Tie Molei picked up his phone and checked the time, it was 4:30 in the afternoon. In front of the building on the opposite side of the road, except for the security guards at the entrance of the hall who were still standing upright like wood to receive the sharp sunlight, he and Qin Zhao had been sitting in this small but exquisite coffee shop for more than three hours. , no one came out or went in again. This makes people wonder whether the headquarters of the Shankou Sturgeon Club is on the verge of bankruptcy, or else the front door would not be so light.

Squatting, sometimes it is indeed a very boring job, especially when sitting in a coffee shop and drinking coffee non-stop, the stomach is distended to death, and the coffee cup cannot be emptied. Because it's rare for two big men to sit in a coffee shop for an afternoon, and if they don't leave with an empty cup, it will definitely attract more attention. Tie Mole swallowed the coffee that was about to go up as soon as he was out of breath, stuffed his phone into his pocket with a bitter face, and said to Qin Zhao, who was playing with his glasses, "I heard that I almost ate it last night. Uncle's sole?"

"Damn, Su Ning will tell you about this cowardly thing." Qin Zhao rarely blushed.

Last night was the ninth day after Song Pingxia's operation. In the evening, she was taken to Lianhuatai Military Airport by car from Qingdao Armed Police Hospital, where a special plane from Jinghua was parked. There are also six special guards. These are the real special guards. In terms of level, they are completely different from the special guards under Liu Zifei. Song Pingxia's next recovery treatment will be carried out at the Huaxia People's Liberation Army General Hospital, where she has been assigned the top experts in China.

The one who came to pick up Song Pingxia was her niece Song Yingxia. There were many people who followed Qin Zhao to see off the plane. In addition to Ye Qingling and Jing Hongxue, there were Dean Liu Zifei, Mayor Zhan Sansi and Major Li Jianfeng (Song Pingxia was sent to the headquarters of the Southern Hebei Army Division on the fourth day after the operation) The commander of his company was personally promoted to a major. A lucky opportunity allowed him to be born twice in a row. I have to say that the life of his child is good...). It can be said that it includes the top figures in the political, business and military circles of Qingdao. Especially Dean Liu Zifei, because after receiving a compliment from the general secretary that night, he seemed to be more than ten years younger. The uppers of the leather shoes are bright and bright.

Originally, Zhan Sansi didn't want to come, but because he was reluctant to get close to the general secretary's sister, and because Zhan Zhao was there begging him to send off his lover's mother instead, he followed the group with a dark face. The last came to the lotus platform. However, along the way, as soon as someone from Qin met his angry eyes, the latter would shift quickly with a guilty conscience. It seems that even if you have the honorable status of the general secretary's nephew, you will feel embarrassed if you sleep with someone else's daughter but can't give him the status.

Just when the plane was about to take off and the touching scenes of relatives waving hands and tears streaming down their faces were about to appear, Qin Zhao's father, Qin Tianhe, arrived late by car from Weihai. As soon as the old man jumped out of the big Benz, he made a move that stunned everyone. That is to bend down and take off the leather shoes, and 'Tiger Eye' beat Qin Zhao facelessly with tears in his eyes, shouting at the same time, "I'll kill you, you troublemaker! What happened to you?" How dare you hide something from me..."

If it wasn't for his future daughter-in-law Ye Qingling and goddaughter Jing Hongxue who stopped him with each arm, Qin would definitely not be able to run away easily. Amid the good-natured or gloating laughter of Zhan Sansi, Li Jianfeng and Liu Zifei, Qin Zhao heard a sentence that he would never forget in his whole life.

"You boy, don't forget that only I can accompany your mother!" After Qin Tianhe finished cursing this sentence, he didn't even have the mood to tell Ye Qingling to manage the company well, so he boarded the special plane and sat next to his wife Holding Song Pingxia's hand in both hands. Qin Zhao was deeply stimulated by the deep pain that was absolutely not at all hypocritical. So, as soon as the plane plunged into the clouds, he called Suning. So, this morning, after entrusting Jing Hongxue to hand in the sick leave note, he went to Qingdao International Airport. Then... I met Tie Molei who had been waiting there for a long time.

Tie Mole acted as if he didn't hear Qin Zhao complaining about Suning. He is very clear about the relationship between Suning and Qin Zhao, and after despising the fact that they are the unmarried husband's son, he is really envious of him.

Alas... Tie Molei sighed inwardly, he was not worth it for Suning. You said that the daughter of the dignified vice chairman of the central department actually fell in love with a guy who swam in the sea of ​​flowers and never drowned. Not only that, but even after giving birth to Qin Zhao's son, he kept it from him. I really don't know what Su Ning was thinking, did she really understand that she was destined not to be Qin Zhao's Ye Qingling?

