Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 466, the call of dreams

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This story is so heavy.

Shen, after listening to Liao's brother, I have been secretly glad in a long time.

His story, for me, as if it is a warning.

I want to ask myself, in my heart, people who really love.

I remembered that Liao Lao said before telling me, when you were young, you can ridiculously, but who is loved by it, you must clear, don't live up to people.

He said that the clouds were light, it was not a random ridicule, but the story of the story of his life condensed.

On the evening of Lao Lao's story, Lu Yuting did not go.

I said to her, "I can push me out to walk.

Lu Yuting is a bit surprised, "It's so late, what is going on?"

"I want to go out.

I said.

Lu Yutang nodded and pushed me out.

The hospital is very quiet, the moonlight is cold, the temperature in the winter is very low, and the breathing can be seen in the breath.

It can be reached outside, but I feel a while, just in it, listening to Liao Lao's story, it is too depressed.

Lu Yiting didn't talk, just pushed me silently walking.

Walking, but stopped, I turned back, I found that she stood there and silently tears.

"what happened to you?"

I asked.

Lu Yiting said, "I remembered if it is a bit, she is a little distressed, she is really love Liao, but I can't get good.

"But Liao Lao did not do something wrong,"

I said, "On the contrary, I think Liao is also very pitiful. He didn't get what he wanted in a lifetime. At least, if there is a happiness in the cloud now, it can be ignorant, and there is only that may have no way. Realize the idea.

Lu Yiting is deeply sighing, saying, "But he was at least loved, I loved.

I am a glimpse.

Said, "How can you do it again? After he found his inner heart, he will always make up for his second half, but even a chance is not available.

Lu Yanting looked at me, probably understood what I meant in my words, no more.

I reached out of her hand and said, "So, YA Ting, how do you think it?"

Lu Yuting shook his head, "yet.

I am somewhat disappointed.

"Ya Ting, don't you be afraid that we will repeat the tragedy of Liao?"

I asked.

Lu Yuting looked at me, said, "I am afraid, I am afraid, but I am more afraid, I will become the second Ruoy.

"But YA Ting, this is different!


Qin Zheng, "

She interrupted my words, said, "I am very chaotic now, I have been very messingen recently, especially after I have heard Liao Lao's story, I am more afraid, you give me some time, ok?"

I have no more saying that my heart is not enough. I thought she recently took care of me every day, give me a meal, it is a good sign, but now I seem to be too optimistic.

"Qin Zheng, you said that if she really is not willing to see Liao's old side? This is likely that the last side of this life.

Lu Yuting said.

"Is it a cloud?"

I asked.

Lu Yating was silent.

"I think, may not.

I said, "Liao has written so much letter, she is also indifferent, perhaps, she is really a heart death, will not come again, the woman is unhappy, more than men.

Lu Yanting did not speak, half-awaited, suddenly said, "But this, more regrettable!

Even if you have a life, you will not be encountered.

Otherwise, I am going to help Liao to find a moment, please come to a trip? "

I laughed, she was still so kind.

"Still count, we just listen to the story, don't go to the person in the story.

I said, "she wants to come, will come, don't want to come, naturally, you will say, what is it used?"

Lu Yutang sighed, did not say anything.

..., even if Liao Lao said, he said that his heart buried for many years, and the mood did not change it.

Even, I feel that he is more lonely.

One night, I was awakened by him, heard him crying with the name of the cloud in the dream.

At the same time, Liao Lao's body is also worse.

I have a significant feeling with Lu Yiting. I have said that he has come to talk, it has become extremely weak, sometimes, even have not said a few words, it has been breathing hard, breathing.

Moreover, because the condition is aggravated, his chemotherapy has become diligent, and the hair is shaved, and it is very weird, and the spirit has become scattered.

One day I really didn't hold back, said to him, "Dao Master, I don't think, since she is good now, let's let go, I will cherish it.

After Liao Lao listened, revealing the weak smile, said, "Who is the case, who said, can not be dead, nothing, or cherish this life.

"It seems that you can't let it go."

I said.

"I am not talking about me.

He said, "I said you."

I am a glimpse.

Liao Lao said, "Who is not allowed in the next generation, but you are still young, this choice, you have to clear, do it, don't take my old way.

YA Ting this girl is really good, now there is not much girl, you have to cherish it.

regarding me……"

He smiled and said, "I now, I don't even want her to see me.


I asked.

"You see that this person is nowhere,"

Liao Lao touched his skinny cheeks said. "I don't want her to see me so much.

I am sigh.

"I don't want to do chemotherapy again.

Liao Lao frowned, "Too little pain, I have been leaving here for two days, even if I want to die, I also want to die.

I didn't advise him, change my angle, think about him, at this time, I don't want to be sinful, don't die.

Go home, serenely leave, at least some decent.

This evening, when Lu Yutou pushed me back to the ward, we all smelled the rich wine. After entering, I found that the father was drinking, he didn't know where to get it.

Lu Yanting hurriedly stopped, I stopped her, "let him drink.

Lu Yanting, I understand what I mean and give up the stop.

That day, the spirit of his father is very good. These natural sorrows of these days have disappeared, and he is drinking wine, he is talking to us, we don't even feel, he seems to be a lot.

But that night, he didn't mention the cloud, just after drunk, cry, I made a request to me and Lu Yanting, that is, after the funeral, let us go, give him Send a flower.

"Unit will help me to do funerals, but I don't want to funeral, my mother is a stranger, and I don't want to become a political show of this helper. You are friends who I am leaving, I will see me, I will Peace of mind.

He said.

I agree with Lu Yiting.

Lu Yanting cried and screamed. "You can rest assured that I will make more beautiful women to burn.

After listening to Liao, laughed, laughing, I have been happy, I have seen him, I haven't seen it, he is so happy to laugh.

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