Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 396 Beach

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After sitting down, she didn't talk, silent.

"Do you live alone?"

I said, "I feel, in fact, your communication skills are quite strong, see if you are talking to them.

"It's all-in-law, what friends can you do?

She said faintly. "In fact, the more you have fun, the longer the heart."

Yes, in fact, I also have such a feeling. Many times, the more people are more, the more you are too lively, you will feel loneliness.

"What are you and the season?"

I asked, "Isn't it a friend?"

She looked up at me, didn't answer me, but took the medicine on the table, I saw it for a while, looked up at me, said, "How do you think about buying medicine?"

I got, she didn't talk about the season, probably, and the season was in her heart, still different.

I said, "I didn't tell you at the last time, it was accidentally, this time I met the friend, I haven't hosted the drug last time, I should help you buy some.

She exposed a drunken smile, "You care about me, isn't you afraid of your girlfriend jeal?"

I am, of course, I am afraid, but I can't tell her, this is actually the meaning of Jia.

"Nothing, help friends buy a medicine, nor is it jealous.

I laughed.

She smiled and said, "You care about me, how do I thank you?"

"No need to.

I said, "I am not big, thank you?"

"I am most afraid of owing others.

She said.

"Listen to the ear, some people have said the same words.

I said.


Yulie asked me.

Jia total.

I said.

She heard Jia's summary, the look was bleak, and faintly.

"You seem to have told me yet, between you and Jia, what happened?"

I asked.

"have nothing to say.

She is cold, "I don't want to mention it again, nausea.

"Actually ... he has always cared for you.

I carefully said, "He has been in front of me in front of me ..."

"All right.

She has some impatient interrupted, "I don't want to listen to it.

"I think, there must be something misunderstood, in fact, you are all very good people, and you don't think, are you still like him?"

I insisted.

With my feelings, she must have some misunderstanding between her and Jia, because Jia is a good person, Yu Ling is actually a very kind girl, I can't bear to see there is a gap between them.


She suddenly became a little angry, loudly.

I got, didn't continue to say.

She probably felt that this is something wrong with me, the voice slows down, said, "Many things, you don't know, so, I don't have to advise me, I am clear.


I am helplessly shake your head.

Silenced half, she stood up and went into the bedroom.

After a while, Yu Ling came out of a valence, handed me, said, "I don't know how to thank you, you don't like playing the piano, this will send you.

I got, said, "No, I have a piano yourself.

"This is different.

Yu Linger said, "I will know when I open it.

I opened the bag, it was a wooden guitar, although it was a Finda collection, the price should not be, but it is not so cherished.

"What's the difference?"

I asked.

"This is when I am in the United States. I went to visit the piano. I didn't expect to encounter Hudson. He was also in the store, and he gave me a name, it is very meaningful.

She said.

"Who Hardon is?"

I asked.

"Amount, you play guitar I don't know Hudson. The world master.

Yu Ling said.

"I played a folk guitar, and I played a chord, where else I met him.

I said, "But since I am so precious, I still don't want, you will stay.


She said, "I really don't like to owe others.

In fact, I don't want to hold it because Lu Yanting also sent me a piano. I have Li Zhi's signature. Therefore, I don't want to collect the piano of Ying Ying, I always feel that I seem to have some awkward.

But the spirit is unparalleled, not to give me, the reason is that I don't want to owe me, this, she absolutely and Lu Yiting have a fight.

Finally, I have to say, "This way, if you want to thank me, then, I will give you a accompaniment, you give me a song, do we have a flattening?"

She considers, say, "Okay, anyway, I suddenly want to sing.

I tried the sound, the hand was glamorous, the notes flow in the night, and painted the color of the night.


I ask her.

She considers, "Is it" Beach "will?"

I got, I didn't expect that she would point this song, because this is a song that I am particularly love.

When I am not comparative, I often listen to this song.

"How? Will n't it?"

She asked me.

"Will be a meeting, but this song is not so singing, there is too much fake.

I said.

"Do you suspect a person who sang Beijing opera will not fake?"

She laughed, "Try it.

I nodded and played a prelude.

Yu Linger brewed his emotions, slowly opening: "No one in this sandy beach / wind blowing cold cold coast / I lightly shake the sand in the shoes / watching my footprints / one person is a step in one step The sea has a bit of green sky, there is some regrets, and I don't know, I don't know, I'm going to discover me. I have already given up me / I heard the waves gentle breathing / I looked at the cloud floating to float What is the way to let yourself, I really want to make people are sweet / my heart, my heart, my heart blue / I really want to find a boat can leave this beach / each time I return to the same sea or it is You miss / miss you, no one can remember to you / left ... "

I am surprised that Yu Ling uses her like Cai Jianya. It is so drizzle, but the empty mood of this song is so dripping, and the true fake conversion is not traces, the most important thing is that her song is full. feeling.

She sang the last sentence, I saw the tears of her eyes flicker.

I feel that the whole night suddenly became quieter, as if we are not sitting in her home, but sitting on the beautiful beach, blowing a cold sea breeze, looking at the tide, looking at the beach The footprints, stretching, wiped by the waves, realizing the blue loneliness, ten minutes, years old ... Sing for a long time, we don't have to talk, it seems to be afraid to break the creation The blue like a dream.

After a long time, she sighed and said, "Qin Zheng, you can't always stay with me ..."

I am a glimpse, "why?"

She suddenly took a moment, she left, said, "No, let's go ..."

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