It'll be someone from Operations Strategy!

The flat-headed soldier felt that his hands were shaking all the time, suppressing his disbelief, he opened his work permit. After only glancing at the photo and military rank inside, he closed the work card and handed it back to Qin Zhao respectfully. Now, he was 100% sure that the young man who drove the Santana 2000 into the barracks was indeed from the Operational Strategy Department.

After confirming Qin Zhao's identity, he straightened his feet immediately, raised his eyebrows with his right hand, and gave a standard military salute: "Li Jianfeng, the highest commander of a certain unit stationed in Yuhuangshan, Qing Island, reported to Lieutenant Qin Zhao! Do you need any work?" Please advise!"

Even though Qin Zhao, like him, has the rank of lieutenant, there is a huge difference in the rights of a lieutenant in the Operations Strategy Department and Li Jianfeng, a lieutenant in an ordinary army. As for why Qin Zhao appeared in his camp aggressively, he couldn't figure it out at all.

Qin Zhao returned the gift, and said in a deep voice: "Lieutenant Li Jianfeng, now I order your department to assemble within five minutes. Follow me to the depths of Yuhuang Mountain to assist the police in capturing a group of armed robbery criminals. Is there any difficulty?"

"No! Li Jianfeng executes the order immediately!"

The troops, which consisted of about 200 people, assembled very quickly. In less than three minutes after Lieutenant Li Jianfeng ordered someone to sound the assembly number, in addition to the sentinels standing guard at the gate, the cooking squad leader , all lined up in front of Qin Zhao in neat military uniforms.

If it were as usual, Qin Zhao might make a few jokes to relieve everyone's nervousness, but now that his mother's life and death are uncertain, and the whereabouts of his fiancée is unknown, he has a murderous aura in himself, so he naturally hopes that everyone will be serious. With a face, you must take your orders seriously.

"Lieutenant Li, you choose ten of the team with better marksmanship to follow me into the mountain, and the rest guard the main entrance and exit of Yuhuang Mountain. Keep your eyes open for me! See if there is a group of well-dressed and local People with different personalities should pay more attention to a red BMW and a black modern off-road vehicle. If anyone is found resisting or trying to escape, except for women, the rest will be shot and killed!" Speaking of this, use your eyes After scanning all the soldiers standing on the scene, he shouted sharply again: "Do you understand!"

"Understood!" All the soldiers present responded loudly.

"Alright then, Lieutenant Li, go and give me that gun."

"Yes!" Li Jianfeng turned his head and told a soldier to get a gun.

"Also, Lieutenant Li, I'll give you three minutes to select candidates. After three minutes, I hope to see your people in Yuhuang Mountain." After Qin Zhao finished speaking, he took a pistol handed over by a soldier, Put it in the waist quite skillfully, then turned around, got in the car and drove out of the garrison troops...

"Big Ben, when we entered the mountain just now, we found a Chinese army at the foot of the mountain. I don't know..." Gui Tian said worriedly while driving the BMW: "...Look, will this matter happen?" Will the army join in?"

Omoto Ichiro, who was rummaging around for Flying Wolf's finger, heard Guitian's worry, paused and smiled forcefully: "Guitian, are you too cautious? I've seen it too, it's just an ordinary Huaxia The army of the military region is not the armed police force of the city. For such a huge military operation as Soushan, the local government has no right to mobilize them. Besides, as soon as we find the finger puller, we will immediately abandon the car and walk to find a way to return. Qing Dao...hehe, as long as we can successfully bring the finger back to Japan, we can realize the dream that the Kwantung Army hadn't fulfilled for more than half a century. At that time, Mr. Guitian, our contribution will be great."

Hearing what Daben said was reasonable, Guitian also forgot the last trace of worry, as if there was a broad road in front of him, and countless dollars and beauties were waving to him. Of course, if he brought this Chinese woman back to Japan, he believed that he would envy all the Japanese including His Excellency the Emperor. Thinking of this, Guitian couldn't help turning his head to look at Ye Qingling who was sitting beside him in a daze, then his Adam's apple moved, and he swallowed.

From the moment Song Lan was knocked to the ground by Da Ben, Ye Qingling seemed to have lost her soul, and her left hand was tightly clutching the LV bag that Guitian and Da Ben had searched countless times. , with his right elbow resting on the rolled-down car window, his eyes staring at the front. She didn't cry or smile, and there was no expression of joy or anger on her face, and she didn't care about where the car was going, as if all of this had nothing to do with her.

Feeling sorry for such a delicate flower girl, Guitian shook his head, looked away from looking at Ye Qingling, followed the Hyundai off-road vehicle that cleared the way ahead, and drove to the top of the mountain.

