Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 442 Death Silence

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Everyone gathered in the meeting room.

But it is different from the usual meeting. This time does not need to prepare for the meeting, just sitting in the meeting table, even the big screen is not open.

Everyone is dignified, and the eyes go swim in my and Zhao Zhiqiang and the general body.

The total face of Hua is dignified, sitting there.

Zhao Zhiqiang opened first. "I said Qin, we are so busy, you don't call everyone together, don't let us sit here to see your handsome face?"

"Zhao always, don't be so anxious.

I said.

"It's not for me, you also know that our project is now in the image, everyone is busy, you can't open, you have something to say.

Zhao Zhiqiang is not compatible.

"What is I don't know?"

I smiled.

"Of course,"

Zhao Zhiqiang said, "And we all know what is going on.

"Is it? That's today, I will override everyone's cognition.

I looked back to other colleagues, "I know that everyone is very busy recently, our Bihai Blue Sky Project has been fully urban market, everywhere is our advertisement, this stage is indeed a lot of work, I as the company's deputy, At this stage, I can't furnish with everyone. I don't want to go, but I think everyone is very clear. I leave the company, not my proactive, but because some other reasons, some don't have the use of people with people. I returned here today, just prove to you, the last thing, not I leaked, but we had a long ready to come out from the beginning.

Zhao Zhiqiang shook his head disdain, said, "I said Qin, I really don't know where the courage you said in this, because of your own elite, make this kind of thing that harm the company's interests In the part of the other reasons, there is no penalty. You are not bad. Do you still have a face? You think you say a few words here, the company has, including Hua, including Hua, you have to believe You? Forgive you? Eight-eighth seats please come back? Still Hongyuan is ready, what is going on there, I am the best there, I am the clearer, I can't talk to you here. If you go back to so long, then I feel that you don't have to waste everyone here, we are not a fool, you are afraid of the truth, tell Huaong, you are the impulse What happened, I think the general can also forgive you, it's a man, you are looking back now, how do you want us? Yes, yes, we all know, Hua Pong, you are There is an unusual relationship, but he is also a normal person, in the face of a person who sells his own company, betray his daughter, do you want him how to do it? You don't even understand the truth of the people ... "

His words have not been finished, I pick up a book on the table, flying over, squatting on his face!

Zhao Zhiqiang's glasses were directly broken, and they were angry. "You ... what do you do?"

I stood up. "I will teach you the least least the truth today. When others talk, don't interrupted!

Qin Zheng!

Huaong has a drinking me.

I have to sit down, Huaong said Zhao Zhiqiang, "You are also, you can't let him say it again? I have no judgment ability?"

Zhao Zhiqiang is honest, and the ignorant sitting and check the glasses that I was bad.

"Go on.

Huaong said that I said, "General, I am coming today, of course, I am not empty, white teeth, I have no evidence, prove what I said, I won't come!

"What evidence?"

China asked.

I took out the recordings and said, "This is a dialogue between our female colleagues and Hongyuan Group, and you listen.

Everyone is a glimpse.

I opened the recording, and I came in the voice of Ji Hongzhi. "Miss Qi, what is it?"

"It should be very clear about it in my phone?"

Yan Mengchun said.

Yan Hongzhi smiled, "Clear is very clear, but ... I don't understand, what are you doing this?"

"Our company leaders can't, especially the Zhao Zhiqiang, everywhere, I don't want to do it, I don't want to do it, I want to fish before I want to fish, mainly, I want to retrieve them, it is.

Yan Mengchun said.

Yan Hongzhi smiled, "I am also a little interaction with you, and he is not like a person who is bullying?"

Yan Mengchun said, "There are some things in this, you don't understand.

His reasonable is that there is something else.

When I heard here, all my colleagues died in Zhao Zhiqiang, and Zhao Zhiqiang did not hang on his face.

"Oh, you said this, I will understand.

Yan Hongzhi smiled and said, "But Miss Qi, as far as I know, you and your Qin Zheng, seem to have a good relationship, have him cover you, can you have anything?"

"Do you know this?"

Qilongchun asked.

Yan Hongzhi smiled and didn't speak.

"Then you should know that Qin always doesn't have it?"

Yan Mengchun said, "To be honest, I am doing in the company now, it is because Qin always, I am here for half a year, you also know, new company, project just started, basically overtime, they did not give me up One salary, or if Qin always, I have already leaving people, I can't get it now, now Qin is also hurt from Zhao Zhiqiang, but also to Tianzi, I really don't want to do it.

Yan Hongzhi smiled and said, "Miss Yan seems to be in the temperament, love is clear.

"He is always, but the leadership of our company, there is half of your wisdom, Qin can't get away from them, I can continue.

Dream Spring Airway.

Yan Hongzhi smiled, "Miss Yan did not dare to say this, your Hua Zhao always also has Qin, which is the youth of the Binhai Real Estate Circle, I am an old age, I can't afford it with them.

" ,"

Yan Mengchun, "In fact, I have always admired my project prior to your project plan, and our company has come up and down, thinking that your project is completely finished, I didn't expect that you can prior, it is too powerful.

Ji Hongzhi smiled, "This is nothing."

Yan Mengchun said, "In fact, our company is not understanding, why do you have such an abilities, don't make a chairman, and let a young man do chairman.

Yan Hongzhi silently took a moment, smiled, "This can't explain what, she is my daughter, a family, there is no need to compete with you, let the young people come, I will give the helm later.

"He always, you will be a bit outside this? Since you don't fight, why do you have to disclose the company's program?"

"Miss Qi, although we only have two people, but these words, you don't want to say it.

Yan Hongzhi smiled.

Yan Mengchun smiled, "always, you don't have to keep it secret with me? This is said that the upper level of our company knows these.

I am coming to you today, talk to you, you still have to meet me, is it not interesting? "

Qi Hongzhi asked, "Hua Guo said that he said these words with you?"

Yan Mengchun said, "Of course, it is not the initiative to tell me, it is the first two days, he quarreled with Zhao in the office, I accidentally heard.

Qi Hongzhi asked, "What did they say?"

Yan Mengchun said, "When I closed the door, I didn't know very clearly. I heard a few words, what was too bad, I got a good time, when I gave us the programs, it was a gangster, which is right, anyway, Years you.

Yan Hongzhi suddenly took a moment, laughed, "I know it, they are too young, too want to take a cache.

Hongyuan is the base industry I have worked hard. How can I harm my own interests? My means is not a high, just use the mood that they are eager to have a good time. Of course, this is still to thank Zhao, who is he taken to help me, but I have not gone.

Put it here, I turned off the recording, and there is no need to listen again.

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