Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 408 Love's Insurance

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When you open your eyes, when you wake up, I found that it is already a noon.

After getting up, pull the curtains, the strong sunshine is pouring out of the window, and I am surrounded.

Such a good weather, still can't bring me any good mood.

It is another boring weekend.

I took the mobile phone and found the WeChat sent to Lu Yiting last night. She still did not reply.

I don't know what she is busy with, I am upset, I don't do anything.

Since I know that Lu Yating is going to wait for a year, I seem to lose the hope of life, and I have no hopes.

Although the work is busy, it is not full, it will often feel emptiness, it seems that every day, it seems to be just copied for a day.

After I washed, I went to the floor to eat lunch, and then I didn't seem to do anything.

I suddenly remembered that I promised Yu Linger, giving her a thing of the medicine, and I haven't had a market, so I went to a market that is not far from home, I remember there is selling medicine.

I bought a peony in the crowd, I went to the old house of Yu Ling.

Last time she gave me a key, still on my body, I knocked on the door, didn't answer, and I thought it was almost, and Yu Linger will definitely be busy with the company, and then take a key to open the door.

After entering, I find that the house is unparalleled, although the floor is very old, but is wiped by Yu Ling, it feels like a mirror.

This girl is best to do.

When I gave her room, I suddenly saw the pile of toys of Yu Linger. She was playing with the toys who were playing with her father.

Although Yu Ling is a girl, most of the canys are both a boy, they are all racing, Superman, Saint Seiya.

I found that the toys have already been broken, but some are repaired, and there is still some of the places, and some are not repaired.

I estimate that it is probably that her father has been repairing, but only half of it, I will die.

I am free to boring, so sitting there, I will fix the remaining toys.

Because I am doing hand, these are little meals, spend an afternoon, basically it.

I looked at my own masterpiece, I was pleased to laugh, I thought, Yu Ling saw it later, it will be very happy.

After got it, I was ready to leave, I suddenly saw, on the table, put a document, I was curious, I found it is a marketing situation of Hongyuan new project.

Of course, I didn't see what I am afraid, I am not that kind of person.

After the door, I made a car ready to go back.

But when I want to get on the bus, I faintly feel that there seems to have a bunch of attention to watch me!

I looked back, but I found out anything.

I thought it was my illusion, I didn't care.

After returning home, I found that Mia moved away, which made me some accidents, it seems that the day is really angry.

I gave her a call.

"Hey, how do you move without a voice?"

"What? Do you want to open a press conference?"

She is cold and cold.

"I have said to me in advance."

I said.

"Let you celebrate it in advance?"

She is still cold.

"I don't mean that, I mean, at least I can help you move something.

I said.

"no need.

She said, "You don't see me so much, what else, what is your face, let you move for me.

"Hey, can Mia, can you don't do this?"

I said, "I have long said to you, I have a girlfriend, so ..."

"Forget it, don't explain it.

She interrupted my words and said, "I know, I don't qualify you, you are a good boyfriend, I will be with her in the future, I wish you.

"Then you ... is still angry?"

I asked.

She laughed, "Not so, no matter what, this time you have helped me, otherwise, I will eat, I have 80% in the Philippines.

"That's okay, remember to visit your big house."

I said.

"You don't have to visit the house.

She said, "I found a job of sales, you will play.

"Sales? What?"

I asked.

"Selling insurance.

She said.

"No future.

I said.

"Hey, I am going to work on the first day tomorrow, do you hit me?"

"It's not that I combat you.

I said, "There is too much insurance now, this year, whoever doesn't have a relative of eight dry insurance, that eight achievements are orphans.

"Then you say that I am like this, what can you do?"

Mia said.

I think, it is also, she doesn't have a skill, I want to find a decent job, not the front desk, but also can be sold, and it should be encouraged.

"OK, then I can buy three."

I said.

"I also bought it for my father.

"That is too good,"

Mia is happy, "It seems that I have a single month!

"What kind of insurance is there?"

I asked.

"Everything has.

Mia said, "What can be guaranteed, including parts of your body, all everything can be insured.

"That line, I will buy me a part.


I laughed, and I got about time, this hangs.

After hanging up the phone, I suddenly thought that if love can be insured.

Then I will buy a copy for me and Lu Yating.

Of course, I also know that this is unreal, which insurance company will do this kind of compensation.

If you really have, in this eaten era, this city is mostly people, I am afraid it is already a millionaire ... ... I arrived at the company, Hua Posted megad into his office.

After I entered, I found Zhao Zhiqiang.

Hua always let me sit down, give us a smoke, then he also got one, pumped it.

I feel that the atmosphere is somewhat weird, the general expression of Hua, it looks very serious, but it seems that there seems to be a new joy in the bottom.

I have a little crazy for a time.

After a while, Huadong said, "I will say a word, today I want to say, the future of our project, and the future of the company, and so far, this matter is only three people know, who I don't want to leak out, understand? "

I am a glimpse, watching the serious look of China, can't help but feel curious, what is the mystery? At the same time, I immediately realized that this is afraid that I will be related to Yuling's company.

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