"There is a gentleman named Fang Jiazhao, who he said is Secretary Qin's friend. He also said that he had called Secretary Qin, but he didn't get through, so he brought someone to the company. We have told him that Secretary Qin has been in the company for the past two days. He didn’t even come to the company to work, so I’ll trouble him to come back in a day, but, but he said that since Secretary Qin isn’t here, he should find you. But not only did he not make an appointment, but he was also quite determined to find you, “Not waiting for Ye Qing What did Ling ask, Xiao Wang first turned his back on the other party's name and purpose, and reported to Ye Qingling in a low voice: "I asked what's the matter, and he said that he was looking for Secretary Qin to work for his cousin. The man he brought . . . appeared to be a countryman,"

Fang Jiazhao and Ye Qingling had heard of this name and met him a few times, and knew that his father was the deputy head of Jincheng District. I and Qin Zhao also grew up together, which can be said to be his childhood. Since he is now the one who leads people to ask Qin Zhao for help, he has to sell him this face anyway, no matter whether Qin Zhao is still here or not.

In a company as big as the Tianhe Group, it is very normal for an acquaintance to arrange for someone to come in for a meal.

After listening to the customer service in front who made it clear who came and why she came here, Ye Qingling's disappointment was beyond words, and Jing Hongxue, who had been paying attention to her expression, sighed secretly.

Why she felt so sad after learning about Qin Zhao's accident, even more uncomfortable than when she heard about her brother Jing Hong's death, even she herself couldn't figure it out. Maybe, maybe it was because my first kiss was shamelessly taken away by someone? Or did she understand a lot through that time at the beach? Or did the living together these days make her unguarded against someone who had never opened the door of affection for anyone?

Although Jing Hongxue herself didn't know what position Qin Zhao held in her heart, she had the idea that if Qin Zhao could appear in front of her, she would be willing to do whatever she was asked to do, which is enough to explain.

Although Ye Qingling didn't dare to expect someone to bring her news of Qin Zhao at the beginning, after knowing that Fang Jiazhao was only using Qin Zhao's banner to find a job for his cousin, she felt very bored. Back on the chair. After shaking his head slightly, he changed his hand to only hold the microphone and ordered: "Take them to the Human Resources Department to find Minister Yu, and say that I asked them to arrange a job for Mr. Fang's cousin within their ability. I will call Minister Yu's. Well, that's it."

"Okay, Mr. Ye." Xiao Wang hung up the phone, buried his dislike of Fang Jiazhao and the two deeply in his heart, bent slightly, and said politely: "Mr. Fang, please follow me to the Human Resources Department One trip, and this, this..."

"My surname is Song, and my name is Song Yu. The beautiful man in history has the same name as me." Even though he looks ugly, with high cheekbones and a mustache, this dude's name is shocking enough. It has the same name as Song Yu in Pan An Song Yuzhong, a famous handsome man in history.

Looking at the self-proclaimed Song Yu who took off his glasses and exposed two swollen eyes, Xiao Wang despised him in his heart: Except for the same name as Brother Song, you have nothing to do with the word "beautiful man" ? What made Xiao Wang feel the chills the most was that when this Brother Song introduced himself, he used the name of a cultural person or the most pretending idiot. It's not over yet, as if he didn't see Xiao Wang frowning and avoiding him, brother Song Yu actually showed his yellow teeth to her, and invited her to play in his hometown as if offering a treasure: " Song’s family lives in Chengcheng County in the south of Hebei, which is next to Baotu Spring, the largest spring in the world. If you have spare time, can you choose a sunny day or two to go together, and let Song show the friendship of the landlord?”

After listening to Song Jun's words, Xiao Wang only felt cold all over, not only cold, but also sore. Glancing at Xiao Zhang and the others, they were holding back their laughter, holding their stomachs and bending over pretending to cough.

Out of respect for his profession, Xiao Wang had no choice but to smirk, trying not to let his eyes stay on Song Junzi. Although he said it would be embarrassing, his eyes were fixed on Fang Jiazhao behind Song Yu: "Fang Mister, would you please go to the Human Resources Department with Mr. Song and Mr. Song Yu, please?" Although the look in the back is a little bit, at least he is still a normal person, let's be more sensual, who will let the elder sister How could he be so showy that the vice district mayor's young master would be out of his wits?

Fang Jiazhao also seemed to be very helpless towards his sour cousin, resisting the urge to kick him, and said politely, "Then, there is a troublesome girl... Damn!" I rolled my eyes first, coughed loudly and said again: "Okay then, after my cousin's work is arranged, I will definitely thank you at the French restaurant, and please show me your face." Song Yu, who continued to show off his literary talents, pushed it, which meant that you should go quickly and stop embarrassing yourself here.

