Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 245 Huaong's Guard

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I listened to Huadong that the company's development and Lu Yiting's happiness must see me, some mistakes, I think that Hua always wants to send me the company like the gates in the movie, and will pass the company to me, then he will return the husband.

I think I don't have this matter.

Although I went to work earlier, I would like to have a dream of being a boss. After a while, I was very easy to see my shortcomings, too good, this is not a good. Entrepreneur's potential.

This is not to say, excellent entrepreneurs are evil, but the so-called businessman, it can be a businessman, and everything is maximized, in the face of interest, and there must be a strong and greed.

On the other hand, management companies have a military, they can not be good, and they need to be jealous.

I am very clear that I am not that piece.

I asked carefully, "Hua, you won't let me manage the company?"

"This son-in-law is still nothing, thinking about replacing my position?"

Hua Xiao smiled and said, "Do you have this?"


I laughed, "I am not that means ..."

"You replied it directly.

China always said, "Now the company is the crisis of the crisis, the situation is more complicated, I just want to give your company to you, it is impossible to be this time.

"Then what do you think now, what should we do?"

I asked.

Hua sighed, said, "Yes, the current situation is much worse than I predict, it is indeed severe, withdrawal of the stock, although I have predecessored, but I didn't expect it so fast.

So, in a moment, some have some mementers, I have to say, this is still blame you.

I am a glimpse.

Huaong smiled, "Original, according to my expectation, wait for me to accumulate enough funds, after the smooth transition, Chen Rui (the father of Chen Jizhou), he wanted to withdraw, he would not hurt the bones, but did not think that you suddenly I have an emergence, I also gave my baby daughter to the abduction. Although I also know that YA Ting didn't like the Secret, but at least I can delay me for a while. As a result, I have to sing directly. In the end.

This makes me feel a bit for a while, but I want to come, things are really like this.

"Sorry, China, this is indeed blame me."


Hua Xiao laughed, said, "I have a joke with you. How do you really do it, how can I blame you, but the career is important, but it is more than the happiness of my daughter, nothing.

As long as you can happiness and Yaxing, I will be content.

The general is gratified, and it is also very gratifying for Lu Yiting, but I still feel that some are not affordable to him, "said the general, this matter is really because I am, so I will do my best to help you, even if you go to the soup, there is no problem, just ... I also know, I don't have any ability now ... "

Huaong smiled, "Well, you have this heart enough, other things, I will find ways, he Chen Rui can withdraw stocks, but my Hua Guo is not here, no, he will be begging along the street. Part of your child!

Seeing Huawei suddenly looks Yue Ran, saying that this is the case, it seems that the cloud is in the world, I will put down my heart, and his self-confidence is really worth learning.

"You can rest assured, I will have a double effort in recent recently, and I will pick a few projects again, and I am more interested.

I also said that he said.

Hua said, "Where can you? We can't play hard, now the project is already busy, good steel is used on the blade, you have to help me do something more meaningful.

"What do you say.

I said, "I will try my best.

The Huawei nodded, took out a file bag from the drawer, handed me, said, "this, you take a good study.

I took the file and opened it. After opening, I found that it is thick and a stack. "What is this?"

"This is a project plan for the blue sky of the blue sky.

Hua always said.

I am free to turn a few pages. It is highly confused with market analysis and chart. "Bihai Blue Sky Project? How do I have never heard this project?"

"Of course, I have never heard,"

Hua said, "This is the new project we are going to do.


"Yes, a new project to do with the developer!

Hua always said.


I have a shock, "I said ... When I told me last time, it is already ready?"

"Plan I have already done it, just waiting for the opportunity.

Hua said, "I still want to wait anywhere, etc., I will do it after some funds, but now, I am afraid that there is no time to wait, the successful thing is a bad thing, but also good things, at least It gives me the determination to take this step.

"General, I am still a bit confused. Now Chen Jizhou's father withdraws stocks, is we first faced? Is it not a shortage of funds? Where is the funds to go to the development project?"

I asked in confused.

"This is assured, I have funding channels, in addition, we have a partner, he has money.

Hua always said.


I glance, "How have you never heard you mentioned?"

"It's what you have to go right away.

Huaong smiled, "Jia Tong.

I am a glimpse, "I ... go to see Jia's total?"


Hua always said, "At last time, this project, I mentioned him with him, he said that he would take it back, do you think he can cooperate with us?"

I think someone, I feel unlikely, although I don't want to dispel the enthusiasm of Huawei, but also said my idea.

"General, I feel enough, Jia is completely strong, and he has a mature team and abundant funds, and there is no need to cooperate with us.

"You are right, there is a more important one, this is a small project for him, he does not have the appetite.

Huaong smiled, "According to the common sense, it is true.

"Then you still find him cooperation?"

"I just said it is just a common sense,"

Hua said, "But I have two important reasons, which will make this, let him promise cooperation.

"What reason?"

"First, according to I understand that Jiagong's Jinke Group is currently facing a big dilemma, that is, his government has a problem, so far this year, there are no people in the coast. Give them, but give another company, so he only has revenue, but there is no place to invest.

And this project takes our name, he only needs to invest in, and it is possible to sit and wait. It is also a mitigation against him.

Hua always said.

"But ... even if he wants to invest, I don't think I will invest small projects? He can invest in the surrounding area like Guanlan International.

"Yes, but the market in the coast and the surrounding market is still very big, then there is a second reason, this reason, I think he will accept.


"that is you.

Huaong smiled.

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