Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 288 Mysterious Beauty

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I first respond, is it drunk, an illusion? But I took myself, I found that I still didn't get drunk to the point, this text message is indeed a beautiful family!

I can't describe my joy, it's like, my heart jumps up.

At the same time, I also feel confused, I am coming to Beijing, I know there is not much, how do you know? This matter, China always knows that the secretary of the ticket is known, Zhang San knows that even Lu Yanting does not know.

Who tells the beauty? I can't think about it, I returned to SMS, "Well, come, business trips."

"Why don't you look for me?"

I asked in the United States.

"I am very busy, the time is tight, so I didn't care about you.

I reply.

"I am also busy these two days. How many days?"

Mei Xu asked me.

"A week.

I reply.

"That's okay, I have been so busy after two days."

Mei said.


Then there was no more saying again, I didn't reply.

I calmly calm, but I can't avoid the joy of my heart, I have to see my aunt!

After returning to the hotel, Lu Yuting sent a video. I took a mobile phone, hesitated, and suddenly I didn't dare to listen to the key.

In such a mood, I don't dare to see her, I always feel that I am a thief.

But I think, I want to stay here, it is impossible to never pick up, so I will pick up.

Lu Yanting just took a shower, the hair wet, wearing the pajamas of the little pig, and smiled at the heart.

But soon, she took the smile and began to blame. "You die Qin Zheng, go all day, I don't know to send me a WeChat!"

"Then you have not sent me.

I laughed.

"I that that is testing you!"

Lu Yiting said with a small mouth, "I want to see, will you miss me, take the initiative to send me, who knows that you can't afford to test, I have waited for a whole day, I haven't seen a WeChat. !


"I am not busy.

I laughed, "I will prepare anything after the afternoon.


Lu Yanting said, "You go to the customer, prepare your wool!"

I react it, giving Lu Yiting, I didn't come to learn, I didn't come to learn, I'm busy saying, "Of course, I don't have to pick up my customers, I will arrange a learning task for me, come here to learn local real estate Things, tasks are heavy.

"Hey, it's excuse!

I don't have a WeChat, I don't have time to send it? "

Lu Yanting is still angry, "Your kid is a white wolf!

I miss you so much!

"Don't this, YA Ting.

I said, "I am really busy.

Lu Yant said, "Qin Zheng, I am really angry, I thought you would think of you like me, I will think of it after separation, but ... the fact is not the same, I am really disappointed ..."

I can't answer, silent.


Lu Yating laughed, "I know you are busy, I just said, it doesn't matter, although you are gone, you can also accompany me.

"Well? What do you mean?"

I asked.

"You see, what is this!

Lu Yuting suddenly aligned the camera, a cute little white rabbit appeared in front of me.

I am a glimpse.

Lu Yating laughed, "I am so bored today, I will go shopping, I have seen it, I bought it back, I still gave it name called Qin Zheng, how? Hey.

I am sorry, "Sorry, YA Ting, I have always said that I want to buy one, but I have not bought you.

Lu Yating laughed, "Nothing, I forgive you, know you busy, I bought it myself, just don't give it a burns.

"Know it.

I helplessly laughed.

"Right, Qin Zheng, I heard that it is more characteristic in Guangzhou, your kid can give me honestly, don't go to that place!

Lu Yuting said.

"No, do you eat a milk tea for a Guangzhou special bowel powder?"

I laughed.

"If you are less, you will be filled with me!

Lu Yiting said, "Are you drinking milk tea? Drinking milk is almost.

"Ok, I know.

I laughed, "I don't go to the place.

"I know, some customers are good,"

Lu Yanting said, "They want some girls, you can point, but do not have any intimate actions with her.

"OK, I have done it, let her take a table, don't stay, this is always?"

I laughed.

"I will tell you something, I am not allowed to hippie!

Lu Yiting asked.

"Good, rest assured,"

I said, "I don't go to the place at all, I am going to go, I will not go.

"This is similar.

Lu Yuting was satisfied.

... hanging up Lu Yiting, my mood is complicated, I don't understand why I pushed myself to this embarrassing situation. When I look forward to it, I am difficult to think, and I've lost it ... this taste is really too painful ... the next day In the morning, I went to the scene of the study, it was very close to the place where I stayed in a university, and I walked ten minutes.

I am going in advance, I thought it would be the first, and I have found it later, most people have arrived.

This study of this learning exchange will be small, but it is the old man of real estate developers, this point can be seen from temperament and age, I feel that I have a bit exception, because I am more than it, I am really some Over young.

These people, most of them are in the first time, but they will be familiar with them, and they are not happy. I am thinking that they can become the elite class of society. Master the wealth, this point, most people Still more than.

For example, I am really hard to have a group of strangers so familiar with the old friend, so I just silently sitting on the beginning of learning communication.

I am sitting next to a full middle-aged woman, judge from the gas field, should also be the old real estate development, she took the initiative to talk to me for a while, I heard that my age is also the old, surprised, for me It seems to be very interested, ask the East asks.

I am also bored, I am polite, I talked a few more words with her, I feel very speculative.

"I am also a person, some boring.

She said, "I have time to play together in these days.

"OK, but I am estimated that there is no time."

I laughed, my heart thought, this is not another form of another form? It is said that the meeting has begun, the main teacher is an expert in a famous real estate research in Beijing, and he is also a consultant in Vanke, it is very experienced.

After that, I found that the woman listened is particularly serious, and I still do notes, and I have no talk.

Listening, I suddenly had a girl in a hurry, said, "Sorry, it is a bit blush, it is late."

I am a glimpse, it is her!

That is the mysterious woman who took me and the Hua, and I never know the mysterious beauty of her name.

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