Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 433 First Apologize

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There has been hanged over, and I have a hand of the phone, but I have never let go, listen to the empty beep, I feel that the vertebrae is very popular.

At the same time, the heart is more doubts.

Who is Lu Yiting's senior? Why will I think so familiar? If it is said to Room, he has been in the United States for a few years, that is, it is the previous encountered.

But at that time, I should still go to school, or just graduated, the social circle is very small, the people who know, how can I not hear anyone? Is it a classmate who is shoulder with a university? Somatostat together or the wine table? This is more impossible. If this is this relationship, I forgot it later, I will never feel familiar.

It should be seen in the near future, who can be seen in the near future, who is it? From the first eye of his back of his back in Lu Yuting, I feel familiar, plus it tonight, I am more familiar.

I thought about it, I still didn't think of it. This sounds are familiar with who is familiar with.

But I feel faintly, this person will have a major impact in my life, I don't know why, anyway, there is this feeling.

This feeling makes me feel panic.

It's not a panic, this, I want to be worried about temporarily, I don't have anything, otherwise, the guy is not lie with Lu Yating, probably to show off directly.

I am flustered is between me and Lu Yiting, I have a problem now, I am worried that I will let him drill the empty.

I and Lu Yiting is far from the country, but he is close at hand. In such a situation in us, it is difficult to keep there.

I thought for a long time, upset, still a mess, and the sure is no longer thinking.

I looked up, I found that the sky was already bright.

The faint blue is gradually exfolted in the far air, a little bit, spread.

And the night, as if the upcoming dawn is a bit diluted, it is no longer the thick black, slowly, seems to be difficult to resist the erosion of dawn, compromise, retreat, weak, dull ... ...........................................

Most of the time, it is a lonely, brutal, powerful, laughing with people who will be hurt in it in it.

In fact, it is not so strong ... I am sitting in the car, watching the change of this day, habitually reaching out to touch, but finding a box of jade is already empty, even smoke boxes It is crumpled.

I put the cigarette case into a group, thrown out of the window, I want to buy a pack of cigarettes, I have a bitterness in my mouth, I have tight too much smoke tonight, so I have made it.

I stretched a lazy waist and felt a burst of fatigue. That kind of tired is from my heart, not from the body.

I know, now it is going home, but I can't sleep, you can wake up, in addition to sadness and don't do things, the sorry determines a person to see the sunrise.

I think this is a good idea, I have read too many ugly things recently, and I should take a look at a beautiful thing.

To set up ideas, I launched the car and drive to the sea.

There is basically no car on the road. It is so comfortable. I drove on the coastal road of Qinghe. The sky is already in the sky. The oriental exposes the fish belly white. I shook the window, Ren Guo Breeze blow my hair. Although there are some cold, but I feel very happy.

I parked the car on the side of the road. The sky was completely bright. The sun had been clearly visible under the sea line. The sea breeze can smell the faint hook of the sea, I saw the coastline, there is already a fisherman's boat .

Gradually, the seaside has a little scarlet, and the sea level is dyed into a sparkling Yinhong. The sea is one color, and the whole face is full of vision. It is simply suffocating, I am eye-catching, as if the sea , Put the red sunset, only the red dot, gradually make a gold wire, gold comb, and boot.

Subsequently, I was shaken, got rid of the water ... I looked at the magnificent changes in the world, I saw the golden sun and the sea sky, suddenly there was a pilgrimage feel.

My heart seems to be too open, those things that are blocked, as if it is awkward.

In the past, I really didn't understand those people who came to the sea or the mountain sunrise or on the top of the mountain. Even feel some kind of confidence, but it is a natural phenomenon. Is there anything good? And now, I seem to have a little understanding, it will really have different feelings.

I am standing on the beach. Listening to the tide of tide, I looked at the reef, looked at the sun, until the Chaoyang sprinkled with the world, the blue sea shrouded a faint mist, and it can see the contour of the huge wheel in the distance. , The seagull is rotted, and the mood suddenly has a lot ... ... When I returned home, I was already a lunch.

I docked with the tofu brain on the outside of the community, I went home, I went home, prepared to sleep, I plan to wake up, I started to re-organize my mood.

It's strange, I didn't have a dream, and I slept very much.

Until I woke up by the phone, I found that it is already in the evening, the soft light of the sunset from the window.

I feel a little tired, I am too lazy to pick up the phone, waiting for me to be woken up, it has been broken when I plan it.

I took the mobile phone and found that Yu Ling came. The first thought in my heart, I won't find what it is, come to me, ask for guilty? Forget it, it doesn't matter, anyway, it has already been misunderstood, and I am not afraid that there is a pot, and the scorpion is too much.

Just, I am planning to find her, and I will give her the car.

So I went back to the phone, and Yu Ling quickly took it.

"Hey, Qin Zheng, why don't you answer the phone?"

Yu Ling said.

"Oh, just sleeping.

I said, "Yes, where are you? Convenient, I will give you the car.

Yu Linger, "Why?"

I smiled, "Is this still used? I have already deceive you, use you, steal your company secret, this car, I still open it?"

Yu Lington, she said, "Qin Zheng, I ... I have heard ..."

I glance, "What did you hear?"

"Your company ... Is it all?"

She said.

"Well, it's almost.

I said.

"You are nothing?"

She asked.

"What can I have?"

I said, "The bad guys have been retribution, and it is very fun.

"Don't Qin Zheng.

She suddenly said, said, "Sorry, I am, I apologize to you ..."

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