Finally, Tang Wenhao and Ruan Ling left Hejiawan crying. Neither Tang Cheng nor he de Neng went with them, but they both accepted a large sum of money left by Tang Wenhao. When Tang Wenhao left, he knelt in front of them, begged them to accept it, and begged them not to suffer themselves any more. When it's time to go out and play, they must know how to enjoy it, He will often go home to see them in the future.

In fact, both Tang Cheng and he de Neng are not short of money. They just don't want to hurt Tang Wenhao's heart. It's not easy to know him. So many wives, so many children and so many parents-in-law all want him to take care of, or don't bother him. Besides, they all feel that they are still young and don't have to be with their son, Wait until they're really old and can't walk.

After leaving Hejiawan, Tang Wenhao and Ruan Ling took a plane in the provincial capital and went directly to Shanghai, because Yang Xi had already been waiting for them in Shanghai. Yang Xi and Yang Jing had only one mother, so it was easier to deal with them. The old lady also liked Tang Wenhao. She was glad to hear that her son-in-law and daughter were going to pick her up to Vietnam for happiness. Shanghai women don't care how old they are, Most of them like traveling and playing. Therefore, she heard that Vietnam has good scenery and has long wanted to spend her old age in Vietnam with her daughter.

When Yang Xi went through the formalities for the old lady to go abroad, Tang Wenhao and Ruan Ling went to Shanghai mans first. They wanted to re plan the personnel structure of Shanghai mans and put Liu Qiang in charge on the whole. He has this ability to control an enterprise because he is a comprehensive talent who understands sales and management, but because of his lessons from the past, Tang Wenhao and Ruan Ling think they should provide him with two assistants. One is to arrange a chief financial officer for him, which is independent of his management. In addition, they should arrange a person trusted by Tang Wenhao to be the vice president of production in production. As long as there are no problems in production and finance, technology and design are under the overall control of Yang Xi, Liu Qiang can't be bad if he wants to be bad.

After arriving at Mans, Tang Wenhao and Ruan Ling held a meeting with the backbone of mans and announced their personnel arrangements. Liu Qiang served as the general manager, the current financial manager was promoted to the chief financial officer, and the current production manager was promoted to the deputy general manager of production. Among them, the chief financial officer was directly under the direction of president Tang Wenhao, and the deputy general manager of production was under the jurisdiction of the general manager. Liu Qiang was both surprised and moved, He didn't expect that Tang Wenhao and Ruan Ling would put him in such an important position. He vowed at the meeting that he would serve mans conscientiously in the future.

Although his financial affairs are not under his control, he is still very grateful to Tang Wenhao and understands Tang Wenhao's decision. After all, his actions in mans in Thailand make mans people very worried.

After arranging man's personnel problems, they went to Yang Xi's house to meet their mother and daughter, took the old lady and embarked on the journey of Liangshan together. This time, Tang Wenhao and Ruan Ling felt relieved, because in the future, they will spend their time and energy planning their own big family.

"Sister, what are we going to do when we go back this time? What else did you do when you said to build a drug rehabilitation institute? If we want to do it, do we have so much energy? Sister Manny is gone." Tang Wenhao whispered to Ruan Ling on the side of the plane.

"Baby, it must be done, but we don't have to do it ourselves. When we return to Liangshan, I will go to the government department to ask about the situation and see how to operate properly. I can pay, but it may be better for the government to organize people to do it." Ruan Ling said.

"Oh, that's OK! As long as we don't do it ourselves, sister, I really feel tired. I especially want to rest for a period of time and live a safe life with you and the children. We can run Ruan's and Vietnam mans well. The profits of these two enterprises are enough for our big family to live a carefree life, don't you say?" Tang Wenhao said.

"Well, that's right, baby. I think so too. I want to discuss with you. I want to give those treasures to the country free of charge for the treasure cave you found with sister Ah Mei last time." Ruan Ling asked.

"Of course, elder sister. I never thought about getting involved in your country's cultural relics, including the treasures of our death valley. I didn't make up my mind. I just worried that once it was known, it would bring great trouble and even disaster to our death valley. It really needs careful consideration," Tang Wenhao said.

"Baby, your worry is very reasonable. I don't want to tell anyone about the treasure in death valley. When we go back, let's talk to dad and let him keep it a secret. Didn't we tell Dad last time? I'm worried that Dad won't be accommodating, so we won't have a good life in death valley. Not only the government won't stand idly by and make money Some of the people who treasure the idea are there, and even get into gangs. Once gangs get involved, our happy days in death valley will come to an end. Therefore, the secret of treasure in death valley can't be spread out, "said Ruan Ling.

