Beautiful Aunt Next Door

Chapter 702 Human Wonderland

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In this way, I and Lu Yiting, I have successful, have a rare tourist time.

I think many people have younger, you should have a delusion of the world's survival.

With the favorite people, there is no hanging, unrestrained, join hands together to see the beautiful scenery of the world, eat unsatisfactory food, sagging red dust, how much romantic scene is.

It can be known that this fantasy of most people is not realized.

The favorite person is around, you don't have time, or trapped in money, no economic freedom.

And when you finally have time and freedom, people who are often loved are no longer around, love is light, you lost the impulse.

Therefore, this time, when I was together with Lu Yut, I was grateful.

God is still still not thin, after letting us have experienced so many bumps, after all, I still gave us the best arrangements.

Let us be in such a good Jianhua, not subject to any restraint to visit the mountains.

Moreover, it is more happy that such a life, as long as we are happy, you can last long.

I started this year, although I didn't earn any big money, but the deposit in Carry, I was enough for us for a long time.

What's more, I have said that I have said good morning, she will give me a lot of money every year, although not much, enough we use it.

We are not more than a person, there is not much demand for the material, so there is no burden for the time being.

We opened the car, all the way to the place, where we like, we stop, stay here for a few days, happy to play a few days, and then drive again.

What attractions we don't deliberately go unless it is really worth it, I will go to see.

As long as Lu Yuting likes, staying, even if it is just a cuisine here.

Anyway, we don't have to go back to work, don't have to hurry, there is a lot of time and energy, I want to make anything.

On this way, we went to a lot of places.

In Chongqing, we both climb the fairy mountains, go to the mountain to watch the sunrise, eat the most authentic hot pot.

In Yibin, let's go to the bamboo forest.

Here, it was a film "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon", we stand on the hill, see the big green bamboo forest in the mountains, the lush, as if it is in a green ocean.

I just got a rain in the rain, and the bamboo forest was shrouded a layer of fog. We stood there, as if it was in the cloud, the Bamboo is deep, the Baiyun people, poetic.

Lu Yiting took a deep breath, and Zhang opened his arms and sighed. "It is really beautiful here!

Just like a fairyland, Ye City, how can you have such a beautiful scene? "


I laughed, "I really want to live here for a lifetime, be a pair of gods.

"I don't know why, I see this scenery, I always think of Yingying and make fox, novel, say they hidden, I always feel that they must hide in such a place, I will go.

"It is also right, you are indeed like Ren Yingying.

"I said, I have no family so beautiful.

"The main thing you both.

I laughed, "It's all controlling, I want to stand at the highest.

Lu Yuting glanced at me, "Why don't you say that he is Yue Yue? Isn't it more like?"

I laugh, "I am like a like, I am not very good.

"Qin Zheng, don't mention him in the future.

Lu Yiting said, "We have left now, how to say, he is also my dad.

"I know, I am joking."

I laughed.

Lu Yutang looked at the long-distance bamboo sea, far away, and lake, under the sunset, Zhuhai reflected in the lake, it is difficult to separate the boundaries, the breeze, the breeze, the sparkling, the sunset, the star of the sunset, the beautiful star, beautiful ... ... "Qin Zheng, you said, there is such a view in this world, why do people still have to sharpen their heads into the hustle and bustle? Find a person who loves, finds such a place, there is a beautiful scene, quiet How beautiful is it to spend a life.

Lu Yutang said.

I laugh, "Which is so easy, people are alive, there is always such desires, Chai Mi oil, can not say, but everyone can frank, rolling red dust, attracting and embarrassing people's things too much, which is so easy Can easily get out and put down, even if we don't have anything, don't you come out? "

Lu Yuting looked back at me, smiled, "I said, how can you suddenly speak like a morality?"

I also laughed, "You don't say, if you don't run away from me, I may really plan to be out.

Lu Yanting smiled, went over, holding me, said, "Just? I will hold you, I will have the old straight, live away from a stinky, still go home? Do you endure the loneliness?"

I am a positive, both hands and ten, "poor Zhizhi, have seen the red dust into the empty door, the female donor is also asked.

"I can't do it, I can't do it, too connotation, or call your mind, it is not good, it is called hemorrhoids.

... One night, I went out to buy fruit, back to the hotel, I saw that Lu Yutang looked in the phone.

I hurriedly rushed over, grabbed mobile phones, "What are you doing?"

This is our only contact with the past and the previous one.

At the other world, we have been in another world, even if there is already exploded there, you have already opened up the big wave, you can't open your mobile phone, we don't know anything.

I don't want to open a mobile phone, a big thing, I don't want to know, I am afraid, open my mobile phone, the hustle and interference there will come, disturb our world.

Lu Yanting smiled, "I didn't boot, what are you doing?"

"what happened to you?"

I asked, "I miss home?"

Lu Yanting looked up at me and shook his head, "no.

"Deceptive, I have seen it.


Lu Yanting said, "Now, for me, you are home, you are, it is home."

I warm my heart.

"I just think about my mother."

Lu Yiting said, "I am so greeted, I didn't say hello to her, I am afraid that she is worried about me, but also ... my dad will take gas to her head ..."

"I don't think,"

I said, "Auntie has always been, just worried that you will not think, she also wants you to be with me, don't want you to marry Jia Ze Tian, ​​now she knows us, I don't want to worry.

As for your dad, he didn't make a reason to put the ganta Auntie? "

Lu Yiting sighed, said, "In addition to these, I am also worried about you.

"Worried about what?"

I asked.

"I am worried, Jia Ze Tian will not retaliate, the report will catch you.

Lu Yuting said.

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