Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 435 finds people to teach

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"Yu Linger, I want to tell you, when I came to you, I did see your marketing plan, but I didn't have seen it at a glance.

I will prove to you that this matter is not me to disclose.

Yu Ling sighed and said, "You don't have to prove what you have, I really believe in you.

In fact, think now, before, there is really a reminder, especially when buying a car, you have told me, the purpose is already very obvious, but I really have not heard it, everything should be all Three uncle is designed.

"You can think so, the best.

I said, "Your three uncle, it is not aware of oil, you will pay more attention.

Yu Linger nodded, said, "In fact, I know, I am coming, he gives me a position, it is very reluctant, and I am not a position, just, I have more important things. Do it, it is no longer.

She suddenly said, "So I told him that day, I won't let the power will go out, wait for me to finish the matter, I will give the position to him.

"Then he may not believe you.

I said.

"There is no way.

Yu Linger said, "I have to finish the matter, complete my dad.

So you really don't have to prove anything, I am trust you now.

"No, you don't have to persuade me, because now the problem, you are not just your misunderstanding, I have to prove my own innocent.

I said.

"You are not there? Is there anything? Is there anything necessary? Even if you explain it clearly, you have such a thing, can you feel comfortable there?"

Yulie asked me.


I said, "I prove these to them, not to continue to go back, the annual salary of that position is indeed attracted, and it is more important to me.

Yu Ling stunned, nodded, said, "Then you ... how to do it?"

"I haven't thought about it yet.

I said, "But I want to have a way.

"Need me to help you?"

She asked.

"No need to.

I said.

Qin Zheng.

Yu Ling said, "Since we have already opened the words today, we ... or friends?"

"of course.

"In this case, the car is a gift that I will send your gift as a friend, and there is no need to return me.

Yu Ling said, "Unless you don't forgive me, if you don't want to open, throw away it, anyway, I have given you.

I am a glimpse, nod, "Okay.

... After going back, I will take the whole thing from the head to the tail.

Finally, I think that the key core issues are still in the three uncle of Yu Ling.

He is the planner of the whole thing. I was misused by Yu Ling, and I was misunderstood by Hua, and the core reason was his three-carved three-carving.

Therefore, I want to solve the problem, let the misunderstanding, the only way, that is, let everyone see his conspiracy.

But this is not a matter of easy things, because things have passed.

However, since the Yu Linger did not give power to Yao Hongzhi, then he will not be easy to give up, next, will continue to implement action, maybe, will reveal what the horse is coming.

... Sun is shining, I am bored in a cafe in Nanjing Road.

The window of this cafe is in front of a huge fish tank, which has raised many colorful tropical fish, which looks very beautiful.

I sat there and watched those fish in the water. I was quiet. I suddenly thought, in fact, I should do a fish next life, it should be good, at least they don't have so much pain, so simple together, simple After a lifetime.

At the years, fantasy has no number of wonderful life, feeling that there is a great shackle, you must live a wonderful, but now, I really just want to have a lot of life.

"Mr. Qin?"

A voice interrupted my messy thoughts.

I looked up and saw a middle-aged man in the beard.

"it's me.

I said, "Are you Mr. Liao?"


He laughed.

"sit down.

I said.

He sat in my opposite, said to see the mountain, "Mr. Qin, you are looking for us, what is the trouble?"

"of course.

"What is the trouble? What can I do for you?"

He asked.

"Help me to listen to two people.

I said that I took out a stack of information from the bag, I handed him.

That's above is the information of Qi Hongzhi and Zhao Zhiqiang.

He looked at it, said, "" All-day monitor? "


"How long is the monitor?"

He asked.

"Waiting for me to get what I want."

I said, "I want to hear the content of their activities and conversation, can you do?"

He thought, "can be able, but, this kind of monitoring, energy, possibly, the price is possible ..."

"I understand, you have the price."

I said.


He said, "Every day.


I said, "I will settle you according to the day, starting from tomorrow.


He said, "that is so fixed.

"Confidential work?"

I asked.

"rest assured.

He said, "I can't do this for ten years, this professional is still there.

I nodded, he didn't say excessive words, got up and left.

Since Yan Hongzhi and Zhao Zhiqiang can find someone to tell me, why can't I find someone to talk to them? After he gone, I continued to sit there and drink coffee, and the philosophy of the United States came.

I took it.

" .

"Qin Zheng, the things in the café are talking!

The tone of the United States is very excited.

"Yes? How much is it?"

I asked.

"one million.

Mei said.

"That is really cost-effective!

I said, "You still cut down.

"No cut."

Mei said, "After that day, I haven't been found to find the sister. She suddenly called today, saying that she is going to go, so I will give it to me directly.


I laughed. "You are now the boss of the Er. What else is there anything else? For example, let you give her some shares?"

"There is no other condition.

Mei said, "Her industry is too much, the coffee shop is just a small part, yes, the sister invited me for two days, let me call you, this is the only thing, this is the only thing. Do you have time?"

"I will not go?"

I laughed, "I looked at them to kiss, my mouth.

The beauty laughed, "I know, I am actually very difficult, but she is gone for two days, the name made me bring you, I am not so embarrassed.

"Ok, then I will go."

I said.

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