hey-hey. There is such a coincidence in the world, Qin Zhao ignored Cao Binger's oath, took out his phone with a smile and dialed a number. The phone was dialed quickly, but no one answered. He tapped his toes and waited patiently for about 20 seconds. Just as he was about to make another call, a very indifferent hello sound finally came from the phone. He glanced at Cao Binger, who was at a loss, and quickly said in a low voice: "Hey, it's me, don't hang up the phone, I have something urgent for you."

There are not many people who can let Qin Zhao accompany and deal with it carefully, that is, his father Qin Tianhe and his future wife Ye Qingling. Others don't have this kind of treatment, even if he is the general secretary of Huaxia... The main general secretary is also ashamed of his mother. Obviously, the indifferent female voice on the other end of the phone is Ye Qingling who is angry at him for being absent from work for no reason.

Ye Qingling on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, she didn't expect Qin Zhao to call her. Because he didn't listen to her advice not to allow him to be absent from work without reason, she didn't want to answer, but she pressed the answer button after waiting for a while. Maybe, he has something important to say. However, for the creator of today's bad mood, she doesn't want to give him any kindness: "I'm in a meeting at the City Federation of Industry and Commerce, what do you want me to do?"

"It's...it's nothing." Qin Zhao clasped the microphone with both hands, and turned his body slightly to prevent Cao Bing'er from seeing the embarrassment on his face.

"It's nothing? It's nothing, why are you calling? I'm still busy with a meeting! I won't take work as casually as some people do!" It's nothing, nothing, why are you calling me? Ye Qingling's voice was obviously full of dissatisfaction and excitement. I was busy with this guy's company all day long, but he was fine, so he didn't come if he couldn't say it. It's not about how important Secretary Qin is to Tianhe Group. Tianhe Group might develop faster and better without him. The key is that his way of ignoring himself is very sad.

Uh... Qin Zhao's face turned red a little, but when he heard Ye Qingling's tone intending to turn off the phone, he said quickly and hastily, "Don't hang up the phone, I'll ask you something first."

"What's the matter, go ahead. Come on, I have to go in for a meeting right now."

What kind of meeting is there? In Qin Zhao's mind, the meeting that these high-level figures talk about is nothing more than listening to music with a P4 plugged in their ears, while half-drowsing their heads and staying there drowsily for time. But he didn't dare to be so sarcasm in his mouth, for fear that Ye Qingling would hang up the phone and stop answering.

"At noon, did you meet a girl when you were waiting for a red light at an intersection?" Qin Zhao glanced at Cao Bing'er 37605944, who was staring at the table with great interest stack of napkins. However, Qin Zhao is sure that Cao Binger's attention is on the tone of conversation between himself and Ye Qingling, not on the stack of napkins with embossed patterns.

It's just a stack of paper, how can it be as fun to listen to a man being trained by his wife?

"What girl? What exactly do you want to say?" Ye Qingling was really impatient, and she almost growled into the microphone: "I told you, I'm very busy now! Do you understand? Very busy Not in the mood to talk about your girls!"

Hearing Ye Qingling's angry roar in the microphone on the other side, and also vaguely heard the sound of water flowing, Qin Zhao knew that she was calling in the bathroom, no wonder he had to pay attention to his ladylike image and dared to yell at him.

"Did that girl stuff her fingers into your car?" Qin Zhao asked quickly.

"Finger? What finger?" After hearing Qin Zhao's words, Ye Qingling was obviously stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "So that thing is called a finger...how did you know?"

Vomit dumb, buy Ga!

Hearing Ye Qingling's answer, Qin Zhao finally put his heart in his stomach. After a long sigh of relief, he continued to smile and said, "I'll explain it to you when you come back. I can't understand it on the phone. .But you must put away that wrench, or else, I'll go over and get it now."

"I don't want to see you," Ye Qingling replied coldly, "You think I'm so big and I can't look down on a wrench...... Is this wrench a love token between you and some lady?" Merry Lang When Jun and the passionate and talented Hou Huayuan decide their lives privately, there will always be a token to testify to their everlasting love. This is always the case on TV, so it's no wonder that Ye Qingling, who regards watching TV as her only entertainment, thinks so.

"Then I'll go back to work right away after I take the finger ring out?" Qin Zhao smiled wryly when he heard that Ye Qingling might have misunderstood it. But for the sake of insurance, he still feels that he should use soft words to ask for it now.

