"Hey, what's up with Song, Song?"

When Qin Zhao was sitting on the sofa in the corner of the hall, flipping through the magazines for guests to read, he heard Xiao Wang from customer service calling him from behind the customer service counter.

"Song Yu, a beautiful man who is as famous as Pan An in history, Song Yu of Pan An and Song Yu." Looking up, Qin Zhao put down the magazine and pulled his beard a few times with his hands, just like Guan Yunchang, feeling that he is quite a bit Although the beard is a little shorter and thinner, but next time you can change it to a slightly longer one and stick it on.

"Oh, it's Song Yu." Really blinded by the name, Xiao Wang shook his head and said regretfully, "Hey, what did Director Jiang call you for? Seeing that you will never stand outside again after you come back, Is there a new task for you? Where are you going to have lunch?"

You don't want to invite me to dinner, do you? Even with my face, my younger sister took the initiative to please me. It seems that whether a man is handsome or not depends not only on his face, but on his manners. Am I being polite? Qin Zhao lowered his head and looked at his security uniform. The newness is quite new, but the newness of the clothes should not have much to do with elegance, right?

"May I ask you, where do you have lunch?"

"Of course I went to eat at a fast food restaurant outside. They told me that it is the National Day holiday and the company cafeteria is closed." Maybe it was because he was too tired of pretending to be a civilized person, "My lord Song", Qin Zhao unknowingly used his usual Answering Xiao Wang's words with a tone of voice: "Why, you don't want to invite me to dinner, do you?"

"You're pretty good at climbing. I asked where you had dinner just because I wanted you to give me a share. I'm the only one on duty at the front desk today. What if there are guests when I go out to buy food? "If you are really as handsome as Song Yu, don't look at you as a security guard from the countryside, then the girls who treat you to dinner will have to line up from the company gate to the train station, where can I get my turn? Xiao Wang muttered in his heart.

I said, just relying on the glorious image that Fang Jiazhao designed, it's 100% annoying to girls. Fortunately, Ye Qingling and the others don't judge people by appearances, otherwise, my plan would definitely have a miscarriage. After realizing that Xiao Wang didn't intend to invite him to dinner at all, the enthusiasm on Qin Zhao's face immediately changed to simple and honest: "What to eat, I'll buy it for you."

"Hey, let's make do with it for lunch. Hmm... a few small steamed longan buns, you can take this lunch box and return a bowl of porridge." Xiao Wang took out a food bag from under the counter There is a stainless steel lunch box with a three-dollar coin on the outside food bag.

Qin Zhao looked down at his newly bought Nokia mobile phone worth 200 yuan. It was already 11:30, and it was indeed time for dinner. Alas, the good time of the morning was wasted reading magazines, boring, boring. Standing up slowly, he went to the counter and took the lunch box wrapped in a food bag, and pushed the three coins on the counter: "Isn't it just a small steamed bun for two yuan and a bowl of porridge? I invite you for a meal."

Depend on! If I said earlier that you invited me, I would have to order some stir-fried vegetables. How embarrassing to say that, but Xiao Wang took the three coins back.

"We are all colleagues. Colleagues are a family. You just treat me as your brother. Why should my sister be ashamed of eating my brother's money?" Qin Zhao glanced at the three coins that Xiao Wang took back, thinking : You are the master of climbing along the pole. After hearing that my brother and I treated guests to dinner, you must regret not ordering a stir-fried dish such as 'Beijing Sauce Shredded Pork', right?

The devil is willing to treat you as a brother. With a brother like you, why can't even I be married? Xiao Wang giggled, nodded and was about to say yes, but unfortunately, when you are not my brother, Director Jiang from the Security Department led a woman through the glass door of the lobby and walked in. Although the front desk belongs to the logistics department, every time Xiao Wang sees those people with long names behind their names enter the door, Xiao Wang will respectfully and sweetly say hello: "Chu Jiang (someone) is back."

"Well," Director Jiang walked over, and nodded to Qin Zhao who was standing aside, expressing that he was really optimistic about his future job prospects, and then said to Xiao Wang: "Xiao Wang, the person behind It's Miss Li. She's the bodyguard I invited for Mr. Ye, and when she comes to the company again, she doesn't need to register here."


Xiao Wang and Qin Zhao were taken aback.

It seems that people like bodyguards have only been seen on TV, right? When did Mr. Ye think of hiring bodyguards? If it weren't for Li Moyu's self-introduction, she would only think of Li Moyu's identity as a movie star or a model, but she would never have thought that such a beautiful woman with all kinds of charms could be a bodyguard.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Li Moyu. Silent Mo, Yu Yu. I will be a member of Tianhe Company in the future, please take care of me." Just when Xiao Wang was stunned and Qin Zhao was puzzled, this man named Li Moyu The woman came out from behind Chief Jiang and stretched out her hand to Xiao Wang.

"Ah," Xiao Wang's eyes moved away from her charming face, which could be said to be full of charming and charming smiles in the flowing eyes, after seeing someone stretching out her hand, and hurriedly He stretched out his hand and shook him lightly: "My name is Wang Xiaoxin, and I am the customer service of the company. You can call me Xiao Wang. If you need help in the future, feel free to tell me. You're welcome."