"What's the matter, Brother Tie?" Qin Zhao glanced at the waiter who came over to refill the coffee, and said thoughtfully, "This waiter is so ticklish, hehe, especially the latest model that she is wearing around her waist. The phone is simply a work of art."

From praising people's attractiveness to praising the mobile phone on other people's waist, this kind of thinking can jump. But Tie Mole didn't show any doubts on his face, he just glanced at the waiter who had just been replaced before lowering his head.

"Okay, pay the bill." Qin Zhao lazily said to the new waiter in Japanese, and then took out two green hundred-dollar bills from his pocket, and said in a very rich tone: "Tip the rest."

The waitress who smiled with a pair of dimples took the two hundred dollars. He thanked him with a very sweet smile, and then bowed ninety degrees, and said in a voice that Qin Zhao could only hear alone: ​​"Do you need any special service, sir? The price is very fair... My kung fu is also very good!" "When she said the following sentence 'my kung fu is also great', her voice raised a little, just high enough for Tie Molei to hear.

"Hey," Qin Zhao 'unintentionally' stared at her bent ditch, and said to Tie Molei with a smile: "Brother Tie, I feel full now, and I need to find a place to unload my drink. It's unloaded, I don't know if you are interested?"

Glancing faintly out of the window, Tie Mole immediately lowered his eyes, his originally gentlemanly face suddenly had an evil light, and he asked in a low and hasty manner in Japanese, which is more proficient in Japanese than Japanese: "Is the price fair? "As he said that, Hou stretched out his hand anxiously, and wiped oil on the waiter's slender waist without any scruples. Before the waiter leaned over, he squinted at the road behind Qin Zhao.

"Sir," the waiter turned around and looked at the fanatical Tie Molei in a voice, the dimples on his face were getting deeper and deeper: "I don't know if you have heard of a Chinese idiom called genuine goods at a fair price."

"There should be a sentence later." Tie Molei looked at the waiter with a smile: "No kidding."

Qin Zhao, who had just turned his head, was very satisfied with the impromptu performance of Tie Mole, a gentleman who has always been recognized, after hearing this wonderful answer. It seems that people who are honest in appearance are generally hungry, and this sentence really makes sense. Qin Zhao had a smirk on the surface, in order to cooperate with Tie Molei and the waitress who offered to come to the door to bargain. He stared at the glasses in his hand, and through the mirror image formed on the glasses, everything on the opposite road outside was covered by him. I can see clearly.

When Qin Zhao and the others waited for nearly four hours, a car came to the gate of the Sturgeon Club building. A Mercedes-Benz, Qin Zhao could tell at a glance that it was a Mercedes-Benz with bulletproof glass installed.

After the car stopped, two burly men with a height of about 1.8 meters, who were absolutely outstanding among Japanese, came down from the front. It seemed that there was a driver between them. After getting out of the car, the two looked around vigilantly before blocking the rear door. One of them bent down and opened the door.

The first to get out of the car was a girl. Through the lens, Qin Zhao can only see that she is young through the school uniform she is wearing, because Japanese students all have uniform student uniforms. He knew that in Japan, rich people can justly give a girl money to take care of her, and call it poverty alleviation. In fact, this is a unique system in Japan. However, in Japan, girls who are taken care of do not have any sense of shame for this practice. Because of the general trend, when the field is full of dogtail grass, who cares which rabbit gnaws one of them?

Just when the waiter and Tie Mole had negotiated the price for two people to play three times, and then turned around to urge Qin Zhao to do good things as soon as possible, the person Qin Zhao cared about finally got out of the car. It was an old man with white hair, not tall but with a fat figure. As soon as he got out of the car, he was caught in the middle by two bear-like bodyguards, followed by a female student who was about the same height as him. The three of them escorted him into the hall of the Sturgeon Club like stars.

"Okay, but we haven't eaten yet." Qin Zhao put his glasses on his face casually, and while perfunctory to the waiter, he thought: This is the Shaohong chief, and it really is in the information sent by Suning The same, short and fat as a ball... It's strange that this bird body can live for so long to harm Lao Tzu's family.

"We can do it while we eat." The waiter was very professional, and even proposed the excellent idea of ​​eating on the top and working on the bottom at the same time: "The pine nuts will make the two of you feel extremely delicious."

It turns out that your name is Songzi. If you were in China, you would be misunderstood as Songzi Guanyin. Qin Zhao smiled and nodded to express that he had no objection: "Hehe, Miss Songzi, let's go quickly, I'm a little, a little impatient..." When he looked at Tie Mole with a smile, the latter was also full of spring breeze, but his eyes were full of joy. It's as cold as ice...!

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