Could it be that this newspaper is really related to Secretary Qin? Li Dan didn't dare to take a closer look. It's not that Qin Zhao has an irresistible charm for her, but that she has long been accustomed to Qin Zhao's existence through the contact in the past few months, but now...

"Mr. Ye, Secretary Qin, is this what the newspaper said about him?" Under the nervousness, Li Dan couldn't express his words, and he didn't care about his status as a president or a secretary, so he opened his mouth and asked this sentence.

"It's definitely him, 100% can't be wrong." Ye Qingling suddenly smiled, that kind of wry smile that suddenly blows in a cold wind overnight, and thousands of trees and peach blossoms are wiped out. However, after laughing, she gradually became sober. The reason why she became obsessed just now is really because she was forced to instill the idea of ​​'Qin Zhao is your fiancé' since she was a child, which gave her the feeling of helplessness that a traditional woman feels after losing her husband. In addition, ten days ago, Qin Zhao's miraculous appearance when she was in the most danger made a qualitative change in her feelings towards him. So, when everything was going in a good direction, and suddenly saw his bad news, how could Ye Qingling accept it?

Interrupted by Fu Yi and Li Dan, Ye Qingling finally returned to reality. Looking at Fu Yi standing in front of the table, and then looking at the roses on the table, she bit her lip, reaching out to wipe away her tears without hesitation, and smiled palely: "Fu Yi, long time no see. Without waiting for Fu Yi to speak, she turned her head and told Li Dan: "Secretary Li, go make tea for Mr. Fu."

"Oh." Li Dan groaned, but her feet didn't move. She was still worried about Ye Qingling's current state. I thought to myself: What are you panicking about making tea for him? Seeing how you are crumbling now, can you make me feel relieved?

Sucking her nose hard, Ye Qingling smiled at Li Dan: "Go, go make tea for Mr. Fu, I, I'm fine." She understood that Li Dan was worried about her, so she didn't blame Li Dan for not To entertain guests, just tell her to do things on her own with a firmer tone.

After looking at Fu Yi with vigilant eyes, Li Dan reluctantly walked out. When she reached the door, she turned her head subconsciously, only to see Ye Qingling smiling at her, wryly. The moment Li Dan lowered his head, he saw the bunch of bright red roses on the table: the red is so coquettish, it really looks like what Zhang Ailing said, like a pool of mosquito blood!

Ye Qingling, who was sober, didn't feel anything wrong when facing Fu Yi's reluctantly smiling face. Only now did she know that that person, that person who might really not be in this world, although in most respects he could not compare with Fu Yi, who still showed an elegant demeanor even though he was dissatisfied, but now she believed that if both of them In front of her eyes, she would choose Qin Zhao without hesitation, instead of playing a game of red and white.

But, will God give her this chance?

"Fu Yi, please sit down. You are still the same as you were at school, and it is comfortable for girls to look at." Ye Qingling quickly adjusted her state back to the original state: "Please sit down." , thank you for coming to see me... I was embarrassed to lose my composure just now, so don't take it wrong."

"It's okay, we're old classmates, why are you still saying these kind words?" Fu Yi smiled slightly, and picked up the bunch of bright roses on the table: "For you, I hope you can be as beautiful as it every day. "

"Thank you for the flowers, and thank you for your words," Ye Qingling reached out to take the bouquet of roses, turned around and walked towards the vase by the wall. But the moment he turned around, his eyes dimmed and he remembered that person: It's been a long time, except for the morning glory he gave me on the night when Double Happiness had an accident, he never gave me flowers. In the future, there will be no chance again.

"This flower is very beautiful in full bloom, like you, really." How could Fu Yi, who had been staring at Ye Qingling, not see the gloom in her eyes? However, it is destined that he is not Qin Zhao's kind of person who has countless ways to make girls happy, but the kind who is favored by countless girls, so naturally he doesn't need to learn those tricks to make girls happy.

When the book is used, you will hate less, but when you speak, you will know how clumsy it is. Even after hesitating for a second, Fu Yi still had no choice but to say the old tune of being as beautiful as a flower.