"Yo, the beauty has an appointment, hehe..." Amidst the titters of Xiao Zhang and the other customer service staff, Xiao Wang took the two of them to the elevator with a bitter face, cursing in his stomach as he walked: I rely on you! , the virtue of your beauty...

Minister Yu of the human resources department seems to have received Ye Qingling's instructions a long time ago. When Fang Jiazhao and Song Yugang were thrown 'in' by Xiao Wang and fled in a panic in her office, he originally wanted to arrange for Song Yu to save the face of Secretary Qin and Fang Jiazhao. The idea of ​​a better job was immediately struck by Song Yu's outstanding looks and elegant style of conversation.

Minister Yu resisted the idea of ​​throwing him out, and patiently listened to Song Yu's harangue for a long time, "My hometown is infinitely good, and I would like to invite Minister Yu to appreciate it when I have free time." ' After a polite voice, he nodded his head to express his thanks, and then asked Fang Jiazhao with a forced smile: "Mr. Let's use our strengths."

If he is sent to collect debts, with his eloquence and excellent appearance, he must be able to realize his maximum value, right? Minister Yu thought maliciously, but his face was full of spring breeze. No way, who told this 'handsome guy Song Yu' that Mr. Ye personally called and asked to arrange work?

"Specialty?" Hearing someone ask about his cousin's specialty, Fang Jiazhao was obviously taken aback. He looked at Song Yu carefully as if he didn't know Song Yu, his eyes were full of inquiries: In addition to dancing with guns and sticks, you also molested him. Girls don't blush when they play hooligans, what are their specialties?

"Hehe, it's fine to just enjoy the food, for example, look at the gate..." Song Yu seemed to feel that everyone in the company was too low-minded and couldn't understand his witty words. At this time, he decided to follow the ordinary words to communicate with these mortals. It may be because of the thought that the world is infinite, but it is a pity that there is no bosom friend, so the disappointment is all over Song Yu's face, shaking his head repeatedly is not an expression of disappointment in his heart, and it is because when standing in front of the minister's desk, he still uses his right foot The leather shoe, which definitely cost no more than 30 yuan, touched the ground gently and rhythmically.

What's wrong with this? Speak as you speak, and tremble. Minister Yu despised him greatly in his heart, and looked at Fang Jiazhao. After all, Fang Jiazhao is not only the son of Deputy District Chief Fang, but also a friend of Secretary Qin Zhaoqin. Seeking his opinion to arrange a suitable job for his cousin was also Mr. Ye's intention.

Damn, you are finally willing to stop rolling your tongue and speaking ancient Chinese.

Fang Jiazhao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Song Yu finally began to speak human words, looked at Song Yu with a smile in his eyes again, and then said to the minister: "My cousin is a big old man, and he used to work in the countryside. For several years, the militia company commander, apart from being good at punching and kicking, the only specialty may be that he eats a lot, I see, I see..." He looked at Song Yu again, which meant: just like you How about being a gatekeeper?

This kind of person can also be a militia company commander? Minister Yu thought in disbelief: Fortunately, this was not during the eight-year Anti-Japanese War, otherwise, all the militia company commanders would have perished long ago with this virtue. As for the big appetite is also a specialty, Minister Yu felt that Mr. Fang was also driven out of his mind by such a treasured relative, and even said this, this Song Yu's big appetite is a specialty, a big appetite, isn't it? The rice bucket is a pig. Looking at this Mr. Song Yu, he should belong to the latter. Not only is he a pig, but he is also a sour pig.

Without waiting for Song Yu to express anything, she directly picked up the phone and decided on the position for him: "Mr. Song, since you have the experience of being a militia company commander, what do you think of security work?"

"Okay, my childhood dream is to wear a neat military uniform, for the sake of the peace of the motherland and the safety of the people, to build a new Great Wall together with my comrades in arms with steel guns in hand," Song Yu happily agreed without waiting for Fang Jiazhao to ask again. Come down: "Although security work is not a soldier, it at least contains my lofty ideal of defending my family and the country. Well, I will be a security guard, and I will still be the one who stands on the front line. Just imagine, As long as I am there, all the little ones will retreat and run away, what a noble feeling it will be! Ah...Facing the eyes of people coming and going, it will definitely give others a great sense of security... ..."

That's enough, don't brag here, with your honor, especially the two mustaches and big yellow teeth, don't say there are any petty people, you are business customers, if you look at you standing At the door, you will definitely be scared and shy away. Minister Yu scorned Song Yu fiercely in his heart, and with a satisfied smile on his face, he called the Security Department: "Hello, Director Yang? I'm Yu Jing from the Human Resources Department. A new security guard came today. I'll ask him to find you in a while, and I'll trouble you to arrange a specific job for him... Well, okay, that's troublesome, for nothing."

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