Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 451 Endless memories

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I saw my mobile phone and found that it was already three in the morning.

Of course, look at the phone, not for the time, but, see if she sent me information or calling.

I hate Chen Menan.

If he doesn't tell me such a message, I will not insomnia until now.

I just prepared to start my life, regular new life, I didn't expect it, or I was completely dismustted by this news.

I hint myself in my heart, I don't have to care, since she is not for you, why should it be so touched? I know that she is still angry with me, but since I came back, can't I take the initiative to find me, say it clearly? Sleeberand, my hand can't stop in the name of Lu Yating on the dial button, but I still hesitate to countless times, and finally, the number, still did not dial out.

In the case of the coastal sea, I used to take care of her.

When she will hit my route from time to time, when I go to see the customer, or when I go to buy a smoke, I suddenly appear in front of me, I deliberately scared me, and then I am giggling for a long time.

These days, my heart, I have always been looking forward to Lu Yiting, I suddenly appeared in front of me, let me surprise.

But I have passed for a few days. I have never waited for the sudden appearance of Lu Yuting, and even there is no phone call, one information.

I feel that the heart is looking forward to it.

She probably won't take the initiative to come to me.

My heart, I don't want to take the initiative to find her.

She didn't know that I know that she came back, so I won't think that I will take the initiative to find her.

But she always does not move, obviously, it is really not coming back for me, even, there may be no reason.

If she really wants you, I will not feel that I will not see it. Even if I quarrel with me, let me see her, I am also content.

So, after I have experienced a worship, I decided to forget this thing!

Although my heart is determined, I will not think that I don't know anything.

The heart wants to have no fluctuations, that is impossible, I suddenly found that Lu Yuting came back to change my life, no matter what I am doing, there is only one thought, will she suddenly appear? I am sitting at home, watching TV, writing a plan, watching the door, I will suddenly think, she will not suddenly come, just like before, what happened, she came in, full of plastic bags The dishes, let go, come over and smile, "Husband, I learned a dish yesterday, take you experiment, don't you do?"

I used to send her out when I was busy, and then continue to be busy. When she came in again, the food was burnt.

Especially at night, when I drunk, when I was smoking in the living room, I looked at every corner in this house, and those who had happened here, remember all at a little bit.

We have been shame in a certain location, what kind of conversation happened in a corner, hugging in a certain place, kissing, all in turn.

That kind is a nourishing taste, which is simply unable to describe.

Even so, I didn't play her call, asked if she came back to the coast.

Or, I don't dare to hit the phone. I would rather Chen Mei male look wrong, don't hear her say, yes, come back, what is the relationship with you? ... knocking on the door from the dream, but I am still very sleepy, I drank too much wine last night, sleep late, this will be difficult to wake up.

Suddenly, I suddenly realized what, I was busy opening your eyes, and a squid jumped from the bed, and then rushed to the door with the speed of the police dog, and opened the door.

What can I disappointed is that outside the door is not the figure I expected, but Yu Ling.

Yu Linger wearing a black slim down jacket, talling a tall ponytail, appeared in white and slender, and the whole person was very tall and elegant.

She saw the disappointment in my eyes, asked, "Are you waiting?"

I didn't answer her, ask, "How come you?"

"Pass, look at you.

She said.

"come in.

I got her in and found that she was holding some plastic bags in her hand, and it was meals.

"Why is you so polite?"

I said.

"It is estimated that you may have not eaten yet, and you will bring you.

She said.

"I ... just got up, now there is no appetite, you put it in the refrigerator,"

I said.

Yu Ling sighed, her mobile phone rang, talking on her phone, turned to open the refrigerator on one side, put it into the refrigerator.

I sat there and looked at her to open the refrigerator door, and suddenly I remembered Lu Yuting.

I remember once, Zhang San and Lu Da have to come, Lu Yuting gives them to make grilled meat.

Everything is ready to stop, Zhang San will immediately go upstairs, Lu Yanting suddenly changed, "it is broken!

I was also sitting here, asked, "What's wrong? What is it bad?"

"I forgot to buy any food!

Lu Yuting said a head.

"Go to buy.

I said.

"It's too late, they all have to come up.

Lu Yiting is anxious.

"It's all people, don't be so polite, there is no haircut.

I said.

"Can you?"

Lu Yanting said, "There is no lettuce when you eat the barbecue, just like you are not in me, I will feel missing.

"At this time, don't you ignite it?"

I am helpless, "The supermarket is not available to delivery? Tell the phone to let them send it.


Lu Yiting hiped his eyebrows, quickly pick up the phone to call, "Hey, new hundred? Are you coriander? Oh, there is.

Just asked, she opened the refrigerator and fell out of the lettuce of a plastic bag.

At that time, she was stupid. I laughed, and Lu Yating said with the phone, "smart, our home is also.

Then I hang up the phone.

I think of these pictures, I can't help but laugh.

Yu Ling checked her own clothes and found that there was nothing to have, and asked, "What are you laugh?"

I came out of my memories, smirked, "Nothing.

After the meal put down the meals, I walked over. I also looked at the full bottle of the light. I had the rest of the fast food box. "I said that it seems that this is very big. I didn't expect you to be so fragile.

"You of course think so.

I said, "Do you know that I have a lot of effort to sit down?"

Yu Lang sighed, said, "This is blame me, I am coming today, I want to tell you this thing, you ... Is there interest, come and work with me?"

I am a glimpse.

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