"It's a pity that it will fail." Ye Qingling put the flowers in front of the vase, and took out a little lily inside, which she picked from the hospital's flower garden the night before she was discharged from the hospital. This seemingly inconspicuous little lily bloomed in the clear water without roots for three days, and Ye Qingling was reluctant to take it out, as if commemorating something. But at this time, a new rose was coming to replace the overblown lily, so she had to pull it out to make room for the red rose. Holding the lily in her hand, she whispered softly as if she was talking to herself, or asking Fu Yi: "Look, no matter how beautiful a flower is, does it have a day of blooming or failure?"

"I can replace it for you every day." Fu Yi blurted out, just when he was about to confess his love to Ye Qingling, he heard Li Dan's voice at the door: "Mr. Fu, please drink tea."

After abruptly taking back the words, Fu Yi turned around and took the teacup from Li Dan's tray: "Thank you." Watching Ye Qingling solemnly put the failed lily back into the vase, and Holding bright red roses together. That smear of ruined paleness is so conspicuous among all the beauties full of vitality, but it is so abrupt that people cannot help but pay attention to it.

Sometimes, perfection is defeated by imperfection.

After putting the tea on the desk for Ye Qingling again, Li Dan asked Ye Qingling softly who had made a chair from the vase: "Boss Ye, do you need anything else?" The voice paused and looked at the newspaper on the table Finally, he said in a lower voice: "Maybe, maybe what's said above is not true, or, or it's just a coincidence that happened to someone else."

"No need, you go out first. If you need anything, I'll call you again." Ye Qingling didn't answer Li Dan's comfort, but only looked at her with grateful eyes, and said in a low voice: " Don't say it outside, don't say it to anyone, understand?" She was worried that if this matter was known to passers-by, and then someone with ulterior motives told Song Pingxia who was still recovering from the operation, then... what the Qin family lost It is not necessarily a person. Although the fire can't be contained in the paper after all, it's just a matter of time. Maybe it's just like what Li Dan said, all this is just a coincidence that happened to someone else? This is Ye Qingling's greatest hope, for this hope, now she has the idea of ​​giving up everything.

Women, when deciding on one thing, there are very few times when they don't change. Only when she cared about a man wholeheartedly, she would proudly tell all men: They will never betray the man they love! As long as this man loves her with all his heart...

In the past, when drinking tea, whether it was the top-quality Tieguanyin worth a few thousand yuan or a few cents a pack of Huangshan Maofeng leftovers, Fu Yi would drink different tea leaves with different people, and she could feel the initial bitterness of the tea leaves. Later Gan. But at this moment today, when he drank Biluochun, which was absolutely priced at one or two thousand yuan, he could only taste the bitterness in his mouth, but he couldn't taste the slightest bit of sweetness.

After Li Dan went out, the two of them drank tea quietly with teacups, and neither of them spoke. The difference is that Fu Yi is looking at Ye Qingling, and Ye Qingling is looking at the newspaper on the table. After swallowing hard the bitterness in her mouth, Fu Yi finally spoke: "Qingling, that Qin Zhao you mentioned just now is your boyfriend?"

"No." Ye Qingling raised her eyes, shook her head naturally, and said without waiting for Fu Yi to ask any more questions, "It's my fiancé, who has been engaged for twenty-three years."

"Oh," Fu Yi snorted, holding the teacup in both hands, as if she was using its temperature to balance the fluctuations in her heart: "So, your engagement is the legendary baby kiss?" What's wrong with the world now, Still engaging in this set of old feudalism, is there any mistake!

"Is that right?" Ye Qingling was also a little hesitant. But what's the point? Maybe you come to send me flowers one day in advance, I will be very happy. Even if you express your affection and even love to me in front of him... I might give you a chance desperately, and that's all before seeing this news of course. Now, as for now, on the contrary, I finally understand that he is irreplaceable in my mind, whether he is still there or not.

"He, did something happen to him?" Fu Yi asked cautiously. In fact, he guessed a lot from Ye Qingling's loss of soul just now, the reason why he asked again like this is purely to pave the way for the next words.

"Ninety-nine percent sure." Ye Qingling put the teacup on the news picture and pressed it firmly, as if this would make this report never reported. She even wished that she had never had him in her heart, maybe that would not be so uncomfortable.

