Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 456 confrontation

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I didn't expect that Lu Yuting suddenly appeared in front of me.

Sometimes, when you think too many things or people, suddenly appear in front of you, your first reaction will always doubt what you are dreaming.

In my eyes, it reveals huge joy. The joy of tattoo, let my body can't help but shake.

I looked at her, my heart had a thousand words, but I didn't say anything, and finally, it was just a complicated smile.

At that moment, I didn't have any ideas in my heart. I only had a joy of people who I loved, as if there was no more expensive, I only had a chest!

If it is not a beautiful and Yu Linger, if it is not my legs, I may have passed it directly!

Archae Ting's response made me disappointment, her reaction, starting with me, I used to have everything I have been familiar with, happy and even excited, so the expression only lasts for a few seconds, it disappeared. Instead, it is the kind of indifference to people.

At this moment, Yu Ling also supported me.

I know that Lu Yating is misunderstood, and now I see this situation, I will be even misunderstood.

I subconsciously wanted to break free, but I thought about it, anyway, I have already misunderstood, and I don't care about this. I said that my legs will be hurt, and the action is inconvenient. She also helps me. I don't have to deliberately. This is not polite to the spirit.

Yu Ling seems to feel this complicated atmosphere, but it is just stunned, and I don't move the sound, I have gone to the past.

The eyes of the United States are swallous between me and Lu Yuting. Of course, she did not say anything.

Lu Yanting said, "Are you nothing?"

"It's okay, it is the leg fracture, and it is good to raise a raise.

I said, "How come you?"

"I heard that you are seriously injured, so come over, but ... it seems to be much better than I think, so many people are waiting, just like the emperor.

Lu Yiting said in thorns.

Yu Lul looked at Lu Yanting, I feel that her eyes are somewhat dissatisfied with Lu Yiting, probably the phrase of Lu Yuting.

I am busy opening the topic, "I mean, how did you suddenly come back from the United States?"

"It's nothing.

She said, "I will come back and come back.

She looks like this, I really don't know how to talk to her, so I will no longer say it.

The atmosphere became silent.

In my impression, Mei Yu Linger, and YA Ting, these three women don't seem to have been together at the same time, it seems that there is no.

Unexpectedly, these three women who have already played an important role in my life will appear together in this case.

I have been thinking that this is a good opportunity to say that I and Yu Ling will explain that I and Yu Ling have a good opportunity, but I will take care of me in the night, and Yu Ling has no day and night to take care of me. Now Lu Yiting, let it People explain this problem, how many discomfort, then say that Lu Yiting may not believe, so.

The nurse came in, giving me medicine, Yu Ling light car, and took the nurse's tray.

Lu Yantang grabbed it from Yu Ling, "I am coming."

Yu Linger, looked at Lu Yuting, and Lu Yating looked at her without fear.

Although they didn't say anything, they can even feel that they are somewhat incorporated, and they are looking at two people.

The nurse gave me a good medicine. I took out a single child before leaving it, and I handed it to Yu Ling. "This is your boyfriend's two days. There is also a list of inspections. You will make money.

When she came out, several people in the ward were stunned.

I just want to die, who can think of, in this time, she actually came to this, so that she was a bit awkward atmosphere, and suddenly became more subtle.

Of course, this does not blame nurse, I have always been in the hospital, so she must think that she must be a hidden ideology, Yu Ling is my girlfriend.

The nurse is finished, and Yu Linger took the list. I saw me. I didn't say anything, I walked over to take the bag and prepared for payment.

Lu Yanting said, "The list gives me, I will pay it.

Yu Linger said, "Nothing, I will go."

Lu Yuting grabbed the list, Yu Ling, looked up at her.

"I know that you are not bad, some is money,"

Lu Yanting said, "I will send a car when I shot, but I will pay for it, thank you.

In the air, I suddenly made a hot medicine flavor, which made me somewhat caught.

Originally, I thought that Lu Yantu made her to pay, and Yu Ling gave her, I didn't know that Lu Yant's words were sinned, or something else, she did not let.

Lu Yuting suddenly mentioned the car, which is undoubtedly more stimulating to Yu Ling.

I feel bad, don't look at Lu Yutian is tender to me, but she is actually a stylish temper, a mouth, the owner who has never suffered from a loss, not to mention that she is very deep. Misunderstanding, in this case, I am afraid that I will break out at any time. What do you know under the impulse? Again, it is not a light of the oil, don't look at her usually don't talk, but it is also a temperament in my bones, fighting for a better victory, and Lu Yuting will speak from one from one, and there is an opinion, and now suddenly, sudden changes, and suddenly. She will not be able to calculate it easily.

I saw that Meiyi gave me the eye, hurriedly wants to stop two people that may be willing to break out.

But I haven't opened it yet. "I didn't expect my expectations." She listened to Lu Yating, did not have any retreat, but said, "Miss Lu, this is not worth it? "

"Not fighting.

Lu Yiting laughed, "I know that you are warm, it is good to him, but no matter what to say, I am his girlfriend.

Yu Ling said coldly, "Oh? Yes? From the last week, Qin Zheng started, all the expenses are all my hand, so many days, it seems that I have not seen your girlfriend? This will suddenly come. Fight for a fee, even girlfriends. "

Meiyi saw, busy, "If I pay it, I will remind you for a while.

Yu Ling handed a single child to the United States. I saw me and said, "Qin Zheng, since some people come to take care of you, I will go first, have something to call me again.

When she finished her, she stood up and was ready to leave.

The beauty of the United States also laughed, "That Yu Ling, I will go with you, I just will pay the payment next floor.

Yu Linger nodded.

The beauty said to me, "Qin Zheng, then let's go first.

I nodded, I would like to tell her that the cafe promoted, I will continue to follow up, but Lu Yuting is on one side, I didn't say it.

At this time, Lu Yating said, "Stand.

Yu Ling Station, looking back, two people are so right.

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