Li Moyu's hands are slender and soft, white and smooth, no matter how you look at them, you can't connect them with the hands of those bodyguards wielding knives and guns. Especially the pair of eyes on the face that always seem to have a pool of water flowing can completely reproduce what it means to look back and smile Bai Meisheng.

Such a beautiful girl also likes to be a bodyguard? Seeing Li Moyu's curvy figure of nearly 1.7 meters wrapped in a black professional suit, Xiao Wang's eyes were full of envy. Stunner, oh stunner, I'm so out of my mind after seeing it, if that, that Song Yu sees her, will she be unable to breathe immediately? Thinking of this, he quietly turned his head to look at Song Yu who was shaking hands with Li Moyu with a humble smile on his face.

"Hello, Li Moyu. From now on, I will be Mr. Ye's personal bodyguard, which is the same as your security profession but different." When Li Moyu introduced himself to Qin Zhao, his elegant conversation won the favor of everyone present. The reason why he was so polite to a customer service person at the front desk and an ordinary security guard was because Li Moyu was well versed in the truth that "the hell is easy to see, but the little devil is hard to deal with". After being hired by Director Jiang as the president's bodyguard, she will have to pass the door and the front desk every day from now on, right? It is much better to have a good relationship with these employees at the bottom than to be stopped by security to ask who you are, or stopped by customer service to register.

"My humble Song Yu, Pan An Songyu's Song Yu. In the future, I will be Mr. Ye's super bodyguard. Not only do we have the same occupation, but we are also destined to follow the same path in the future, hehe." Qin Zhao's smiling eyes were full of thieves Under the cover of brown glasses, he unscrupulously looked at the highest point of Li Moyu's body. When Li Moyu 'actively' pulled back her hand, she felt a callus on the second joint of her index finger.

The calluses on the second joint of the index finger of the right hand can only explain one situation, that is, such marks can only be left when the trigger is pulled countless times. When Qin Zhao shook hands with her just now, he also clearly felt the inner side of the other's index finger rub against the second joint of his index finger. I believe that Li Moyu is also doubting himself in his heart, why does a security guard have the opportunity to touch the gun for a long time.

Although bodyguards are a high-risk job, and many bodyguards also have gun certificates, if there is no five years of hard training to pull the trigger, it is absolutely impossible to leave this kind of callus, unless the other party has History of being a shooter.

When Qin Zhao doubted Li Moyu's origin, Li Moyu also questioned the origin of this guy with a nice name and a disgusting appearance: How could a security guard who can be called ugly have a pair of hands holding a gun?

Qin Zhao and Li Moyu looked at each other again, and then smiled at the same time, everything was kept silent.

"Song, Song Yu, what did you just say?" When Qin Zhao introduced Li Moyu to him as Mr. Ye's super bodyguard, Xiao Wang wondered if he had misheard, so he asked again.

"I said I'm Mr. Ye's super bodyguard."

Super bodyguard? After carefully listening to Qin Zhao's repetition, Xiao Wang still looked at Director Jiang with disbelief on his face: "Isn't he a security guard? How did he become a bodyguard? And he's super." Then he turned to Li Moyu, then It means: Aren't you the bodyguard of Mr. Ye? Why is he also President Ye's bodyguard?

"Hey, since Mr. Ye has a female bodyguard, of course he must also have a male bodyguard." Qin Zhao replied triumphantly.

cut! Xiao Wang cut his mouth and thought: Is there no one in Qing Island? Mr. Ye actually hired someone like you to be his bodyguard? If it's okay to let him grit his teeth and frighten people during the day, it's up to others to frighten him at night.

"Hehe, that's how it is." Director Jiang smiled triumphantly, and explained, "Miss Li is Mr. Ye's personal bodyguard. As for Song Yu, Mr. Ye asked him to take care of Chairman Qin's house temporarily. Since he is an employee of the company and also works part-time as a housekeeper, he must be a super bodyguard!" Director Jiang was very satisfied with the officer he had bestowed on Qin Zhao, and after speaking, he looked at Xiao Wang who had suddenly realized, and said again. After chuckling a few times, he said to Li Moyu: "From now on, you will be colleagues, and you came together for the better development of the company. You need to find opportunities to get closer."

There is such a person among the security guards in the Tianhe Group? Although this Song Yu doesn't look good, he should be an expert with a gun. Ye Qingling is not stupid, to find someone to watch the night at Qin's house so quickly. Well, I have to find someone to investigate the origin of this person carefully, so as not to run into trouble. Li Moyu had a good deal in mind, and he nodded modestly in response to Director Jiang's words: "I will definitely establish a good relationship with my colleagues with Mr. Song."

"Hey, that's that, and I will definitely have a good relationship with Ms. Li." When he said these three words, Qin Zhao not only had a wretched face, but even when he spoke, his expression The brown glasses stared firmly at Li Moyu.

It's really embarrassing for Tianhe. Seeing Qin Zhao staring at the beautiful woman so upright, Xiao Wang despised him in his heart, and just wanted to kick him secretly to remind him to pay attention to his demeanor, but he accidentally found that behind the glasses. There was a sharp and indifferent cold light in the eyes.

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