Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 464 Liao Lao Past 2

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"I asked Ruoyun, after her appeared?"

Lu Yating asked anxious.

"nothing much.

Liao Lao said, "That night, she left, for a long time, did not appear in my life."


Lu Yuting also sighed.

"You continue.

I said.

"What letter?"

"It's the letter to Qingyi (dancing girl),"

Liao Lao said, "She is in that letter, suddenly telling me, she likes her male collimator, they are in love, the end of the year is married, the words are full of love, can no longer contact me, I hope I will take care He also said some words bless me.

At that time, I looked at the letter, my heart was dead, I found that my life lost hope, even lost the meaning, "

He said here, he took a look, laughed, "I said, you may not understand, even think I am a little, it is, I am really this feeling.

"I can understand.

I said, "I can really understand.

Because I have had such an idea, I am completely my body.

"I gave her a bunch of letters, I wrote it every day, sometimes I wrote a few times a day. At night, I watched the lights, I called my hand, crying, revealing my own mind, I hope she will be able to turn around. .

But I didn't wait until her reply, even, I didn't have any audio.

I even went to Beijing to find her, but the person of her unit said she followed him back to my hometown.

My heart is like a gray, after I come back, I am awkward, work everywhere is a mistake, leaders and colleagues no longer trust me, and even because of the work wrong, I have been in the back of the public security bureau, that The year, this is a big political stain, I feel that my political future is almost the end, I can't see any alive reasons, so I made a decision, suicide.

Lu Yuting shook his head, "I really don't know what you are good."

I rushed to her, indicating that she didn't interrupt Liao Lao's memories. Obviously, this time, Liao Lao has completely entered the same emotions, let him say more, mood may be better.

Liao Lao gave him a smoke and smoked a bite. "This time, I didn't do anything, I thought about many kinds of suicide methods, hanging medicine, cut wrist, but I feel It's too painful, and it is not enough, and later I decided to go to the river, the river of the moat river is very urgent, I will not swim, and I should die very quickly.

So I left, I wrote it under the pillow. I came to the bridge. I stood in the bridge and blowing a box of cigarettes, then pulling it, jumping into the moat, just me In an instant, I suddenly heard someone behind my name, that is the sound of the cloud, she rushed to pull me, but I haven't come, I have fallen, the river is cold, I will not see the bottom, I went down In the future, I immediately smashed the water, I couldn't breathe, and the consciousness began to be ambiguous. At this time, I feel that my body is hosted, slowly floating up, I look back, I found that it is a cloud's face, She went downstairs with me and struggled to go upstairs.

At the shore, she is already exhausted, helping me do artificial breathing, help me spit water, I am slow, after I am awake, I was crying at the time, crying is particularly miserable, if the cloud I also hugged me crying, married me, crying and crying, we kiss together, there, with our first time ... "

Liao said that I am relieved with Lu Yiting.

"Is this not very good?"

Lu Yanting said, "Later, will you get married?"


Liao Lao said.

"People are all like this, you still don't want to marry people?"

Lu Yuting asked.

Liao Lao sighed, "It's my problem, at that time ... I always think that my heart doesn't like her, even if she is married to others, I have never put her down, and if the cloud saved me, But can I can't have a lifetime because I am grateful? This is not responsible for me, it is not responsible for her, and I can't afford her at all, her family is abnormal, so I have never thought about it. This thing, until one day, if the cloud tells me, she is pregnant.

I and Lu Yiting are a glimpse, I asked, "No, you can't tell me, do you have no children?"

"Yeah, after marriage with her, I found that she lied to me and scamped her family.

Liao Lao said, "She is not pregnant, just want to marry me, her family heard the news, nature will no longer be opposed, so we are married.

After getting married, for my life, everything has become simple. Her father takes care, my business is more smooth, but the days are calm, it is very satisfied, especially if the cloud, just we have not had children, So if the cloud is concerned, think is her problem, then I went to the hospital to check, I found that I have been weak, she has been caremeting me, I am in listening to the hospital and remedies, for me, at that time, I think that we think Life, probably a kind of happiness, the heart has become stable until the Qingli once again appeared in my life.

Lu Yutang shook his head, "all the monks always appear.

I quickly stopped with my eyes.

Liao is not the evaluation of Qingyi, but continues to say, "That is a celebration of National Day, I am attended as a leader, and I met the performance of the performance in the background, where I met In the sunny, she cleaned health in the background.

When she had moved, she had already faded that the green is still beautiful. It can be beautiful. I have evoke my memories. I try to make my feelings, try to make you feel calm, after the event, she took the initiative to invite me Eating, on the table, she told me that she had encountered these years. She followed his leader back to my hometown to marry, but it was not happy after marriage, and they were fired because of love, and there were no other craftsmanship. After returning to my hometown, I can only work in the factory. The income is meager. The man is not angry. I am gambling every day, I will be hit, she is can't bear, she is married, returning to the coast, one with two children Life, with a bitterness, and tears between the seats.

"Then you will go with her to go together?"

Lu Yuting asked.


Liao Lao suddenly said seriously. "I am already a family in that time, you can't doubt the sense of responsibility I at least.

Lu Yanting did not expect him to be so big, laughing.

"I went to the place where she lived, it was a piece of less than 30 square meters, she lived with two children, two children were in school, economic conditions, I was very sad, I don't want to see her. It is wronged, so I will give her some economic help. When she is cheap room, she will help her have a set, but I have never thought that this thing will let the cloud know.

Liao Lao said.

"What did she do?"

Lu Yuting asked.

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