasts for a long time, my life was full of Lu Yiting, I didn't have time to take care of myself, and I didn't have a dream.

However, the aunt did not completely disappear in my life. For example, when I was watching TV, I suddenly saw the advertisement in the TV.

I looked at Lu Yating, Lu Yanting also looked at me, we didn't speak.

After a while, Lu Yating was in my arms, suddenly asked me, "You ... Is it a good thing?"

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