"Well, let's go back and have a chat with Dad! I hope to get dad's support. I think Dad will look at our face and won't betray our death valley," Tang Wenhao said.

A few hours later, Tang Wenhao, Ruan Ling and Yang Xi finally returned to Ruan's house in Liangshan.

At this time, most of Tang Wenhao's beautiful wives and concubines have returned to the death valley, leaving only Ah Mei, Ah Mei's sisters, Shen Wen, Chen Ying and several beauties living in Langshan, wen'er, Li Yan, yue'er, ah Xiu, such as Ruan Qi, Ah Mei's mother and sister.

For Tang Wenhao and Ruan Ling, the sudden absence of so many sisters at home really made them uncomfortable, while Ah Mei was even more sad. She said that a few months ago, the family was still full of a large family. Beautiful women such as jade bamboo liked to make trouble. They were gone. Shen Wen and Chen Ying also focused on their work. The Ruan family was a lot deserted, She felt very sad.

In the evening, at Tang Wenhao's suggestion, the Ruan family invited Ruan Jingxiong, his wife and their children to the hotel for dinner. Tang Wenhao and Ruan Ling wanted to have a good chat with Ruan Jingxiong.

Before dinner, Tang Wenhao and Ruan Ling invited Ruan Jingxiong to a room alone. "Dad, I want to talk to you about something. I hope dad can understand." Tang Wenhao said.

"Ah? Wen Hao, tell me! You two have been busy these days. We are all a family. If you have anything to say, dad has retired. There must be no problem where he can help you." Ruan Jingxiong said.

"Dad, we don't need your help. We just want to keep a secret for us," Ruan Ling said.

Ruan Jingxiong understood as soon as he heard it. "Did you ask dad not to tell the government that you found the ancient remains of our Liangshan Mountain?" Ruan Jingxiong asked.

"Well, Dad, we're worried that once the government knows about this, Ruan's national medicine will definitely move, and so many women and children in our death valley are difficult to arrange. The key is that we're used to the life there and really don't want to move again. Dad, I can promise you that we won't move the national cultural relics, let alone buy them. Anyway, first of all We are patriotic, aren't we? "Said Ruan Ling.

"Well... Ah Ling, what are you going to do? Besides, didn't you also find the treasure in another place? What if the bad guys knew and stole it?" Ruan Jingxiong asked.

"Dad, that's why we want to discuss with you. We plan to let the government intervene in the treasure cave discovered by Wen Hao and sister Ah Mei. It's best to send special forces to assist the archaeological team in excavating. After all, there are too many treasures in it. Once the bad guys know it, it's really dangerous. As for the treasure cave in our death valley, I hope I hope dad will keep it a secret for us and we will report to the government truthfully when appropriate. Do you think so? "Ruan Ling asked.

"Dad, don't worry, we will never take the treasure inside. So far, only my sister and I know about death valley. No one knows what's in the hole. There will be no problem in terms of safety," Tang Wenhao said.

Ruan Jingxiong thought for a moment and finally nodded. He said in earnest, "Wen Hao, ah Ling, that is, you two, if you were someone else, Dad, no matter how much, must have taken over the death valley, because this matter is too important. Our government has spent many years on archaeological excavation of hundreds of mountains near Liangshan, but we have never found this site. Unexpectedly, it is in the death valley. This is really a big deal. You two must be Keep your mouth shut and never tell anyone, including those closest to you, okay? "

With Ruan Jingxiong's promise, Tang Wenhao and Ruan Ling happily returned to the dinner table with Ruan Jingxiong. The family had a good drink. Tang Wenhao and Ruan Ling were also much better.

Since then, with the direct intervention of Ruan Jingxiong, Tang Wenhao led the Vietnamese national archaeological team and a small team of Ruan Jingxiong's special forces to the treasure cave that he and sister Ah Mui had found, and conducted archaeological excavation of the whole cave and its nearby areas. The treasures inside surprised everyone. No one thought what their government had been trying hard to find The ruins are in a cave.

After the excavation of the treasure, Tang Wenhao and Ruan Ling were rewarded by the Vietnamese government. They both won the honorary title of excellent and good citizens of Lang Shan. Tang Wenhao also won the honorary title of outstanding foreign businessmen with special contributions in Vietnam. In order to thank him for his special contributions, the local government and military specially approved him to purchase a civilian helicopter and allowed him to drive a helicopter between Lang Shan and death valley between.

Since then, Tang Wenhao, Ruan Ling, Ah Mei and other beautiful women have lived a happy life. He has truly realized the carefree days of groups of wives and concubines and children that all men in the world dream of.

(end of the book)

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