Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 284 misunderstanding

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Really afraid what is coming.

I am afraid that Lu Yating will suddenly appear, and Affi is like this, she will definitely misunderstand.

Who knows that she is still coming at this time.

I walked over, and I asked carefully, "Who?"

"It's me, open the door!

The sound of Zhang San this boy came outside.

This makes me my heart, and I am busy opening the door.

I just opened the door, Zhang San pushed me, and a whirlwind was rushed.

Needless to say, definitely let the urine give it.

But he just rushed in, I saw Affi sitting in the hamp 'rague' on the sofa, suddenly stunned, looking back at me, angry, "you ..."

"You misunderstood, she ..."

"Wait for me to come out and pack you!"

Zhang San said, first go to the bathroom.

After a while, he came out, it was relaxed, I was preparing to explain him, but he pulled me one side.

"Qin Zheng, I said what do you mean by your kid? How do you carry YA Ting to do this?"

"you misunderstood!

"What happened?"

Zhang Sanqi Guda, "You have been torn with her skirt, your kid taste is also heavy, you still like to play tear? Where is the whip?"

"I have a whip, I have to smoke you!"

I said, "I will tell you that you misunderstood, she is a friend of the United States, fighting her husband, her skirt is fighting, not me.

"oh, I see.

Zhang San said, "Then you can't stay here, what do you do if Ya Ting misunderstood?"

"I don't want to, the question is what she wants to be lighter now. What should I do? After she goes out, what is the stupid thing, how to get?"

I said.

"Where is it easy to be easy?"

Zhang San said.

"Row, this is what you said, I will let her go now, what you are responsible for it.

"Forget it.

Zhang San said, "I am too lazy to manage you, I am coming to tell you.

"what's up?"

I asked.

"Ya Ting is hitting the case.

Zhang San said.

"Caught people?"

I asked.

"Yes, people have basically locked, although they have not been arrested, but basically almost.

Zhang San said, "Just passing, telling you.

"This is too good!"

I was very happy, I thought Chen Jizhen's father and son were so arrogant. I thought I couldn't know the black hand behind the ghost, but I didn't be noticed, hey, now I will wait to travel!

"Hard work, please eat in the next day."

I took a shot of his shoulder.

"You come to this set.

Zhang San said, "When is it to ask me to eat again, I will don't wait for you, if you really want to thank me, give me more opportunities to create a point and Liu Ziwen.

I am a glimpse, "I am not giving you it? How do you create a chance?"

"The light phone has a fart."

Zhang San said, "What to talk to her is, this kind of word is reply, about her, is it, what is the use of a call?"

"You are here, I think it can only be done so."

I said.

"How to do?"

Zhang San seems to ask me like the light of hope.

"What can I do?"

I said, "You don't have a girl, the general girl's reaction, no one is unclear, isn't there?"


Zhang Sanqi, "You ... I also make sense, I also know that she may not be very cold, but Qin Zheng, I really can't let her, you don't know, since I have seen it I always dream of her, I went to the municipal bureau to meet. She also went, I saw her in the crowd, the feeling of heartbeat, I really haven't lived in my life.

"Hey, your boy is getting sour, there is no feeling in your life, and you are a dead man before you meet her?"

I said.

"Before I met her, I did nothing to with the dead.

Zhang San said, "I don't know if you can understand my feelings, I didn't think it was, how boring in my life, but I feel that she can feel obvious, my life suddenly Full of life, everything has a color!


"Ok, don't have acid!"

I am busy stoping him, "You have a more sour.

"So, Qin Zheng, you are serious about your responsibility, my lower half can not be happy, just see you.

Zhang San said.

"Rely on me? Then you can only have half your life.

I said.

"Hey, your kid is not enough to mean."

Zhang San said.

"The line is line, you said, how can you help you?"

I asked.

"You help me out, eat a meal together.

Zhang San said.

"Then I can't make a light bulb?"

"Who let you stay with us?"

Zhang San said, "When you look almost, you will slip away, give me a condition!

"The line is line, I will help you."

I said, "But you have to help me first."

"What is busy?"

Zhang San asked me.

"You stay here for one night.

I said.


I rushed to Afiku, "She wants to live here tonight, you have to stay, how do I explain with Lu Yuting.

Zhang San thought about it, "Okay, then you have also hurry."

He promised to leave, I am relieved, so Lu Yating is coming, it will not explain it.

I was comforted with Zhang San to comfort for a while, and she was very emotionally stabilized. This is relieved to sleep.

I will sleep with Zhang San.

Early the next morning, I suddenly heard Lu Yating's voice, "Who are you? What are you here?"

I quickly jumped from the bed, this grandmother is still coming!

I hurriedly rushed out, and I saw that Lu Yanting and Afi were confronting at the door.

"Ya Ting, come?"

I am busy laughing.

"Who is she?"

Lu Yuting asked coldly.

"She is ... a friend.

I said.


Lu Yanting said, "Do you wear such a friend?"

"No, you misunderstood, her clothes are not this, it is torn to this.

I am busy explaining.

"Still, I certainly know that you are tearing!

"No, you misunderstand!"

I am busy saying, "Zhang San is here, we are together!

"Ah? ... you are three people ..."

Lu Yanting tongue, "metamorphosis!

"What do you want to go, it's okay, I called Zhang San out to explain it!

When I got to Zhang San's room, call him out, I didn't expect that when I pushed the door, I found that this kid was completely quieted, and people had already gone!

"You don't say Zhang San is here?"

Lu Yating iron blue face, "Editor!

You continue to edit!

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