Hearing that Qin Zhao, who had always been careless, was subdued, Ye Qingling's anger that was still full just now seemed to have been extinguished a lot. It seems that this finger pull is very important to him, otherwise he would not have let him offer to go to work. After a moment of silence, she said in a calmer voice: "I'm having a more important emergency meeting now, and the leaders of the city have turned reporters away, so I'm afraid you won't be able to come in either... Then Well, I'll go back to the company immediately after the meeting, I don't care if you go back to work or not... well, that's it, I have to go to the meeting. "

"Hey..." Qin Zhao wanted to say something, but there was a beeping busy tone from the other end of the phone.

"You...you don't happen to know that beautiful woman who drives a BMW, do you?" Although Cao Bing'er couldn't hear what Ye Qingling said on the other end of the phone, seeing Qin Zhao begging for mercy in a low voice with a smiling face, she felt faint Guess he has an unusual relationship with that BMW beauty. He didn't expect that the person who took the finger away would be someone he knew, and from Qin Zhao's current behavior, he could guess that the beauty might be someone close to him. Could it be that such a coincidence really happened in the world?

After confirming that the jade wrench finger is now in Ye Qingling's hands, Qin Zhao is determined. Although Ye Qingling scolded him with sarcasm and sarcasm, what's the point? What kind of man who has a good life is not submissive to his wife? We are also following the trend.

Hehe, to Cao Binger's question, Qin Zhao responded with a smile and didn't answer her. Instead, he took out a hundred-yuan bill from his pocket and handed it to Cao Binger together with the black wallet: "Okay, I will pass it to Cao Binger later." The meal payment is also settled. I can’t accompany you anymore, and now I have to go back to the company to work... You can keep this thing, the Japanese stuff, don’t want it for nothing, and don’t disappoint the people who sent it all the way. kindness."

This is the first time Cao Binger has seen someone tell her how to dispose of stolen goods like this, but she didn't find it funny at all, and she also felt a little sweet. After all, it is indeed not easy to do something worthy of the praise of the compatriots, and it is not in vain that I shed so many tears for the Japanese.

Gently pushing the hundred-yuan bill back, Cao Binger said in a low voice: "I, I am rich, so this meal is my apology to you." After a pause, she looked ready to stand up and leave Qin Zhao handed over the black wallet again and said, "Don't you see what's in it? When good friends meet, good things have to be divided in half. They all say that."

Only an orphan like Cao Binger, who has tasted the warmth and coldness of the world since the age of 16, can regard the stolen stolen goods as a gift to meet a good friend, but the expression on her face now is not at all joking. Only full sincerity.

"This..." Qin Zhao hesitated for a moment, but from Cao Binger's pleading eyes, it could be seen that she did have the sincerity to share good things with good friends. I smiled wryly in my heart and thought: I accidentally became friends with a pickpocket who stole my things. This can be regarded as a miracle worth remembering in Qin's brilliant and great life...

"Do you think this thing is stolen? If you think so, then I'll go to the Japanese and return it to him." The sincere look in Cao Binger's eyes gradually turned into disappointment. Someone's great style or peerless demeanor is so impressed that for the first time, he thinks of returning the stolen thing to the owner.

Hehe, Qin Zhao smiled, stretched out his hand to take the black wallet, turned it upside down, and took out all the contents: "Although I dislike you stealing other people's things, but you steal Japanese wallets , but I raised my hands in agreement. You, you are still in school, right?" He watched a dozen colorful dollars and five or six feet of various cards being poured out of the black wallet, while Thinking about it, so that this weird-looking Cao Bing'er can give up this promising career and become a good boy.

"Since my parents passed away in a car accident, I have no intention of going to school anymore... Hey, are these dollars dollars?" Cao Binger's expression was gloomy, as if she didn't want to mention her bitter past to others. When she saw those dollars, she , deliberately asked Qin Zhao a question to change the subject.

The little girl is so smart, almost catching up with me when I was young. Qin Zhao admired Cao Binger's ability to change the subject without showing any traces. Since it aroused people's unbearable look back on the past, let's follow her idea to discuss the mentally handicapped question of whether green banknotes are US dollars. He doesn't believe that Cao Binger, who is touching a thousand household wallet, will not recognize US dollars.

"Yes, this is the US dollar. It looks like one or two thousand dollars. If it is converted into RMB, it will be more than ten thousand. Now that you are well-off, it is appropriate to let you treat guests this time... As for these bank cards, You'd better find a stinky ditch and throw it in..." Qin Zhao looked at the bank cards and randomly pulled them with his hands. Just when he was about to say that he would throw them away and don't return them to the Japanese, he realized that There is an ID card under the money and bank card.

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