Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 238 gets rid of danger

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I stunned, this really made me didn't think of it, it was a Hua, helping me find evidence.

I thought that China's estimated is very angry, I am afraid I regret it. I trust me. I haven't thought that he actually took the initiative to find evidence.

This makes me feel somewhat moved, and it is also a pressure, because it is obvious that he really completes me as a person ... I will ask Zhang San. "Now this evidence, can I change to the case?"

"I'm still afraid to say temporary.

Zhang San said, "At least means that Liu You is in the words of our police, there is lie, so our people have to re-talk about her.

Scared, you can break through.

But as long as she does not relax, it is still unfavorable to you, after all, the video is really troublesome.

I can't help but disappointment, the evidence of feelings is still unable to help me elution.

Zhang San smiled, "Qin Zheng, don't worry, now there is a big breakthrough, we have already called Liu Meng, she should come over, when I get a little more skill, woman, Woman, Easy to be guilty, it should be good.

I nodded, "I rely on you.

"Hey, what about me?"

Lu Yantu did not accept the airway, "" With me and my dad, I am busy with the whole white and the whole white is busy? Is it good to make him? "

Zhang San smiled up, "Nothing, I don't grab this credit, this is good, I will give you the future wife, there is a husband, when we gave you a celebration, give you and your dad How about the banner? "

"Lee odor is poor, hurry to do things!

Lu Yuting said.

"The line is row, don't bother you, I go outside to do things, don't do things in it, there is a camera in the inquiry room, and there is a big screen outside. You can broadcast it.

Zhang San smiled.

"Playing live, scaring you!"

Lu Yuting deliberately said.

Zhang San smiled out, Lu Yanting didn't laugh.

She is seriously staring at me, saying, "" Handsharing!

Are you talking to yourself? "

"Didn't say anything, it's all guest sets.

I said.

"Deceptive, can the guest can say so long?"

She does not believe.

"I really don't lie to you,"

I said, "I didn't say a few words, most of the time is silent, I don't know why.

Lu Yutai listened to it, "It seems that it seems to be similar to what I imagine. In fact, this kind of silence is more worried than you."


"Most of the time, people choose silence is a self-policy, and sometimes, silence is because of being careful.

Lu Yanting said, "Be careful, because you like it.

I am a glimpse, "I don't even reason it at this time."

"This is not reasoning, it is intuitive.

Lu Yating said, "When I saw her in a hurry, I was very urgent. After the especially quickly, I went to the body, I didn't pay attention to her legs at all, until she went out, I noticed that her legs were turned. "

"Ya Ting, don't say these,?"

I interrupted her words and said, "You don't think we are both this time, discuss this is very meaningful?"

Lu Yuting smiled and said, "Qin Zheng, sometimes, I know that I am a bit boring. I looked at her in the car, perhaps her and he is already together, I also know that you are not It may be with her, my position is very secure, but I don't know why, whenever she appears, I am particularly worried, especially without security ... "

This makes me very embarrassing, she is so good, I know, I should give her a sense of security, so that she can rest assured, but every time, the beauty is like, like a sudden tornado, whistling, I will The heart is blown up, and the seven zero eight falls, the chaos cannot be cleaned ... so, I don't know what to say.

I also understand, this time, I should say some vows, I'm sincere, let her feel relieved, but I just don't export, because that is too fake, the Taiyu is not sincere ... Lu Yanting first took a worry, laugh, "good Ok, don't say these, say this, you should bother me.

I have some guilty, "how will it, you are so good, I will never bother you.

Lu Yiting stopped me, said, "Qin Zheng, don't tell me, I will never promise me, because I will be true, in case, you can't do it, I will be sad ..."

I am a glimpse, "Hey, Lu Yuting, don't use the atmosphere so sad? I haven't been sentenced yet.

Lu Yating smiled and hugged me. "So, as long as you now, you will be around me, it is enough.

I looked at her, holding me, more complicated.

She is holding me, who knows that Zhang San pushed in, and he exaggerated the eyes, said, "Hey, I haven't seen anything, you have two rogue to wear clothes!

Lu Yanting was released, smiled, "How? Your big screen is not enough? Do you have to see it on the spot?"

Zhang San smiled and said, "Okay, let's talk about it, have good news.

"What good news?"

"We originally planned to call Liu You to talk, can you know that she actually came, and you guess how it is, directly, all the things are frank, and I am almost the same as you said. Divide, deliberately manufacturing evidence to get you.

Zhang San said.

I am coming with Lu Yiting!

It seems that this is saved!

"This fox, how can she suddenly explain?"

Lu Yiting asked.

"The conscience found it.

I said.


Zhang San said, "She said, you have to go to her Hua.

I am a glimpse and the Lu Yiting is still a total of China. It seems that there are two kings, no hand, and the knife is full of blood.

"And one more thing,"

Zhang San said, "The criminal police team made a detailed technical identification for that video, and they found that it is indeed that will will pull you down, but not you take the initiative, so that video is not enough to use evidence.

I said your kid, the Liu team of the criminal police team knows? "

"That said ... I am nothing? I am free?"

I asked.

"of course.

Zhang San said, "You are free, you can go out now.

I and Lu Yuting hi since a time, hugged together.

"Hey, live broadcast, live broadcast, pay attention!

Zhang San smiled and reminded.

Lu Yiting direct monkeys on me, and the position of the monitored was more than a scissors, smiled, "What happened to the live broadcast? We will be a new gift, please take a lot of brush gifts."

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