Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 472, Lu Mu's

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Zhou Xiaoxili listened to my request, there was a color color, "But I will be on duty, and you can't leave the hospital without authorization, do you know?"

"Oh, I know, it's going."

I said.

After Zhou Xiaoxuan gone, my thoughts did not mean, and more and more urgent.

I called Zhang San, I want him to take me, I can Zhang San in the meeting, I haven't said that I haven't said that he hangs.

I am unwilling, and I have called Ma Ning, he didn't pick it up.

Give the land to call, but this guy is watching a movie with his girl, so I have not opened the mouth.

In the end, I wanted to go, I called Yu Linger to see if she had time, I can help me this.

The phone passed, after a moment, Yu Ling took the phone.

"How did you think of calling me?"

Yu Ling seems to have some unexpected accidents.

"That ... Yu Linger, I want you to help me.

I said.

"What is busy?"

She asked.

"I want ... Let you come and take me to the Lu Yating home.

I said.

Yu Linger, "Are you not an inconvenience? Why is she going to find you?"


I haven't thought about how to explain with her, she seems to understand, say, "Don't turn it?"

"Even if you are.

I said, "Do you have time now?"

Yu Ling is there, there is no talk for a long time.

I thought she didn't listen to it, so I asked again.

Yu Linger took a moment, said, "Qin Zheng, you ... don't think it makes me help you do this, is not suitable?"

I didn't understand what she meant, asked, "How is it not suitable?"

"It's nothing.

Yu Linger said, "Then you will wait for me, I just took a shower, dried the hair and got to find you.

She just finished, suddenly the door of the ward, walked into a woman in a face.

I don't ban it, it is Lu Yanting's mother!


Yu Ling said there, "I am particularly urgent, I am in a hurry, my hair has to dry.

"no need.

I said.

"what happened?"

Yuling asked.

"Nothing, I will not tell you first, hang it first.

I hastily hang up the phone.

"Auntie, how come you?"

I am busy preparing to go to bed.

Lu Mom came over, busy, "Your legs are inconvenient, don't have to come down, just lie down.

"Oh, then you are sitting.

I am a little surprised for a while, I don't know how she suddenly came to me.

Lu Mu sat on the opposite bed, and the same location of the total sitting in China during the day.

Her color is not very good, and I have seen her last time, it seems that this lesion is not small to her, although Lu Yuting cares carefully, but now has not recovered.

She also told me, this made me some uncomfortable, after all, I have only seen one side with her, and in that occasion, it is the word of the guest.

Now she suddenly arrived, and she didn't say it, I really made me some discomfort.

"Auntie, how is your body?"

I broke the silence asked.

"Oh, it's okay, old is ill, it is not a big problem.

She smiled, "It is a torrential person.

"You should pay attention to your body.

I said, "You are very important to Yaxing and Hua, especially YA Ting.

She looked at me, sighed, nodded, "this is what I am worried.

"worry about what?"

I asked.

"It's nothing.

"You ... how suddenly came to me here?"

I asked.

She didn't answer me directly, but asked, "Qin Zheng, aunt asked you, do you know that YA Ting is her feelings to you?"

I am a glimpse, nod, "understand, very clear, and very cherished.

She said, "You may know some, but may not be all, I will have such a daughter, all of all the love gave her, all of her clearly, she has always been very obedient, when I go to school, other children Infant love, but she is not, focusing on learning, has never talked about love, you are her first feelings, she is very serious, it is also invested, this child, she follows me, once it pays, it is All, there is no reservation ... "

When I said here, she suddenly remembered what, did not say, red, and the look became awkward.

And I don't touch my mind for a while. She ran a special trip, just tell me these? "Auntie, Ya Ting, her feelings, I am really clear, and I am also very love.

I said, "I really love her, I am willing to use all of me to give her happiness.

This is my heart, at this moment, I think it is necessary to say to her, after all, now she is an important support for me and Lu Yanting.

Lu Mom nodded, muttered, "That's good, then it is good ..."

"Auntie, you come here to find me, not only to say these?"

I asked.

She nodded, the look became more complicated, sighed, but did not say anything.

This makes me feel anxious, I asked, "Auntie is Ya Ting, what is it?"

"Oh, then there is no.

She said, "she ... okay.

"China is always ... I have founded me today.

I said.

She seems that it is not unexpected, "said.

"He ... is you also know about me and Yaxing?"

I said.


She said, "Last night, they were very fierce, YA Ting's mobile phone broke.

This is similar to what I think.

"Auntie, believe me, I can give Yaxing happiness, I can let her happy!

I am so excited, "the" Hua Presheng is worried, I have the ability to let her not worry about life, I have the ability to have confidence to give her happiness!

Lu Mu looked at me, said, "Qin Zheng, Auntie came to you today, I want to tell you, in the future, I said that in case, one day, YA Ting, she said that she wants to break up with you. Leave you, no matter what she said, you must keep her, stay with you, do you understand? "

I suddenly awkward, "Auntie, you ... what do you mean?"

She said, "It means this, can you promise aunt?"

"But ... Why will she take the initiative to leave me? I love her, she also loves me, she won't do this.

I said.

"I am not good now,"

She fell into Pens, said, "I just hope that if there is such a day, you must promise aunt, understand?"

Although I still can't find this, she said, but I still nod to agree, "You can rest assured, I am not only let her beside me, will let her have been happy.

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