In order to prevent Ye Qingling from making such extreme actions as jumping out of the car, Da Ben tied her tightly to the driver's seat with a seat belt, and only then did he rest assured to look for the flying wolf he had dreamed of in every corner of the car. Wrench.

Guitian, who was staring at the car in front of him, and Daben who was concentrating on searching the car, did not find a trace of sarcasm hidden in Ye Qingling's seemingly empty eyes, and they did not notice that when the car passed every fork in the road, there would be There is something like a bank card or paintbrush left in the middle of the road.

There are many things, but the bag is too small, but there are so many forks in this road, and the weight of cards such as bank cards is too light, and the wind blown by the car blows into the grass on the side of the road as soon as they are thrown away If you don't look for it seriously, just by sitting in the car and looking at it, even Ye Qingling herself is not sure that she can find the card she dropped ten seconds ago, let alone Qin Zhao who is eager to hurry up. Woolen cloth?

Ye Qingling let go slowly, put the small bag on the seat, and then buckled her fingers into the gap between the seat and the backrest. She hoped that she could find here a few days ago when Jing Hongxue ate snacks, there would be one or two chocolate beans dropped on it. here.

Maybe it was Ye Qingling's sincerity that touched the sky, maybe it was the lazy Jing Hongxue who didn't clean it up, Ye Qingling's finger stretched into the gap was not too deep, she touched something. It's not like a chocolate chip bean, what is that? When she completely grasped that thing in her hands, her heart jumped suddenly, and then she tightly clenched her hands.

"Big Ben, there is an old abandoned temple in front of you, and Yoko and the others have already come down." Just as Da Ben lost his patience in searching, Gui Tian slowly parked the car on the side of the road, and carefully reported: "You Look, shall we stop here for a while? One is that this is the highest point of the entire mountain, and I think the mobile phone should have a signal. We can report the current situation to the above contact person. The other is that the car can be controlled in all directions Search it, including the chassis..."

Da Ben raised his head and looked in front of him. In front of an ancient temple covering an area of ​​just over 100 square meters, his companions were making a safe gesture to him. After pondering for a while, he nodded: "Okay, let's get out of the car, if we can't find Feilang's finger from the car, I think, whether Miss Ye still wants to talk or not, we have to find a way to get her to talk, hehe Hehe." Speaking of this, she stared at Ye Qingling's snow-white back and laughed a few times, swallowing.

The external identity is Guitian who works as a technician in the same Japanese company as Daben. He heard the meaning of his laughter and looked at Ye Qingling greedily. Fever, couldn't help but secretly twisted Ye Qingling's leg before getting out of the car.

As Guitian opened the door and got off the car, Ye Qingling's body trembled first, and then her face blushed again, what a pity, it's a pity, Guitian had already got out of the car at this time, and she didn't realize that she had already reacted like a normal person.

Ye Qingling got out of the car with Yoko's 'help', and Daben immediately ordered several subordinates to search carefully, except that the engine could not be disassembled, including the seat cover, they picked it up one by one with a dagger and searched .

But no matter how carefully they searched, the entire BMW car was almost torn apart, and they still couldn't find the jade wrench they had dreamed of. When Omoto Ichiro heard his subordinates tell him in a disappointed tone for the third time that he did not find even an object similar to the jade wrench, his patience was finally like a wolf shedding sheep's clothing, facing Ye Qingling showed her ferocious fangs.

"Miss Ye," Da Ben walked slowly in front of Ye Qingling, staring at her blank face. Suddenly, he smiled, because from Ye Qingling's eyes he found the existence of fear and loathing. There was her left hand which was clenched unnaturally. People who are frightened and stupid will not have this kind of reaction: "Hehe, Miss Ye, I didn't expect your acting skills to be so superb, you almost fooled me!" The left hand was raised in front of her eyes: "If you open your hand obediently, maybe I will let you see the sun tomorrow."

After being spotted by the cunning enemy, Ye Qingling was not like those great women who would rather die than surrender on TV, except that she spit at the villain representing anger and contempt, and then looked at him contemptuously until the villain hunched over She stepped back in anger and shouted that her subordinates would kill her for me... or take off her clothes for me... She just sighed lightly, and opened her palms, she didn't want to pay for a coin that might be worth the most money. Before the millions of jade fingers were taken away, this man slapped him again.

Under the illumination of the car lights, the white wrench radiated a soft light on Ye Qingling's creamy palm.

"He who understands the current affairs is a hero." Daben suppressed the excitement in his heart, picked up the jade ring finger that the Kwantung Army had been looking for for nearly two years with two fingers, waved his hand with satisfaction in his eyes, and said to Guitian and his colleagues: " Mr. Guitian, this woman is yours now... But the time can't be too long, you must finish before I finish appraising the jade ring finger."

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