"Then you, what do you plan to do in the future?" Fu Yi finally asked this sentence. He also knew that now was not the best time to ask this question. It's like a widow of a dead man. Before his husband can rest in the grave, you run to the mourning hall and wink at him. Not only do you deserve to be beaten, but you are also immoral. But, for the sake of the upcoming investigation team of the Pearl, he had to do so.

"What should we do in the future?" Ye Qingling asked back. As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she understood what Fu Yi meant. There was nothing disgusting about it, let alone any luck of gaining or losing. Knowing that it was not a blessing, he just said: "I will talk about the future...Fu Yi, I'm sorry, it seems that I can't accompany you today, and there are still some things waiting for me to deal with."

How could someone as smart as Fu Yi not be able to tell that Ye Qingling was issuing an order to chase away guests? However, seeing Ye Qingling's current state and mood with his own eyes, he has no reason to blame her at all. He also understands that her fiancé just had an accident, so there must be a lot of funeral affairs to be done, and he doesn't know what to do at this time What to express, it is simply a stick.

As long as she calms down a little bit, can I, a living person, be no match for a dead person? Well, I have to buy a newspaper when I go back. Thinking of this, Fu Yi could only feel unwilling but stood up calmly: "Okay, I'll come to you when you're done with it. Oh, that's right..." She took out a A gold-plated business card that had been prepared long ago was placed on the side of the sofa and said: "If you need any help from me, please tell me directly. I am staying at the Guomao Hotel now."

Ye Qingling didn't even consider that he would stay in Qing Island for a few days, she just stood up from the chair, nodded apologetically at Fu Yi and said, "Thank you Fu Yi, I will let Li Dan take you down, I, I will I won't send you off."

Is this the eviction order?

Fu Yi smiled wryly, waved her hands and said, "No need, I'll just go by myself." After speaking, she turned around and walked out of the office.

"Fu Yi." Just as Fu Yi was about to open the door, Ye Qingling called him: "Fu Yi, thank you for your flower, although I like it very much, but I can't let it with red color by my side, hope you understand."

It turns out, it turns out that you can't tolerate that bouquet of roses occupying the place of lilies after all! Her body trembled, and with a deep sigh, Fu Yi nodded without turning around and said, "I understand."

Looking at the closed door, Ye Qingling couldn't bear it anymore and lay down on the table. The tears that had been suppressed for a long time dripped on the newspaper again, splashing light-colored tears one after another, whispering Sobbing, he pointed at the newspaper under his arm: "How good would it be if this was a dream? Wouldn't it be great if the second generation ancestor who I hate, resent, and ignorant is still standing in front of me at this moment and making me angry?"

Outside the window, the sky is as blue as an emerald, and several snow-white mushroom-like clouds are fixed in a certain place. Occasionally, a flock of pigeons with pigeon whistles on their feet will fly under the clouds, and there is a faint sound in the air. Humming, like someone shouting something in the distance.

"No." Ye Qingling, who was lying on her stomach with tears streaming down her face, suddenly raised her head from the table, wiped her tears with her backhand and said to herself, "I can't cry here all the time, I have to do something. Maybe, maybe Is the news above really just a coincidence as Li Dan said?" After speaking, he wiped the tears from his hands on the expensive plain white sweater a few times, picked up the phone and dialed the planner. He didn't know who the other party was on the phone, so he just said, "Let Minister Jing come to my office."

Since Jing Hongxue lives in Qin Zhao's house, she must know whether he has gone to Japan. Although when she asked her yesterday, she still pretended not to know, but through her calm eyes, Ye Qingling knew that she understood Qin Zhao far more than herself.

After Jing Hongxue returned to the planning department after the morning meeting, she first gave an overview of today's main tasks to her colleagues, and when she was about to make specific arrangements, the company internal phone next to Jin Ling rang. Jin Ling, who was looking down and thinking about something, didn't even look at it. She picked up the phone and asked, "Hi, I'm Jin Ling." Since the homophonic joke between Jin and Jing last time, Jin Ling never said her name when answering the phone. It's Vice Minister Jin of the planning department, and they always say their names directly.

"Let Minister Jing come to my office." The voice on the other end of the phone was cold, as if giving an order, and after saying such a simple sentence, the phone was disconnected.

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