Beautiful Aunt Next Door

The doubts left by Chapter 489

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The company finally decorated.

I stood there hung in the name of the "Yasheng Advertising" in the name of the company.

Beckham looked at the words, did not hold back, "I said, you are too customary, but Lu Yanting should like it.

"This is her hand.

I laughed. "Don't you think it is very connotation? You can see who is the boss.

"Your name is behind, then you are the boss girl?"

"screw you!

The decoration is completed, I want to invite Xiaobei to eat a meal, but he refuses.

"You don't have to eat.

He said, "You, hurry up your company, your things, Lu Yiting told me, I think you have to be busy, you are busy, busy you go.

If the fund is tight, the money is decorated, wait for you to make money, give it, I am not anxious.

This is a little touched, and this person is really good, although I know that he does not lack the money.

"You don't think too much, I am not rushing you, it is the face of Ya Ting.

He said.

"You see you, let's leave Lu Yating, can we pay a friend?"

He laughed and said, "If you don't take a friend, I will not be stared here, Qin Zheng, I hear Justchi said you, I think you should be good.

"Chen Jizhuang? What is it?"

I don't understand.

"Say that you refused the vice president of China.

Xiahe said.

I am helpless, "He is really paying attention to me, he can know.

"In fact, this person is very good, it is quite good, just because of YA Ting, you may have a prejudice to him, but in fact, his person is still quite good, there is nothing bad, but ..."


I interrupted his words, saying, "Other may also say it, but I have to say that there is no bad eyes, I don't agree, you may not know, I didn't know that I almost squatted.

I know that you are a small, I will take you as a friend, but how do you look at him is your own thing, I can't agree with him.

Becoe helpless smile, "You also know, he is infatuated with Ya Ting from Xiaoying, but you will have it, you can understand what it means to him, so what is made under the impulse Stupid, so I think it can also be understood.

"Sorry, I can't understand it."

I said.

Bubei smiled, "once he was drunk with us, crying, I haven't seen him so much, because Lu Yuting is with you, we persuaded him For a long time, what do you guess he said later? "

"Say what?"

I asked.

"He said, in fact, as long as Lu Yanting can find a good home, he also recognizes that for Yaying, Qin Zheng is indeed better than I choose.

Xiahe said.

This is really a little surprised. I didn't expect Chen Jizhou to say this.

But because of the previous things, even if he said, I have never been able to build anything.

"Okay, I just said that anything is your business, there is nothing to do with me, I don't do this and things.

Xiaobei said, "It's you, you have a shell now, what you have to do, right, how is the person recruitment?"

"Recruitment is all sent, this is not waiting for the company to decorate, good interview."

I said, "Otherwise, it will never be an interview outside? People still think that the liar.

"People are small things.

Xiaobei said, "For the company, the business is a big event, there is no business to wait for death, how do you have several customers now?"

"not yet.

Bai is drinking water, listening to this sentence, I have some water to spray it.

"Then you are too grassroots?"

Xiaobei took a surprise, said, "Even a stable customer is not, do you dare to open the company?"

"Is it?"

I said.

Beckham helpless smile, "Then you have thought, if you pull customers don't go well? You have to raise your employees, you can really don't make it.

"I want to get everything, pull the customer, or even the company's address is not, I can't talk about customers."

I said.

Beckham didn't say anything, I didn't take serious things at the time, but later facts prove that Beckham is not reasonable, I really think about things simple.

...... After all of the office furniture, I suddenly had an inexplicable accomplishment. I stood there, look around, I feel some incredible, I actually open the company, this is my own company!

Although during the national day, it is also an entrepreneur, but after all, it is still different. After all, it is the general company of Hua, now, this company is finished at all.

I lie on my office chair and looked at the sun. The green trees in the century park, I couldn't help but feel refused.

"Qin is always comfortable."

A voice interrupted my thoughts.

I looked up and saw that Yu Linger came in, and I watched everything in the house.

"How do you know here?"

I asked.

"See the signature of your friends circle.

She said, "Shun Road, how is it?"

"What you see is all our company's current staff.

I laughed.

"You are good, out of the accident, how can I suddenly think about business? Don't continue to be your unemployed people?"

"Our country's economic development is so fast, so I must become the second largest economy in the world. I can't be old at home, drag everyone's hind legs, I also want to have my own strength.

I said.

"I started again.

Yu Linger shook his head, lost interest with me.

"how have you been?"

I asked.

"That's that.

Yu Ling is slightly eyebrow, it looks like there is anything.

"According to reason, now Bihai Blue Sky is parked, should you be smooth? How can I still look like it?"

I asked.

"The fort is often broken from the interior.

Yu Ling sighed and said.

"That is not to say, is definitely your unwittled uncle is stirring with it?"

Yu Ling still sighed, very distressed, "I really don't understand how he is better, what is going to do with me, and his views have long been out of time, and he does not have to persist. Do he have a little aware? "

"He is of course conscious,"

I said, "He insisted, it was in order to take power.

"It's so interesting? At the beginning, my dad gave him the company, gave him a time, but it was so many years, he didn't do anything?"

"That is not the same, Ning is not the head of the eadie. When he didn't make a achievement, he was also a boss. Now you are a boss, can he be ?"

Yu Ling seems to have a little headache. "This is, the key, this person is still very serious, yesterday is noisy, he doesn't say that I secretly send people to investigate him. Do you say this is not a son, what is like? Where is energy to investigate him!

"This is true that it is not a son.

I said.

Yu Linger, "Are you investigating him?"


I said, "I know that some people are investigating him, I thought it was you.

I told him the last mysterious phone, and that warned I didn't allow the phone to investigate the phone.

Yu Ling listened to it later, it is also unbelievable. "Who will investigate him? Is it ..."

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