Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 223 is late

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In the morning, I got to the company. I thought I was the first, but I didn't expect to find that Hua Posing is already smoking on the company's sofa, it seems to be thinking about what is thinking, even I haven't noticed.

"Huaong early."

I took the initiative to greessive.

Hua always seems to come out from his thoughts, and smile and say it, "early.

With the things last night, I have long since my heart, so I see him feel extraordinary.

"How is Hua always come today?"

I asked.

"Oh, I didn't return last night.

Hua always said.

I have a glimpse, I have been staying in the company last night, but it doesn't seem to work overtime, because he didn't stay in his office, but on the company's hall sofa, tea on the big ashtray It has been stuffed with a full of cigarette.

It seems that he has been sitting here last night to smoke.

His hair is messy, his eyes are embarrassed, obviously not sleeping overnight.

It is not necessary to say that he must be worried about the dismount of Chen Jizhou's father.

This is the case, often impulsive to do a hero, but it is impulsive, but it is necessary to face the hassions of heroes.

Now the company is steaming, if Chen Jizhen's father withdraws stock, it is difficult to say that it can continue to develop.

I want to have a good time, but I don't know what to say.

General, China suddenly said, "Qin Zheng, you will go out with me today.

I got, nodded, "Good.

Go back to the computer, turn on the computer, look back, see Hua, still sitting there, Mur think, he is shrouded in a faint smoke, can't see the expression.

I am in my heart, and China suddenly wants me to go with him. Isn't it to talk about me and Lu Yanting? Will he consider a night, and regret that last night is so impulsive and Chen Jizhou's father conflict, I am looking for me today, let me take the initiative to leave Lu Yating? When I thought about it, the other colleagues in the company have arrived.

Lu Yanting came in, it seems that I want to tell me anything, but I saw Hua Ya, I didn't say anything, I entered her office.

Xiaike came in, smelling the taste, frowning, "Who is smoking in the company, so awkward!

What is the quality? "

We all look at him, I am busy giving him the eyes, he saw Hua, who was smoking on the sofa, when the face became changing, "Hua, I didn't know, I don't know if you are. ...... "

Hua said that he did not be angry, laughed, said, "I should say that I am sorry, I shouldn't smoke here.

When he finished, he stood up, smashed the smoke, felling the ashtrain.

Xiaoke vomited the tongue and quietly returned to his seat.

China said, "You are very early, very good, this is not just showing your spiritual face, but also a spirit of a company.

However, although I said, but it is 9 o'clock, it is still late.

And, still Chen Jizhou.

However, Chen Jizhou compared the thief, although it was late, but the face did not change the phone called, "Hey, I said Liu Zheng, how many mean? Isn't you said that you will meet in our company downstairs? Things promotion in the stage, I waited for an hour in the downstairs, I didn't see you, I'm okay, don't explain me, don't take it.

This grandson pushed the late responsibility to the head of the customer, it is really enough to be a thief.

He originally thought that it could be mixed, directly entered the office, who knew who Hua suddenly called him.

"Director Chen.

Chen Jizhou returned, pretend to pay attention to Hua, laughed, "Hua Pong early, did not see you sit here.

"You are late, Director Chen.

Hua always said.

Chen Jizhou, laughing, "Uncle, not me late ..."

"Is called the company.

China has always said.

"Hua, not I am late,"

Chen Jizhou is helpless, "about Liu Yi, who is about future city, to talk about the promotion of the stage, I have already arrived, I have waited for an hour in the downstairs, I haven't seen others, I will call him to know that this guy I have forgotten.

"is it?"

The Hua said, "But I went to the project yesterday, I have seen Liu Manager, I have already talked about it, I don't think about him, I will talk about it again."

Chen Jizhou didn't expect Hua Chuan to dismantle his lie on the spot, and it was still a matter of public, and some did not know what it was.

I also have some accidents. In fact, after Chen Jizhou, I have always made some low-level mistakes, but it is always able to cover it, and I have been perfunctory, I have never been like today, I have never been like today. .

"It's late after late. A Director, even the courage to take on his mistake, and also expect you to bear more responsibility?"

Hua is always strict, and there is no sound in the office.

"Ok, don't take it."

China always puts his horse.

I am talking about, the second late Wu Jingxuan will come in.

One side came in, "I said Liu Chu, you are too unreliable? I have waited for you two hours in the downstairs, you actually forgot this, really, you.

We are all stunned, and then I didn't stand the laughter.

Wu Jingxuan is surprised, I don't know what happened, Chen Jizhuang is sad.

Huaong also laughed, said, "Director Wu, the phone is , come with me.

It has always been in the office.

Wu Jingxuan, a face, asked Chen Jizhuang, "What happened this?"


Chen Jizhou airway.

...... I just went to work in the afternoon, Hua Point came out from the office, said to me, "Go, Qin Zheng.


I stood up.

Lu Yiting looked at us from her office, and she was surprised. I asked me with my eyes, but Hua said next to it, I didn't talk to her, followed by China.

China has driven me. I am sitting in the co-pilot, secretly observing the face of Huahua, secretly trying to take me, or talk to me.

The overall face of Hua, there is no expression, and the car is silent.

I wanted to ask several times, but his serious expression made me lose their courage.

"Last night, Ya Ting said with you?"

China suddenly broke the silence.

I glance, it seems that he calls me, it is indeed to talk about this.

"Oh, she said.

I said.

"Then what you think ... I did that yesterday, is it a little impulse?"

Hua Pien asked me in front of him.

I have a bad feeling in my heart, it seems that I guess is good, Hua always considers a night, carefully weighing the pros and cons, it must regret that Chen Jizhou's father conflict, so I want to advise me to take the initiative to leave Lu Yating.

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