Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 270 discouraged

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Mia saw me and obviously surprised.

But we didn't speak with each other.

Chen Rui smiled, "This is my friend, admire, and the prestigious names. Today, see you, come, come, find a position.

The few girls were obviously arranged in advance. Everyone found one, they sat next to it.

Mia came over and sat next to me, and the general is also sitting a girl.

Huaong smiled, "You go to accompany them, don't have to accompany us.

The Rover is looking back at Hua, "China, which is a few mean?"

China is always a glimpse, "Luo, I don't mean, this is not ..."

"Everyone is going to be happy today, you don't engage in special.

The Rob said.

He said this, Hua Shi did not say anything.

The embarrassment is still coming, and the two people went to the wind, and I really got me.

"It is not easy to see you, I didn't expect you to touch you here.

Mia laughed softly in my ear.

"You don't think too close to me.

I also said, "I am sitting next to it.

Mia looked at the general, "Not your girlfriend, what?"

"My girlfriend's father, afraid not afraid?"

I said.

Mia smiled out, "Then, their family is unrestrained, the son-in-law came to this place with the old man?"

I am afraid that Hua always hears, I am busy letting her sing.

We are talking, suddenly the Luo Director smiled, "That, Qin ... Qin Zheng, what is your name next to the girl?"

I am a glimpse, I haven't spoken yet, Mia took the initiative to laugh, "Hello, I am called Fang Fang.

I ... can this one can be more so? I suddenly reacted, this Fangfang appeared to be her'ran name ', then she told my name, Mia, should be a real name.

Luo Director laughed, "Fang Fang, good name, I see you very much like my classmate, see you, let me think of a lot of things when I read, and I have a lot of young memories. Can you come over to chat with me? Qin Zheng, don't you mind? "

I laughed, "Of course I don't mind.

Mia opened me in the dark, then smiled and walked over, sitting next to him.

The girl in the Rover did not leave him, sitting on the other side.

This is okay, so you are so embarrassed.

After chatting, they probably be familiar with it. The action will not check it out. Unbearable, I am also afraid of Hua Shi, I really don't want to continue to stay, I will take it out of the toilet, stand outside smoking .

The air outside the mountain is good, the month star is thin, the tree is a woman, and the night wind can hear the bird language, which is very quiet.

I was smoking, and Lu Yuting suddenly called, I was busy.

"Qin Zheng, are you not busy? Why didn't you come to see me?"

Lu Yuting said.

When she spoke, I can imagine her saying that she stunned and blame, so laughed, "I haven't been busy, do you feel better?"

"Not good, very bad."

Lu Yuting said.

"what happened?"

I asked, "Is the shoulder hurt again?"


Lu Yanting said, "I miss you.

I am, Lu Yiting continues. "I have been accustomed to you with sweetness in these two days, I don't see you in a while, I feel that my heart is not practical.

I took it, "I will see you tomorrow morning.


Lu Yiting laughed, "Qin Zheng, I stick to you so old, will you still bother me?"

"of course not.

"I don't know what it is.

Lu Yant said, "I also want to be independent, not so sticky you, I am afraid that you are bother me, but you don't, I will miss you, I can't do anything, my head is all you.

I am always thinking, Qin Zheng, if one day, you have to leave me, what should I do? "

I am sighing, my mood is heavy, saying, "no, rest assured.

I am talking, I saw a familiar figure, Mia came over.

I hurried to Lu Yating, "YA Ting, I have something to deal with this, say it tomorrow.

Said that I hang up.

Mia walked over and stood next to me, looking at the night of the far mountains, sighed, "gave me a root smoke.

I took out the smoke to give her, "How did you come out?"

Mia took a smoke, frowning, "nausea, the man is too greasy, come out to breatha.

"Is your house money enough?"

I ask her.


Mia said, "The flower is always more than earning, I don't know when it can be enough.

"Then you plan to have been so?"

I asked.

"do not know.

Mia spit a smoke, not bothered, "I said that I can talk to me if I can meet, I am bored?"

I am helpless, in fact, I am acting a little childish, but I have always advised her, I don't want her to do this, because I think she is different from those girls, she is a pursued girl.

It can be seen now that her house, I am afraid that it will always be far away.

I am thinking, the woman who is doing this line, I am afraid it is like her, I think about it, I'm thinking, quickly fishing and then retreat, but later discovered, I can't get it, I can't retreat. Because with income, the consumption level is also high, * , money is not enough, they can only have been sinking ... She stands there, a bit of night, spit lonely and empty, night blow Flying her hair ... I stand next to her, she still looks beautiful, youth and posture, but I know, how long, her capital will be exhausted, Will only leave her a broken soul ... She suddenly smoked, came over, hugged me.

I looked at me in the dark, said that "Qin Zheng, you will not mention what I will get together in the future, I ... I am afraid ..."

"But ..."

"Don't say, okay?"

She took my mouth with her hand, "Qin Zheng, I don't want to go out with them in the evening, I want to be with you, can you?"

I got, I haven't spoke, I suddenly heard a woman came out, "Fang Fang!

Where are you? "

Miya frowned, not born, "Here!

"The Rover is looking for you, you are going!

The woman said.

"Got it!

Mia shouted, then he said to me, "Don't refuse me, I will talk to them, I don't get it in the evening, I will go with you.

I didn't wait for me to refuse, she laughed and ran.

Of course, I can't let her go there, so I think a while, I decided to go back and tell her.

I just walked to the door door, I heard the quarrel there.

I pushed the door, I couldn't help but live, Naili Director smashed Mia's collar, said, "What is your special? I will put it pure with Laozi? I ask you again, you can't go?"

Mia's face is clear, full of tears, no one next to people.

Mia saw me at the door, biting his teeth, said firmly, "no.

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