Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 228 save the United States

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However, the aunt did not give me a reply, because the phone has hanged it.

I don't know if I heard my last sentence, she heard hanging, or hangs.

However, I have lost the courage to call again.

Because the phone is hanging up, the screen of the mobile phone is the bright smile of Lu Yanting. Under her smile, I will have courage? ... The elevator is here, I walked out of the company's elevator, entered the corridor, and suddenly heard someone in the steps, a man and a woman, a very voice.

There are three companies in this floor, in addition to our company, there are two companies, large scale, so there are many collishers, so I have not intended to get more.

But when I just prepared to enter the company, I suddenly heard that this sound seems to be Chen Jizhou and willow.

I can't help but stop, go to listen carefully, it is Chen Jizhou and Liu You quarrel.

It seems that Chen Jizhou's kid is in a difficult black eyebrow, so I didn't carefully listen to the content of them, and I pushed the door of the step ladder.

Sure enough, Chen Jizhou and Liu You were standing there, Chen Jizhou green gluten violently, and Liu You has long crying.

"Director Chen, what is the fire like this?"

I asked.

"It doesn't matter to you, why do you do it, don't add it here!

Chen Jizhou was in an anger of the road.

"Director Chen, although you are Director, qualified to criticize her, but I am also her direct leader, she is doing something wrong, I also have a responsibility, you talk about what she is wrong, if it is really her wrong This is, I am taking her.

I said.

I am very clear, Wushu, this woman, because I know that Lu Yanting and Chen Jizhou excludes her, so treating work is particularly serious, rarely makes mistakes, Chen Jizhou is obviously intentional.

Chen Jizhou pointed at my nose and said, "Qin Guide, I will say it again, I am exercising my authority, there is no relationship with you, you give me a glow, I heard it?"

I am in front of the willow, "I said, she is my straightness, what is the responsibility, I can take it for her, but the director of the Chen still talks about it. What mistake she made, worthy of your life? Big angry? "

"Do you have a special way?"

Chen Jiru suddenly angered.

His eyes are full of anger, obviously, this is not only the so angry, but because I and Lu Yutheng, he has already accumulated anger.

It doesn't matter, we have two this, I have always been prepared, it seems that I have to fight today.

So I secretly clenched my fists, stare at him, as long as he handed, I finally fought in the first time.

Chen Jizhou was obviously an eager to do it, but at this time, the door was suddenly pushed, and Lu Yuting's head came in.

Seeing this situation, immediately gone in, standing in front of me.

"What are you doing?"

Lu Yuting asked.

"Let's talk about things on work.

I laughed.

"What job cannot be talked to the company, run here?"

Lu Yuting did not believe it.

Chen Jizhou's eye-catching thing is estimated enough, and then collapsed murderous, said, "YA Ting, you will protect him, I will tell you, you will know why he is so late.

When he finished, he left the door.

... After returning to the company, I saw that Liu You's emotions were still very low, and she asked her. "What did you come? Why do he get angry to you?"

Liu You looked up at me, then knocked on the keyboard, "Nothing, but thank you for helping me, there is such a leader, it is good.

"Is there anything, or he can still say that you have no reason? What? Tell me.

Liu Wei hesitated for a long time, "I sent a sentence.

I can't help but be angry. I have always disheveled this kind of thing that makes a female employee to drink alcohol, and the occupation is not to say. The key is that everyone knows the same thing. It is not just a simple to drink alcohol. Oil.

People are not Miss Public Recong, and the company has not given the excess money alone. Why do people stay with wine? "You don't have to go, whoever loves to go, if he will force you, you will tell me, I will tell him theory.

Liu You looked up, I grateful eyes, "Thank you, Qin Guide, but ... I really don't want to see you because I am a conflict ..."

"You don't have to worry about it, people can't live with all people.

There will always be someone touching your principles, but we have to adhere to the principle. As long as there is this unreasonable requirement, you will tell me, I will come flat with you.


... I thought that this is an end. Who knows, this is just a beginning.

On the night, I slept in the fragrance, suddenly woken up by a rushing ringtone.

I was fascinated by the mobile phone, I found it turned out to be the eyebrow, this is more and more night, how did she suddenly call? It seems that there is anything in a hurry.

I am busy, "feed the willow.

On the phone, the voice of Liu You is fascinating, but the background is noisy, "Qin Guidais, you ... come to save me, I ..."

I am a surprise, I thought she was sick, I asked, "What happened? Is it sick?"

Liu You said, "Not ... Qin Guide, I will bring you to drink with customers by Chen Director ... they ... I am a hard meal ... I don't allow me to go ... There are a few people who don't even have a manipotive."

After I listened, I was angry when I was angry, and Chen Jizhou grandson, or took her away.

"You ... come to help me ... I am afraid they ... I am really afraid ..."

Willow's tone is pleading.

"Where are you, I have passed.

I asked.

" , 3402 private room.

Liu You said.

I didn't even say anything, I hanged the phone, I put on the clothes and went downstairs and I went to the list.

When I arrived, I was directly on the building, and I pushed into the 3402 private room.

In addition to Chen Jizhou, there are also a few middle-aged men in the abdomen. It is probably a customer who is negotiating with new projects that Chen Jizhou is negotiating. They are drinking wine at the moment, and the female colleagues of other departments. A some bald middle-aged man sang, she is obviously being depressed, the look is disgusting, I want to refuse, I don't have the strength ... I turned into my face, the singer of the ghost cry, they are very surprised. With me, Liu You suddenly came, standing up and looked at me.

I walked over, and pulled Liu You, "Go.

Just went to the door, Chen Jizhou stopped me, "Where?"

"send her home.

I don't change the color.

Chen Jizhou smoked with smoke, suppressed anger, said, "Qin Zheng, Lao Zi I have been for a long time, I told you that I have been neglected for a month, success or failure is tonight, you don't mess with me.

"If they are good, you can take them to the nightclub, there is special accompanying wine.

I said, "She is a company's colleague, not Miss Public Doors, please do it clearly.

"I ask you again, don't you let go?"

"Don't put it.

I said that I said it quietly.

Chen Jizhou called a smile, suddenly turned his face, suddenly played over!

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